rest oor Katalaans


/rɛst/ werkwoord, naamwoord
(uncountable, of a person or animal) Relief from work or activity by sleeping; sleep.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans


give rest to
While resting, he listens to music.
Mentre descansa, escolta música.


relief from exertion; state of quiet and recreation
While resting, he listens to music.
Mentre descansa, escolta música.


I'll hear her screaming the rest of my life.
La sentiré xisclar la resta de la meva vida.

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Soortgelyke frases

the rest
la resta
day of rest
dia de festa · dia festiu · festiu
rest of
altre · restant
lay to rest
enterrar · sepultar
plàcid · quiet · relaxant · tranquil
rest period
descans · pausa
cura de repòs
crotchet rest
silenci de negra
quarter rest
silenci de negra


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"You must be chosen of the Mother, too, along with all the rest,"" the man said, obviously delighted."
Segurament també ets elegida de la Mare, juntament amb tota la resta —digué l’home òbviament satisfet.Literature Literature
Subhas rests an arm around her shoulders and pulls her close to him.
En Subhas li posa un braç al voltant de les espatlles i se l’acosta.Literature Literature
Get thee to bed, and rest; for thou hast need.
Vés al llit, i la resta, per necessitat tens.QED QED
Ragnall is presumed to have left Dublin with the rest of the ruling Vikings in 902.
Se suposa que Ragnall va marxar de Dublín amb la resta de víkings que van ser expulsats l'any 902.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
“What do you mean, ‘different from the rest’?”
—Què vol dir diferent de la resta?Literature Literature
Makwa and Moon and Comes Singing keep the rest of the pack going, with what little money they earn from me.
Makwa, Lluna i Ve Cantant mantenen la resta de la família amb els pocs diners que jo els pago.Literature Literature
From here they could engage Amr's corps and maneuver against the flank or rear of the rest of the Muslim corps that were in Jordan and Southern Syria.
Des d'allà es podrien enfrontar a l'exèrcit d'Amr i maniobrar contra els flancs o la rereguarda de la resta de cossos de l'exèrcit musulmà que es trobaven a Jordània o al sud de Síria.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Some strange curiosity seemed to keep the rest of them waiting, to see what the Sergeant would do next.
Era com si una curiositat insòlita tingués a tots els altres esperant a veure què feia el sergent.Literature Literature
The wall was painted an ocher color, different from the rest of the room.
Es veia pintada d’un color ocre diferent de la resta de l’habitació.Literature Literature
What had been done to Alby and Newt and Minho and all the rest would be done to them.
El que havien fet a l’Alby, a en Newt i a en Min-Ho i a tota la resta els ho farien a ells.Literature Literature
The rest, he said, was decoration.
La resta, deia, era com l’enteixinat.Literature Literature
Outside the city, he stopped several times to allow the hinny to rest and graze.
Un cop fora de la ciutat, es va aturar diverses vegades per deixar descansar i pasturar l’Orellut.Literature Literature
The flames looked like a molten crown resting on the forest.
Les flames semblaven una corona fosa damunt del bosc.Literature Literature
A place of rest without this common history.
Un indret de descans, sense aquesta història comuna.Literature Literature
The rest of the ocular sphere was a honey-coloured sea, like liquid amber.
La resta del globus ocular era un mar de color mel, com ambre líquid.Literature Literature
For the rest of the night he would serve drinks and make small talk with his customers.
Després es passaria la resta de la tarda servint begudes i mantenint converses breus amb els clients.Literature Literature
"He said: ""I am going to get off and watch the rest of this show from behind a tree."
I ell continuà: —Vaig a baixar de la màquina i observar de darrera un arbre estant, la continuació d’aquest espectacle.Literature Literature
She’ll need her strength for the rest of it.
Necessitarà tota la seva enteresa per sentir la resta.Literature Literature
He had no teeth, and his legs seemed to have refused to continue growing the way the rest of his body had.
Li faltaven les dents i semblava que les cames s'haguessin negat a seguir el creixement del cos de cintura en amunt.Literature Literature
My child, you need some rest.
Estimada, necessites descansar.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Martins could not have said how he got through the rest of the discussion.
En Martins va ser incapaç d’explicar com se’n sortí, de la resta del col·loqui.Literature Literature
Did Volodya really want to extend that brutal system to the rest of the continent?
Realment volia Volódia fer arribar un sistema tan brutal a tot el continent?Literature Literature
The man I love, want to marry and spend the rest of my life with.
L’home que estimo, amb qui em vull casar i passar la resta de la meva vida.Literature Literature
And stay out of sight for the rest of the day.
I tu, fes via a anar-te’n i que no et vegem més en tot el dia!Literature Literature
The price rise was caused by the housing bubble, which is caused by factors such as the shortage of rental housing (85% of total dwellings intended for property, while this rate is 61% in the rest of Europe and the existence of a park of three million empty houses, which corresponds to 20% of the total.
La bombolla immobiliària va ser l'origen de la pujada dels preus, fenomen causat per factors com l'escassetat d'habitatge de lloguer (85% del total d'habitatges són destinats a la propietat, mentre que aquesta taxa és del 61% a la resta d'Europa) i l'existència d'un parc de tres milions de cases buides, el que correspon amb un 20% del total.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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