piece of music oor Katalaans

piece of music

a musical work that has been created; "the composition is written in four movements"

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I mean, I can see a piece of music if it' s put in front of me
Puc entendre qualsevol peça musical
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peça musical

I mean, I can see a piece of music if it' s put in front of me
Puc entendre qualsevol peça musical
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The announcer was introducing a piece of music.
El locutor anunciava una peça musical.Literature Literature
Vinteuil had spoken to my father in connection with the piece of music.
Em vaig recordar que eren les paraules que el senyor Vinteuil havia dit al meu pare a propòsit del fragment de música.Literature Literature
A piece of music I believe to be amongst the most beautiful ever written.
Una peça musical que encara em sembla una de les més boniques que mai s'hagin escrit.Literature Literature
Each side of the album is a continuous piece of music.
Cada cara de l'àlbum constitueix una peça contínua de música.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Running is an art, he said, like painting a picture or composing a piece of music.
Córrer és un art, com pintar un quadre o compondre una peça de música.Literature Literature
And this is a six- year- old child composing a piece of music for a 32- piece orchestra.
I aquest es un nen de sis anys composant una peça de música per una orquestra de 32 components.QED QED
Finally, the circus band had found its way beyond the beginning of the repeated piece of music.
Finalment, la banda del circ havia superat el principi de la peça de música que havia repetit.Literature Literature
Together with "Guantanamera", it is arguably the most famous piece of music created by a Cuban musician.
Juntament amb "Guantanamera", és una de les peces musicals més famoses creades mai per un músic cubà.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Glass has praised Bowie's gift for creating "fairly complex pieces of music, masquerading as simple pieces".
Glass va elogiar Bowie i la seva facilitat per crear «peces de música bastant complexes, emmascarades com a peces senzilles».WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The aria therefore was the first piece of music to be broadcast on radio.
L'ària, per tant, fou la primera peça de música retransmesa per ràdio.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Suskin singled out "Days and Days" for especial praise, calling it "a staggering piece of musical theatre writing".
Suskin destaca “Days and Days”, dient que és una “peça sorprenent de teatre musical”.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I mean, I can see a piece of music if it' s put in front of me
Puc entendre qualsevol peça musicalopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
This piece of music is used as a leitmotif, symbolizing Chipping's love for her.
La cançó serà utilitzada com un leivmotiv, que simbolitza l'amor que Chipping sent per ella.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Rather than customizing the playback chip with a piece of music, could it be customized with spoken words?
En lloc de personalitzar el xip reproductor amb una peça de música, es podia personalitzar amb unes paraules?Literature Literature
‘I want you to listen to a piece of music,’ I said, pulling out the MP3 player.
—Vull que escoltis una peça de música —vaig dir traient el reproductor d’MP3—.Literature Literature
It had a name on it—I thought it was just a piece of music.’
Hi havia un nom sobre el disc... Vaig creure que no era més que una peça musical —va exclamar Rogers.Literature Literature
This piece of music was not new in Europe.
Aquesta peça de música no era pas nova a Alemanya.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Others used existing pieces of music by a variety of composers, chosen and arranged by Cortesi.
Altres van utilitzar peces de música existents per diversos compositors, escollits i organitzats per Cortesi.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Through the front window you could see a piece of music titled ‘Beautiful Ohio’ sitting on the music-rest.
Per la finestra del davant es podia veure una peça de música titulada Ohio formós, en un faristol.Literature Literature
The Love Theme from the same game has been used as an instructional piece of music in Japanese schools.
El Love Theme d'aquest mateix joc ha estat usat com peça educativa musical en les escoles japoneses.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The band listened to and voted on each track, and whittled the material down to about 27 pieces of music.
La banda va escoltar tot el que havien gravat i van fer una votació sobre cadascuna de les diferents pistes, garbellant el material fins a arribar a tenir una selecció de 27 temes.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Besides five (possibly six) pieces of music surviving to his name, he was also the author of a treatise on tuning.
A més de cinc (possiblement sis) peces de música que sobreviuen al seu nom, també va ser autor d'un tractat sobre sintonia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This is why: The year before, at a soirée, he had heard a piece of music played on piano and violin.
Heus aquí per què: L’any anterior, en una vetllada, havia sentit una obra musical per piano i violí.Literature Literature
Lassus often preferred cyclic madrigals, i.e. settings of multiple poems in a group as a set of related pieces of music.
Lasso sovint preferí els madrigals cíclics, és a dir, sèries de múltiples poemes en un grup d'obres musicals relacionades entre si.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
First a piece of music for the piano and putorino—just the spirit voice, very ethereal—and then piano and singing.
Primer una peça per a piano i putorino (només la veu dels esperits, molt etèria) i després piano i veu.Literature Literature
214 sinne gevind in 19 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.