most of the summer oor Katalaans

most of the summer

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Huttunen made the most of the summer and the peace and quiet.
historicoarquitectònic i ambiental , Magatzems Jorba , de ManresaLiterature Literature
If we find a place I’ll probably be here most of the summer.”
És la mateixa un altre copLiterature Literature
Forests cover the lower parts of the mountains (below 500 metres), but near the summits, the snow can stay most of the summer.
Demà moriran, esquarteratsWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the spring of 1711, Swedish light infantry had already started harassing operations, and a naval blockade had been place for most of the summer.
El nostre emperador vol a aquesta noia, i jo la aconseguiréWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Like most of the Summer Palace, the Long Corridor was severely damaged by fire which Anglo-French allied forces laid in 1860 during the Second Opium War.
que s ' indiquen a continuació :WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the summer of 2010 issue, Interfolk magazine has said about the Vilanova festival: "one of most important appointments of the musical summer in Spain.
Se' m fa estrany veure tots els teus homes juntsWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Most of the colleges held summer dances to celebrate the end of exams.
Em sento normal... treballantLiterature Literature
We’d made most of the trip, that summer, without putting up the car hood at all.
Aguas Termales Nagano, JAPÓNLiterature Literature
In Turkey – one of the most fashionable summer destinations in the world.’
Tutelat avançatLiterature Literature
Most of the names weren’t actually summer names, but they were names that had some kind of connection to summer.
del nucli urbà .Literature Literature
Most cases of herpangina occur in the summer, affecting mostly children.
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It has been one of the country's most popular places for holidays and summer homes since the arrival of the Kendal and Windermere Railway's branch line in 1847.
El Tribunal Constitucional , per provisió de 15 de setembre actual , ha admès a tràmit la qüestió d ’ inconstitucionalitat número 3730 / 98 , plantejada per la Secció Cinquena de la Sala Contenciosa Administrativa del Tribunal Superior de Justícia de Catalunya , en relació amb l ’ art .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
After collaborating in La Parodia Nacional (1996 and 1997) and receiving different awards for the best television program on Antena 3 together with Constantino Romero, in 1997 he presented first-rate videos, being one of the most watched during the summer.
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Hot summer days are tempered by the low relative humidity and cooler evenings during summer months since, for most of the state, the highest diurnal difference in temperature is often in the summer.
centre docent privat Jesús i Maria , de Barcelona , en peticióWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Most of the maintenance is undertaken during the summer.
¿ Veritat Harry?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the summer sun, on the longest and most beautiful day of the year.
Configurant el & kexiLiterature Literature
In the summers, my family moved up to Cape Cod, and most of the time I sailed.
Jo només tinc un desigLiterature Literature
After poor ratings during its first season, the series gained popularity during the summer of 1991, when Fox aired a special "summer season" of the show while most other series were in reruns.
Per enganxar una variable d' entorn, primer n' haureu d' haver tallat o copiat una al portapapers. Una vegada fet això l' opció enganxa restarà habilitada. Llavores seleccioneu la carpeta Variables. Finalment, seleccioneu Edita EnganxaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
During the summer of 1864, Tadema met Ernest Gambart, the most influential print publisher and art dealer of the period.
Si premeu aquest botó s' ajustarà l' equació de l' esquerraWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The machine was operational by the summer, providing the UofT with one of the most powerful computers in the world.
Decret 329 / 1983 , de 7 de juliol , d ' aprovació del reglament que laWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I’ve just been through the loneliest, most wretched summer of my life.
Que el que no sabem és si hi podem arribarLiterature Literature
Most of these rituals were established at the 1920 Summer Olympics in Antwerp.
comerç internacional , amb 2 grups amb capacitat per a 60 llocsWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Most of these animals forage on rangeland in the summer, with supplemental feed in the winter.
Llista simpleWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
By the summer of 1985, Shultz had personally selected most of the Department's senior officials, emphasizing professional over political credentials in the process.
Alternant entre disposicions de vistesWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It is thanks to this new way of doing journalism, what Cárdenas is worth to be a point of reference in programs like Sal y pimienta and No estamos locos between 1994 and 1997 in the regional channels and that same year he returns to TVE to drive, along with Alonso Caparrós and Asunción Embodies the program Videos de Primera becoming the most watched program of the summer on national television.
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