outside door oor Katalaans

outside door

a doorway that allows entrance to or exit from a building

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans

porta exterior

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Someone knocked on the outside door and Hibbard shuddered as if to clear his head.
Algú va trucar a la porta i en Hibbard va bellugar el cap com si se’l volgués aclarir.Literature Literature
From the outside door, secretly and looking around He cautiously, the story-teller comes in.
Per la porteta de darrere, d’amagat i mirant al seu voltant amb cautela, ha entrat el coblaire.Literature Literature
The outside door was still barred.
La porta exterior encara era barrada.Literature Literature
“I’ll stand outside, door open.”
—Esperaré fora, amb la porta oberta.Literature Literature
That’s why this big rush, maybe why the outside door is still open.”
Per això tenia tanta pressa, potser per això s’ha deixat oberta la porta de l’apartament.Literature Literature
He could see both the outside door and the chimney.
Des d'allà veia la porta de fora i la xemeneia.Literature Literature
He was connecting the electric wires to a Christmas light, to attach to the outside door.
Connectava en paral·lel fils elèctrics d’uns llums de Nadal, per penjar al portal.Literature Literature
As they approached the outside door to Block B, Grens stopped and waited for her.
S’apropaven a la porta exterior del primer pis de l’Edifici B quan en Grens es va aturar per esperar-la.Literature Literature
As my key clicked in the outside door, I heard the phone ringing.
Mentre la clau feia clic al pany de la porta principal, vaig sentir que sonava el telèfon.Literature Literature
I propped her against the wall in the basement and shuffled through the dark towards the outside door.
La vaig recolzar contra la paret del soterrani i vaig anar en la fosca cap a la porta de fora.Literature Literature
Miss Prestjan, my teacher, was already playing the harmonium when I opened the outside door.
La mestra, la Rut Prestjan, ja estava tocant l’harmònium quan vaig obrir la porta de l’escola.Literature Literature
Same combination for the lock on the outside door.”
La mateixa combinació obre el cadenat de la porta de fora.Literature Literature
In total, thirteen outside doors facilitate access and entrance to the theatre.
En total, a l'exterior tretze portes facilitaven l'accés i evacuació dels assistents al teatre.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
She hears the outside door open, and he switches the light on.
Just en aquest instant se sent la porta exterior, que s’obre, i ell encén el llum.Literature Literature
And she had her own key, and one to the outside door as well, which had a different lock.
A més, ella en tenia una clau, i també una altra de la porta exterior, que tenia un pany diferent.Literature Literature
Betty followed him out of the room and a moment later they heard the slam of the outside door.
Betty el seguí fora de l’habitació, i al cap d’un moment se sentí el cop de la porta de sortida.Literature Literature
The outside door opens, a freezing wind enters and we are naked and cover ourselves up with our arms.
La porta dóna a l’exterior, entra un vent glaçat i nosaltres estem despullats i ens tapem el ventre amb els braços.Literature Literature
‘This won’t be easy,’ Halvorsen declared once they had taken a closer look at the solid lock on the outside door.
—Això no serà fàcil —va declarar en Halvorsen un cop van haver examinat el pany sòlid de la porta de fora.Literature Literature
The outside door had been left open, and Captain Nemo closed it as soon as we had entered the first cell.
La porta exterior havia romàs oberta, i el capità Nemo la tancà, tan bon punt vàrem penetrar a la primera cel·la.Literature Literature
'This won't be easy,' Halvorsen declared once they had taken a closer look at the solid lock on the outside door.
—Això no serà fàcil —va declarar en Halvorsen un cop van haver examinat el pany sòlid de la porta de fora.Literature Literature
The police said that Johansen smashed the glass in the outside door and killed him as he was sleeping in his own bed.'
La policia va dir que en Johansen va trencar el vidre de la porta de fora i el va matar mentre dormia al seu llit.Literature Literature
Tom looked away from him, heard the rustle of doors outside—the restaurant car doors—and then a welcome two knocks.
Tom n’allunyà la mirada en sentir el cop d’una porta, a fora (la porta del restaurant), i tot seguit dos copets beneïts.Literature Literature
Getting up on the cars in the early wintry morning outside the door of the castle.
Pujar als cotxes, de bon matinet, en el vent, a davant de la porta del castell.Literature Literature
The uniformed patrolman was outside the door and all the others had left.
El policia d'uniforme s'havia quedat a la porta i tots els altres se n'havien anat.Literature Literature
Outside Patrik’s door, he hesitated.
Davant la porta del despatx d'en Patrik, va dubtar.Literature Literature
626 sinne gevind in 33 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.