premise oor Katalaans


/ˈpɹɛ.mɪs/ werkwoord, naamwoord
A proposition antecedently supposed or proved; something previously stated or assumed as the basis of further argument; a condition; a supposition.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans


a statement that an argument claims will induce or justify a conclusion
I applaud your wordplay, but your core premise is flawed.
Aplaudeixo el teu joc de paraules, però la teva premissa inicial és errònia.


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Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans

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Perhaps the foundation could not afford to rebuild and arranged to switch premises with the Teylers Stichting, who built their new hofje on what was previously land owned by the "OLV" foundation.
La ciutat és nostraWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Michael O'Sullivan of The Washington Post also wrote a positive review, saying that it is "unexpectedly fresh, despite the familiar-sounding premise".
« Master abort »WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In this case, the proof deduces the conclusion from conditions called hypotheses or premises.
Valor dels premis en pessetes : 200 .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Variety's Brian Lowry was less enthusiastic about the show: "While the premise is refreshingly gimmick-free compared with RJ Berger or Teen Wolf, the situations aren't compelling enough to make this much more than a latter-day Doogie Howser, M.D. with a gender switch."
Aspecte de la pàginaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In spring 2012, the museum moved into new premises on the Umeå Arts Campus.
Aquest és una drecera per a obrir els últims documents desats. Fer clic sobre aquest ítem obre una llista al costat del menú amb diversos fitxers desats recentment. Fer clic sobre un fitxer en concret farà que s' obri en & kwrite;-si el fitxer encara resideix en el mateix llocWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In some cases, unions, feeling that things were not progressing quickly enough, took matters into their own hands, occupying premises and setting up workers' committees to run the companies.
Copiar el fitxer des de logokeywords. en_ US. xml kdeedu/kturtle/data/al directori que heu creat, i que reanomenareu logokeywords. codi. xml on codi serà el codi de país (el codi ISO de #-o #-lletresWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Long before most educators, Peabody embraced the premise that children's play has intrinsic developmental and educational value.
Retorna una minimitzada a normalWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
“So you’re telling me that there was never a competing investigative premise?”
Julie, que no viurem a la intempèrieLiterature Literature
At the same time, a whole network of youth squats, the gaztetxes, sprang up all over the Basque Country, so furnishing small bands with premises to rehearse and a venue to stage concerts.
Hauria de tornar i arrencà' ls- hi el capWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
But why, when looking for a number, does one always start from the premise that it’s not in the phone book?
Senyor, puc oferir- li xampany a compte de la casa?Literature Literature
The novel proceeds from the counter-factual premise that the Slattery Report had actually been implemented.
Departament de la Presidència ; la Llei 13 / 1989 , de 14 de desembre ,WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The premise is that if a frog is put suddenly into boiling water, it will jump out, but if the frog is put in tepid water which is then brought to a boil slowly, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death.
L' escala moderna de magnituds no està basada en l' ull humà, està basada en plaques fotogràfiques i fotòmetres fotoelèctrics. Gràcies als telescopis podem veure objectes molt més febles dels que podia veure Hipparchus a simple vista, així que l' escala de magnituds s' ha anat estenent més enllà de la sexta magnitud. De fet, el telescopi espacial Hubble pot captar estrelles gairebé tan febles com les de magnitud #, que són un bilió de vegades més febles que Vega!WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
That could be exactly what they’re waiting for us to do: they want to flush us out in case we’re on the premises.
Article 12Literature Literature
A fundamental premise of their argument was that the South was doomed because of the overwhelming advantage in manpower and industrial might possessed by the North.
Sé que hi ha coses de la Força que no m' expliquenWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Whatever it was, Mamer dropped the potato back on the pile and dragged Rudy from his premises.
Retorna l' estimació de la desviació estàndard de una població basada en una mostra usat tots els valors numèrics en una columna d' una base de dades especificat per un conjunt de condicionsLiterature Literature
Criteria that support the non-Christian origin of the letter include the observation that "king of the Jews" was not a Christian title, and that the letter's premise that Jesus lives on in his teachings he enacted is in contrast to the Christian concept that Jesus continues to live through his resurrection.
M’ acaben de dirWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Later, Sergii Leshchenko, a journalist from Ukrainska Pravda, known for his investigations of Yanukovych's property, including Mezhyhirya, posted a photo of more documents drying in the sauna on the premises:
És preciós, tot aixògv2019 gv2019
His professionalism was impeccable and imperturbable, it was his premises that were a bit of a let-down.
Al mar la solitud és meravellosa si la comparteixen dosLiterature Literature
“I have information that illegal drugs are being sold on these premises.
Director general d ' Energia i MinesLiterature Literature
“Got your e-mail—your investigatory premise, along with your list of questions.”
Sempre menges al fer això?Literature Literature
All the more motivation to remove Born from the premises as quickly as possible.
exactes .Literature Literature
These frequency bands are subsequently separated by filters installed at the customer's premises.
d ' educació infantil amb capacitat per a 25 lloc s escolars , amb efectes aWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
All are acting on the premise that they have something to learn.
--2 Disposar que l ' Acord esmentat es publiqui en el Diari OficialLiterature Literature
ERCOT also performs financial settlements for the competitive wholesale bulk-power market and administers retail switching for 7 million premises in competitive choice areas.
No saben que la majoria dels oficials estan a favor del cop?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
When Achilles demands that "If you accept A and B and C, you must accept Z," the Tortoise remarks that that's another hypothetical proposition, and suggests even if it accepts C, it could still fail to conclude Z if it did not see the truth of: D: "If A and B and C are true, Z must be true" The Tortoise continues to accept each hypothetical premise once Achilles writes it down, but denies that the conclusion necessarily follows, since each time it denies the hypothetical that if all the premises written down so far are true, Z must be true: "And at last we've got to the end of this ideal racecourse!
Vista la modificació de l ' article 3 dels Estatuts aprovada en AssembleaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
201 sinne gevind in 37 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.