porridge oor Katalaans


/ˈpɒɹɪdʒ/ naamwoord
A type of thick soup or stew, especially thickened with barley.

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A hot breakfast cereal dish made from oatmeal, milk and, or water heated and stirred until thick.
A week after that, she came down with porridge plague.
Una setmana després d'això va patir la pesta de les farinetes.





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“Hareton, you will not eat your porridge tonight; there will be nothing but bad lumps as big as my fist.
Hareton, aquesta nit no soparàs pas porridge, no hi haurà més que grumolls grossos com punys.Literature Literature
We would eat quickly, drink some porridge or tea, and walk back to school.
Ens les menjaríem de pressa, acompanyades de farinetes o te i tornaríem a peu a l’institut.Literature Literature
Grigori was hungry—he had left his porridge on the fire—and he asked for some soup.
Grigori es va adonar que tenia gana, havia deixat les farinetes al foc, i va demanar una sopa.Literature Literature
She had only dug a river down the middle of her porridge, filled it, and was eating the banks away.
Només havia excavat per fer un riu al mig de les farinetes, l’havia omplert, i ara es menjava els marges.Literature Literature
No wonder they are hanging over my black sweatpants like porridge.
No m’estranya que em pengin pel damunt de la cintura elàstica dels pantalons de xandall com si fossin farinetes.Literature Literature
When he was small, she’d washed him, dressed him, spoon-fed him porridge.
De petit l’havia rentat, l’havia vestit, li posava cullerades de farinetes a la boca.Literature Literature
He thought to himself that he would buy some porridge and pickled haggis the next time he happened to pass a shop.
Va pensar que compraria flocs de civada i slátur[4] la propera vegada que passés a prop d’una botiga.Literature Literature
And indeed, after a breakfast of porridge, armed guards take us to court.
I, efectivament, després d’esmorzar amb farinetes, uns guàrdies armats ens porten a judici.Literature Literature
I like this version the best, because some of the boys are older and some are younger, and to me, this one, like Goldilocks's porridge, is just right.
Aquesta és la versió que m'agrada més, perquè alguns dels nois són més grans i alguns són més joves i per a mi, aquest, com les farinetes de rínxols d'or, és la correcta.ted2019 ted2019
“If I do, will you eat a bowl of porridge?”
—Si ho faig, et menjaràs un bol de farinetes?Literature Literature
He fell asleep and dreamed, and when he awoke, he ate more of Misa’s porridge and fell asleep again.
Dormia i somiava, i quan es despertava tornava a menjar més arròs, i es tornava a adormir.Literature Literature
Qhorin could have killed me as easy as you eat a bowl of porridge.”
En Qhorin em podia haver matat tan fàcilment com et menges un bol de farinetes de civada.Literature Literature
(Rezia would learn to cook porridge.)
(La Rezia aprendria a fer farinetes).Literature Literature
Because the nannies are English, their breakfast is English and there is always porridge and toast.
Com que les mainaderes eren angleses, prenien un esmorzar anglès a base de torrades i farinetes de civada.Literature Literature
“Salt fish and porridge, but there’s plenty of it,” he said.
—Només peix salat i farinetes, però n’hi ha molta quantitat —va contestar ell.Literature Literature
It bounced off a hanging tapestry, and left a smear of porridge upon a white silk moon.
Va rebotar en un tapís penjat a la paret, i va deixar una taca de farinetes en una lluna de seda blanca—.Literature Literature
After a breakfast of porridge, Eragon returned to the glen and examined the charred area.
Després d’esmorzar farinetes de civada, Eragon va tornar a la clotada i examinà la zona cremada.Literature Literature
Consequently the food was dire: porridge for breakfast, overcooked vegetables, and bad coffee.
El menjar, per tant, era horrorós: farinetes per esmorzar, verdures rebullides i cafè dolent.Literature Literature
Porridge plague?
La pesta de les farinetes?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He played Inspector Norris in the Black Books episode The Blackout, Inspector Terrence Brown in the first episode of Dirk Gently and voiced the Judge in the 2016 revival of the sitcom Porridge.
Va interpretar l'inspector Norris en el primer episodi de The Black Books , l'Inspector Terrence Brown, en el primer episodi de Dirk Gently, i va posar la veu al jutge en la revitalització de la sitcom Porridge del 2016.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The prison warders are saying: out, out, stand in twos for your porridge.
Els guàrdies de la presó diuen: fora, fora, formeu de dos en dos per anar a esmorzar.Literature Literature
Sorghum and maize are used to prepare the main dish, a thickened porridge called sadza, and the traditional beer, called hwahwa.
El sorgo i el blat de moro s'utilitzen per preparar el plat principal, unes farinetes engrossides anomenades sadza, i la cervesa tradicional, anomenada hwahwa.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Everybody was grumbling; the porridge was burnt, and we hadn’t yet had any tea.
Tothom rondinava; les farinetes s’havien cremat i encara no teníem el te.Literature Literature
Maize meal is made into a thick porridge in many cultures: from the polenta of Italy, the angu of Brazil, the mămăligă of Romania, to cornmeal mush in the US (and hominy grits in the South) or the food called mealie pap in South Africa and sadza, nshima and ugali in other parts of Africa.
La farina de blat de moro s'utilitza per fer farinetes a moltes cultures: des de la polenta d'Itàlia, l'angu del Brasil, la mămăligă de Romania, l'hariat d'Occitània, el mush als Estats Units o menjars com el sadza, el nshima, l'ugali o el pap a l'Àfrica.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Koophuis is still in bed and has had nothing but porridge and milk for three weeks.
Koophuis segueix allitat, i sotmès des de fa tres setmanes a un règim sever de llet i civada.Literature Literature
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