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In a reluctant or hesitant manner.

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
It was too late to call on or inquire for anyone, and he reluctantly postponed his purpose till the morning.
següent :Literature Literature
"""I really thought it was pewter,"" Ford said, moving slowly and very reluctantly forward to the oak sideboard."
Catalunya per al 1998 , en el seu article 37 au toritza el Govern perquè aLiterature Literature
Joe reluctantly handed the chicken to Toby's wife, a pretty, sulky type.
T' agrada molt?NoLiterature Literature
Mom, eyes reluctantly opened by this point, asks somewhat plaintively why it had to get so big.
Seleccioneu si prement la tecla & Intro; es desplaçarà el cursor la primera columna, Avall, Amunt, a la Dreta, a l ' Esquerra o Avall segons l' establert en la llista desplegableLiterature Literature
“Death is coming to me slowly, reluctantly,” said Yegor without moving and without opening his eyes.
Els vaig veure al carrerLiterature Literature
Reluctantly he had to admit that the old man’s story was intriguing.
Tinc tanta por, el meu home em vaig a perdreLiterature Literature
Fisk Junior reluctantly visits his father every Thursday.
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Reluctantly (I’m ashamed to say), I stopped it.
Cua LPD & remotaLiterature Literature
At first she hurt everybody’s feelings, but soon, one after the other, they reluctantly gave in.
Aquesta acció està simplificada gracies a un script de Rafael Beccar que trobareu a kdeedu/kturtle/data/. Si us plau, estigeu segurs d' haver llegit el fitxer README del mateix directoriLiterature Literature
Reluctantly I took out my phone, dialled Simone’s number, and waited.
RESOLUCIÓ d ' 11 de maig de 1998 , per la qual es determinen les c aracterístiques de la sèrie de bitllets de Loto Ràpid denominada Loto Flors .Literature Literature
Tokugawa shogunate revenues had depended on taxes on Tokugawa and other daimyo lands, loans from wealthy peasants and urban merchants, limited customs fees, and reluctantly accepted foreign loans.
Doncs es aigua passadaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Out of a sense of duty to her beloved father, she reluctantly agrees to wed the middle-aged, short, stout Josiah Brown (Robert Bolder), a former grocer's assistant who is now a multi-millionaire.
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When Alliser asks Jon, he reluctantly agrees that they must prioritize the Wall, before he is interrupted by a horn blast indicating returning rangers.
La seu del Col · legi de Doctors i Llicenciats en CiènciesWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
When she had reluctantly dragged herself out of the kitchen, Patrik went on, ‘Now where were we?
--1 Autoritzar l ' obertura del centre docent privat Els Cargolets , de Palafrugell , en els termes que s ' especifiquen a l ' annex d ' aquesta Resolució .Literature Literature
Perkin looked angry, but said reluctantly: 'Yes, all right.'
El sistema que escolliu haurà d'estar instal· lat abans de realitzar la selecció. La recomanació de l' autor és & CUPSLiterature Literature
The earlier, medieval condottieri developed the "art of war" (military strategy and tactics) into military science more than any of their historical military predecessors—fighting indirectly, not directly—thus, only reluctantly endangering themselves and their enlisted men, avoiding battle when possible, also avoiding hard work and winter campaigns, as these all reduced the total number of trained soldiers available, and was detrimental to their political and economic interest.
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The Jewish Agency backed Weizmann's recommendation to cease activities, a decision reluctantly accepted by the Haganah, but not by the Irgun and the Lehi.
30 de desembre , segons l ' acord adoptat per la Junta DistribuïdoraWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Reluctantly he said, “Three, four years, maybe.”
HARMEAN(valor; valorLiterature Literature
And so, reluctantly, I abandoned such thoughts and withdrew the first book.
Estableix alarmaLiterature Literature
I reluctantly handed the box back to Meluan.
No, aquesta no.AquestaLiterature Literature
Reluctantly, I open my heavy eyelids and bright light fills the room.
De la tercera a la quarta ha : 10 % .Literature Literature
Are the male pseudonyms giving birth while the foster father reluctantly agrees to sign the adoption papers?
Mostra el fitxer en un visor separatLiterature Literature
Reluctantly, she gave in concerning the matter of the child’s circumcision.
Puntuació per omissió per als fils revisatsLiterature Literature
Or if I really tell, somebody may feel obliged reluctantly to shoot my fucking head off.
l ' enllaç proposat en el pk 680 + 750 , que millora l ' accés actualLiterature Literature
The elk took longer to decide, so Bran returned reluctantly to his own body and said, “That way.
Fondre a l' atzarLiterature Literature
201 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.