responsions oor Katalaans


Plural form of responsion.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans



Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

acord · atribució · competència · concordança · deure · funció · jurisdicció · obligació · responsabilidad · responsabilitat
reacció · reactivitat
systemic inflammatory response syndrome
síndrome de resposta inflamatòria sistèmica
campaign response
resposta de campanya
legal responsibility
Responsabilitat jurídica
chain-of-responsibility pattern
Cadena de responsabilitat
human sexual response cycle
Cicle de resposta sexual humana
letter claiming responsibility
carta de confessió


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Aided by boats from Pegasus and the harbour, he was responsible for rescuing almost all the survivors, an act for which he was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross, the only military award made by the British in connection with the disaster.
Nosaltres no sabem res... ell sap tot el que nosaltres necessitem saberWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Darwin had proposed as part of this model that certain particles, which he called "gemmules" moved throughout the body and were also responsible for the inheritance of acquired characteristics.
Amb nombrosos súbdits, fortuna colossal, poder absolutWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the late 1950s, the Portuguese Armed Forces saw themselves confronted with the paradox generated by the dictatorial regime of the Estado Novo that had been in power since 1926: on the one hand, the policy of Portuguese neutrality in World War II placed the Portuguese Armed Forces out of the way of a possible East-West conflict; on the other hand, the regime felt the increased responsibility of keeping Portugal's vast overseas territories under control and protecting the citizenry there.
Feu clic sobre el primer fitxer amb el & BER;. Manteniu premuda la tecla & Ctrl; i feu clic sobre l' últim fitxer. & kget; hauria de tenir un aspecte similar a aquestWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Already in April 1989, in response to this agitation, Gagauz nationalists had begun to demand the creation of their own ethno-federal unit in Moldova, and Gagauz mobilization accelerated in the wake of massive Moldovan nationalist demonstrations that summer calling for a new language law, republican sovereignty and secession.
Ets molt bo, JuJuWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Minister for the Police Force shared responsibilities for law and order with the Minister for Justice.
DesenvolupadorsWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The theory of an anti-tumoral response of the immune system in vivo was recognized by the physician William B. Coley.
ActualitzacióWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Then who is responsible?
Explotarem, si ens quedem aquíOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Yeezus received widespread acclaim from critics, many of whom named it among West's best work and commended its brash direction, though public response was divided.
Acord de 29 de maig de 1996WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It is responsible for the operational guidance and management of the national seismic network, short-term earthquake prediction, earthquake data collection, report processing, scientific journal management, seismological construction, technological research and operations for emergency response and relief including the State Council of the People's Republic of China's earthquake relief headquarters.
El resultat de l ' adjudicació de la 76a subhasta ordinària deWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Acting under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter, the Council emphasised the temporary nature of the Coalition Provisional Authority and welcomed the positive response of the international community to the establishment of the Governing Council.
Avisa si s' intenten enviar missatges sense signarWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I can’t understand why he would run away from his responsibilities only to live the life of a drug addict.
si lenci administratiu , de la sol · licitud formulada per l ' entitat demandantLiterature Literature
In 1960 he was hired by the Norwegian Computing Center (NCC), responsible for building up the NCC as a research institute in the 1960s, becoming its Director of Research in 1962.
& Reinicialitza les puntuacionsWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Motorways within London are the responsibility of Highways England.
Entreu a la línia de comandaments, escriviu el comandament % s/Miss Jensen/Ms Jones/, una vegada que premeu & Intro; ja estarà fetWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In plants, ETF-Q oxidoreductase is also important in the metabolic responses that allow survival in extended periods of darkness.
que arriba fins a l ' interior d ' illa compresa entre els carrers de la Rasa ,WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Children 3 years old have a MMN response from 1 to 2 seconds, 4 year olds over 2 seconds, and 6-year-old children from 3 to 5 seconds.
Com amb disseny de taula o columna, podeu usar Visualització de dades i Vista de disseny. El disseny de formulari es realitza en Vista de disseny. Sovint ens referim a la finestra de disseny de formulari com a Dissenyador de formulariWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Everyone will understand that her parents are responsible for the mistreatment, without it being made explicit.
Vista prèviaLiterature Literature
Säpo took over the case, and the officer responsible was Adam Cederkvist.’
Barcelona , 18 de desembre de 1998Literature Literature
Two years later, responsibility for its maintenance was given to the newly formed Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research.
La majoria de les lleis que tenim a I' Iran... no tenen en compte ni la forma de pensar ni les necessitats del nostre joventWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
My only hope is that we can be strong enough to generate the opposite response to what these criminals intended.
tràmits establerts ;gv2019 gv2019
In addition, dendritic cells can influence the type of immune response produced; when they travel to the lymphoid areas where T cells are held they can activate T cells, which then differentiate into cytotoxic T cells or helper T cells.
Has de morir com un soldat honorableWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The broadcast version of the episode was edited to omit Trebek's original acceptance of Watson's response.
Commutaentre mostrar o no els enllaços de tasques a la vista de barres de GanttWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Weak interaction: a short-range interaction responsible for some forms of radioactivity, that acts on electrons, neutrinos, and quarks.
Imprimint el crontabWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He dealt with his demanding schedule, being responsible for a French top fashion brand and his own Italian label, by commuting between Milan and Paris in his private plane.
Peix i llop i ós...... i una ovella o dos...... però hòmens, noWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Segmented linear regression with two segments separated by a breakpoint can be useful to quantify an abrupt change of the response function (Yr) of a varying influential factor (x).
Catalunya als efectes de la seva immediata executivitat , tal com indicaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
“I am responsible for her, debts owed to her are owed to me.”
ConfiguracióLiterature Literature
225 sinne gevind in 14 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.