on the way oor Katalaans

on the way

adjektief, bywoord
(idiomatic) coming, approaching

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans

de camí

We're going to be spending a lot of time together on the way to Meereen.
Passarem molt de temps plegats de camí a Meereen.

en el camí

I don't have much time, so I'm going to show you how to get the next piece of the plan and explain on the way.
No tinc gaire temps, així que t'ensenyaré com obtenir la següent peça del pla i ho explicaré en el camí.

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well on the way
pel bon camí
one way or the other
d’una manera o una altra


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Then he rushed into Svedberg’s office, collecting Martinson on the way.
Després es va precipitar al despatx de Svedberg i va recollir Martinson pel camí.Literature Literature
His body was on the way to Jämtland, but his mind was in an entirely different place.
El seu cos anava de camí cap al Jämtland, però la seva ment era en un lloc que no hi tenia res a veure.Literature Literature
I’ve never told Sarah this: that he went to Fulham first, on the way back.
Això no ho he dit mai a la Sarah: que primer va anar a Fulham, quan tornava.Literature Literature
'No, I don't really understand why they carry on the way they do.
No, jo no entenc de veritat per què es comporten així.Literature Literature
Isaak was on the way, she told him, and offered a coffee.
L’Isaak estava de camí, li va explicar, i li va oferir un cafè.Literature Literature
Grab your things, we’ll drive back to Portland and grab some lunch on the way.
Recull les teves coses, que et porto fins a Portland i dinarem una mica pel camí.Literature Literature
One night on the way home from the bath he beckoned to me from behind a trash barrel
Un dia, sortint del bany, ell em va cridar, amagat darrera la galleda de les escombraries:OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He also stopped there on the way back to Spain.
Aquell mateix any va debutar a la Volta a Espanya.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
‘Jeez, so there’s another fantastic Oslo agreement on the way, then?’
—Hòstia, o sigui que s’acosta un altre fantàstic acord d’Oslo, llavors?Literature Literature
She stopped by Joharran's home on the way back and asked Proleva if she knew where Jondalar was.
Es va aturar a casa d’en Joharran i va preguntar a la Proleva si sabia on era en Jondalar.Literature Literature
On the way to the airport, Camille called Louis to tell him the news.
Durant el trajecte cap a l’aeroport, Camille va trucar a Louis i li va comunicar el seu descobriment.Literature Literature
But on the way back, Mommy meets his former comrades.
Per dur a terme la seva tasca, Jimmy reuneix als seus vells companys de colla.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Primitive recursive functions form an important building block on the way to a full formalization of computability.
En Teoria de la computabilitat, les funcions recursives primitives són una classe de funcions que formen un bloc important per la formalització completa de la computabilitat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On the way where?
De camí a on?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
On the way, Toucas took a call, mostly listening.
De camí, en Toucas va rebre una trucada, durant la qual va estar escoltant la major part del temps.Literature Literature
I stopped in Heidelberg for two days on the way down, to see my former husband.'
Em vaig parar a Heidelberg dos dies quan venia cap a Venècia, per veure el meu ex-marit.Literature Literature
He had visited the gym on the way home and been the last to leave.
Abans de tornar a casa, havia passat pel gimnàs i havia estat l’últim de sortir-ne.Literature Literature
They didn’t discuss Lilian’s story on the way back to the station.
No van parlar de la invenció de la Lilian mentre tornaven a la comissaria.Literature Literature
On the way ... Would Leo be taking him to the smelter if he were still suspicious?
En camí... L’hauria Leo portat a la foneria, si tingués alguna sospita?Literature Literature
‘You can take these to the dry-cleaners on the way to work tomorrow.’
Pots portar això a la tintoreria demà de camí a la feina.Literature Literature
However, he was struck down by another attack of malaria on the way.
Però pel camí va tenir un altre atac de malària.Literature Literature
On the way home, Tom drove faster than usual.
Tornant cap a casa, en Tom va conduir més de pressa que de costum.Literature Literature
Barny, stop at the bar and have a drink with me on the way out.
Barny, passa pel bar i pren-te una copa amb mi quan surtis, eh?Literature Literature
We stopped there on the way to the hospital.
Ens hi vam aturar abans d’anar a l’hospital.Literature Literature
As Wilks grumbled on the way home, it was like hunting ghosts, and even Fellows was glum.
Tal com deia Wilks, queixós en tornar a casa, era com caçar fantasmes, i fins i tot Fellows estava ombrívol.Literature Literature
7206 sinne gevind in 140 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.