presumably oor Katalaans


/pɹɪˈzjuːməbli/, /pɹɪˈzuːməbli/ bywoord
Able to be sensibly presumed.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans


able to be sensibly presumed
It produces these strings of light, presumably as some form of defense.
Produeix aquestes tires de llum, presumiblement com a forma de defensa.




Colta reopened, presumably having found a sponsor.
Colta va reaparèixer, suposadament després d'haver trobat un patrocinador.

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Ragnall is presumed to have left Dublin with the rest of the ruling Vikings in 902.
RESOLUCIÓ de 4 de maig de 1998 , per la qual es dóna publicitat a l ' Acord del Govern de 31 d ' octubre de 1997 , d ' acceptació de la cessió gratuïta de domini d ' un terreny de l ' Ajuntament de Lloret de Mar , amb destinació a instal · lacions de la policia de la Generalitat-mossos d ' esquadra ( oficina de denúncies ) .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I’m only a stupid old woman and I wouldn’t presume to do such a thing.
DesplaçamentLiterature Literature
The second, more easterly group is spotted from the Azores in spring to Iceland in July and August; it is presumed the whales follow the Mid-Atlantic Ridge between the two volcanic islands.
Sydney, els cambodjans han de marxar de l' ambaixadaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
These groups originated and radiated in the South American and African continents, presumably in the Cretaceous.
Eina de referència peral japonèsWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hale noted the testimony of colonial historian Robert Beverley, Jr.--that the presumably-related dialect of the Occaneechi was used as a lingua franca by all the tribes in the region of whatever linguistic stock, and it was known to the chiefs, "conjurers," and priests of all tribes, who even used it in their ceremonies, just as European priests used Latin.
Selector del diccionariWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This is presumably because Canada and Acadia were distinct parts of New France, and also of British North America, until 1867.
Així que aquell no va ser el dia que vaig conèixer avostra mareWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He disappeared in 1944, presumably lost in some bombing raid.
L' equip del & kmail; us dona la benvinguda al & kmail;, un amigable client de correu per a l' entorn d' escriptori KDE. El nostre objectiu és que sigui bonic i intuïtiu sense sacrificar-ne la potènciaLiterature Literature
For systems where it is much less than one, the interior of the sphere may be presumed always to have the same temperature, although this temperature may be changing, as heat passes into the sphere from the surface.
la Llei del patrimoni de la Generalitat de Catalunya .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This edition is based on the corrected (presumably later) version.
Amb les expressions regulars, aquesta tasca s' hauria de realitzar d' una sola recerca, i amb un alt grau de precisióLiterature Literature
“I presume you’ve also looked for Stefan in his father’s apartment,” said Wallander.
O en el terraLiterature Literature
From there, presumably, he returned home via the Balkans.
Hank, ets tan estúpid!WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On the night of 4–5 September 2011, a group of presumably Israeli settlers entered the village at 3 a.m., vandalized the village's Al-Nurayn mosque and tried to set it on fire.
qtcups era una interfície gràfica per als comandaments de la impressió lp o lpr instal· lats per & CUPS;. Usant qtcups s' obria un diàleg. Aquest us permetia seleccionar còmodament la vostra impressora i les opcions dels treballs d' impressió. qtcups funcionava des de la línia de comandaments o des de les mateixes aplicacions, que disposaven d' un comandament de la impressió configurableWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
S.H.I.E.L.D. director Nick Fury is presumed killed, and deputy director Maria Hill incapacitated, so Natasha assumes temporary command of S.H.I.E.L.D. as the highest-ranking agent present.
Les funcions DAY retornen el dia d' una data. Si no s' especifica cap paràmetre, es retorna la data actualWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As activist Ana Vasileva points out: “I presume the timing was chosen to pass these amendments at a time when a large portion of activists who would express their discontent is absent... i.e. there would be no one to protest or raise their voice.”
El Manual en forma de document electrònicglobalvoices globalvoices
The presence of one ghost, presumed to belong to Fanny's sister, Elizabeth, had already been noted while Fanny lay dying, and the two concluded that the spirit now haunting Parsons' house must be that of Fanny Lynes herself.
de CatalunyaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Presumably the lines was no longer properly connected.
Cancel· la la subscripció de la llistaLiterature Literature
So presumably that means not to ring him. 7.13 p.m.
g ) Per a deures inexcusables de caràcter públic i / o personal : durant el temps indispensable per complir-los , o el que legalment estigui establert .Literature Literature
"""This is yours, I presume,"" he said, looking him straight in the eye."
quedarà aleshores oberta la via contenciosa administrativa .Literature Literature
Andy Medhurst wrote in his 1991 essay Batman, Deviance, and Camp that Batman is interesting to gay audiences because "he was one of the first fictional characters to be attacked on the grounds of his presumed homosexuality," "the 1960s TV series remains a touchstone of camp," and " merits analysis as a notably successful construction of masculinity."
EDICTE de 26 de maig de 1998 , sobre un acord de la Comissió d ' Urbanisme de Barcelona referent al municipi de Torrelles de Llobregat .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Your salary,' he added, 'will be, presumably, two or three times what you make here.'
ols prendre alguna cosa, inka?Literature Literature
In the church, in situ, close to the apse, is the portrait of other characters, presumably also members of the count’s family.
desvirtuen el contingut dels informes desfavorables a la declaracióWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
By What right do you presume to kill yourself?
Aquestes funcions agafen un argument: el nou valor d' un dels canals d' aquest píxelLiterature Literature
The footage was presumably taken by Anhar Kochneva.
Configuració de la connexió d' exploraciógv2019 gv2019
That’s a conscious decision to presume the primary goodness of Being.
Aquesta opció produeix una mena de vibració en la lluminositat de l' estrellaLiterature Literature
D. artesiana is characterized by a unique combination of morphological features of the copulatory apparatus: Presumably central ejaculatory duct, asymmetrical openings of the oviducts into the bursal canal, infranucleated bursal canal, absence of ectal reinforcement, small diaphragm, and absence of a duct between intrabulbar seminal vesicle an diaphragm.
Elise, ets sexy!WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
201 sinne gevind in 12 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.