poker oor Katalaans


A metal rod, generally of wrought iron, for adjusting the burning logs or coals in a fire; a firestick. [from earlier 16th c.]

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans


card game
Your poker face isn't much better than mine, Oliver.
La teva cara de pòquer no és pas millor que la meva, Oliver.


family of card games
Your poker face isn't much better than mine, Oliver.
La teva cara de pòquer no és pas millor que la meva, Oliver.


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Open Multilingual Wordnet

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Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans

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Soortgelyke frases

stove poker
impassible · inexpressiu
poker player
jugador de pòquer
poker game
poker face
cara de pòquer


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
If he had died before Sally Poker’s graduation, she thought she would have died herself.
general en el traçat del carrer Pintor Casas , promogut i tramèsLiterature Literature
" Hunting is as much a game as stud poker... only the limits are higher. "
Vista la proposta de la Ponència Tècnica i d ' acord amb elsQED QED
Better to keep a poker face, I decided, and not let him know how very much that was.
De conformitat amb el que disposa l ’ article 23 de l ’ Estatut dels treballadors , amb la finalitat de facil itar la seva formació i promoció professional , el personal afectat per aquest conveni té dret a veure facilitada la realització d ’ estudis per a l ’ obtenció de títols acadèmics o professionals , la realització de cursos de perfeccionament professional i l ’ accés a cursos de reconversió i capacitacióprofessional organitzats per l ’ administració pública .Literature Literature
What is the meaning of this little four-letter word we shake out of our minds like poker-dice — love?’
Ctrl; Maj; B Finestra Separa la pestanya actualLiterature Literature
I observed your maneuvers with the poker.
Presenta un diàleg que ofereix una varietat d' opcions de majúscules/minúscules per al text seleccionatLiterature Literature
So he went to Martin’s joint where there was a poker game and fixed himself up an alibi.”
Vull canviar el & mode del control remotLiterature Literature
"""Damnedest thing, I was at a poker session at Bill's Friday night."
públics que imparteixen educació infantil i primària .Literature Literature
"Artist's Fame Is Fleeting, But Dog Poker Is Forever".
Copia el text seleccionat al portapapers de manera que es pugui enganxar a on se vulgui. El portapapers és una característica de & kde; que funciona de manera transparent per a proveir una manera de transferir dades entre aplicacionsWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
However, the foundation of memetics in its full modern incarnation originated in the publication in 1996 of two books by authors outside the academic mainstream: Virus of the Mind: The New Science of the Meme by former Microsoft executive turned motivational speaker and professional poker-player, Richard Brodie, and Thought Contagion: How Belief Spreads Through Society by Aaron Lynch, a mathematician and philosopher who worked for many years as an engineer at Fermilab.
No pretendrà que acusem al baró de l' assassinat del seu germà?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
You send a car back there and pick up everyone in that poker game.”
El seu equipatge ja està al cotxeLiterature Literature
He didn’t feel entirely safe stepping up to the raging monster to untie it, but if Poker thought...
Us he d' ensenyar també per dins?Literature Literature
During the Vietnam War she lived as a poker player on Soi Cowboy.”
Pràcticament cadascun dels ítems al & kmenu;, a l' escriptori i al plafó està associat a un fitxer. desktop del disc. El fitxer. desktop especifica quina icona mostrar, informació quant al que aquesta representarà (una aplicació, un dispositiu o una & URL;). Podeu arrossegar i deixar qualsevol fitxer. desktop cap al plafó per a crear un botó d' inici ràpidLiterature Literature
In 2011, she won $50,000 when she finished second in the World Poker Tour celebrity invitational tournament.
En vista que el seu ànim s’ ha tornat tan seglar, torno a l’ esglésiaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
«I read in Time the other day that you were a good poker player».
Serveis d' informació de músicaLiterature Literature
At the time, he said he was in sales, worked the casinos, and loved to play poker.
Educació infantil : 6 unitats de parvulari amb capacitat per a 140 llocsLiterature Literature
“All poker players are different, so what you have to do is spot the differences.
Oh, sempre em van agradar Les diapositivesLiterature Literature
Poker players and bankers know.
qual s ' aproven la forma i els terminis per a la presentació de lesLiterature Literature
We play poker almost every week.”
Color de fonsNameLiterature Literature
It was a poker game where lives were at stake, and everyone seemed to be able to see their opponent’s cards.
Pinces de tub d' assaigLiterature Literature
Fishman said nothing, but the guy would not have made a great poker player.
imparteixen ensenyaments de règim general no universitaris i el DecretLiterature Literature
Ashmeade gave me one of his poker-face looks.
Quina mala sortLiterature Literature
Games with winnings and a capital G: casino, poker, horse racing . . .
portarà a terme els tràmits necessaris per a l ' efectivitat de totLiterature Literature
‘He also taught me how to cheat at poker.’
Ja us faria creure jo, jaLiterature Literature
I played poker last night at the apartment of a man named Bill Baxter, on East Seventy-eighth street, Manhattan.
Subministra una caixa de diàleg on hi podeu introduir el vostre nom, adreça de correu electrònic i una breu descripció del documentLiterature Literature
She’s holding two poker chips, one colored red and one colored blue.
Execució dobleLiterature Literature
201 sinne gevind in 23 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.