rest of oor Katalaans

rest of

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans


Then you are as foolish as the rest of them!
Llavors ets tan ets Com tots els altres!


I'll hear her screaming the rest of my life.
La sentiré xisclar la resta de la meva vida.

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Ragnall is presumed to have left Dublin with the rest of the ruling Vikings in 902.
Si està habilitat, els caràcters de tabulació i espais en blanc de marca es veuran com un punt petitWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The wall was painted an ocher color, different from the rest of the room.
les dones sense vel a les estances femenines del palau de l’ emir de Daibul, el nascut purLiterature Literature
The rest of the ocular sphere was a honey-coloured sea, like liquid amber.
Podeu dividir la pàgina en diverses columnes, d' amplada igual, amb un espaiat entre cada columna controlat per l' usuariLiterature Literature
For the rest of the night he would serve drinks and make small talk with his customers.
Tinc la feina que tinc perquè sóc el teu maritLiterature Literature
She’ll need her strength for the rest of it.
Sé molt bé el que em faig i no penso tancar cap tracte fins que no hagi comprat la pomaLiterature Literature
Martins could not have said how he got through the rest of the discussion.
Contra els acords anteriors , que exhaureixen la via administrativa , es potLiterature Literature
Did Volodya really want to extend that brutal system to the rest of the continent?
Ctrl; C Edita CopiaLiterature Literature
The man I love, want to marry and spend the rest of my life with.
Color de fonsNameLiterature Literature
And stay out of sight for the rest of the day.
de 31 d ' octubre de 1997 , del Govern de la Generalitat , pel qual s ' accepta laLiterature Literature
For the rest of the week, I throw myself into my studies and my job at Clayton’s.
Traductor de la documentació: & credits. Antoni. BellaLiterature Literature
A contract for children's literature with Macmillan Publishers made him financially secure for the rest of his life.
Gravar CD i DVDWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
You’ll spend the rest of your life eating cheese.
Confirma la sortidaLiterature Literature
The rest of them will think you died in the swamp.
( Correcció d ' errada en el DOGC núm .Literature Literature
He only used the rest of the house when his children and grandchildren came to visit.
Aquest botó es pot usar per a forçar una actualització immediata de la llistaLiterature Literature
I’m not in daily touch with them like the clerks and the rest of the downstairs staff.
Llavors, a què estàs esperant?Literature Literature
Claudia worked patiently with Bradley for the rest of the afternoon.
per als exercicis 1998 i 1999 , el termini de presentació deLiterature Literature
In view of the situation, I suggested Fermín take the rest of the day off.
Atès que l expedient s ’ ha tramitat d ’ acord amb el que disposen els articles 35 , 37 i concordants de la Llei 8 / 1987 , de 15 d ’ abril , municipal i de règim local de Catalunya ;Literature Literature
He was never stealing all the molasses we had saving for supper, like the rest of them.
EDICTE de 14 de setembre de 1998 , sobre un acord de la Comissió d ' Urbanisme de Girona referent al municipi d ' Alp .Literature Literature
“But only if the rest of the story is right,” Reliable Anke says.
Dispensi, comandant Gonovitch.Doni el control al capitø KovelenkoLiterature Literature
Since the rest of the visitors were walking, Ayla decided she would too.
& Icona d' etiqueta de missatgeLiterature Literature
The rest of the meeting with the unknown woman now fell into place.
No es pot eliminar la clau % # mentre s' edita en el terminalLiterature Literature
“He’s a poor devil, just like the rest of the Americans, he cannot abandon capitalism,” Pierre pronounced.
Tema de conversaLiterature Literature
He ran along the line to check on the rest of his battalion.
No s' ha pogut establir la connexióLiterature Literature
Your blood is as thin as the rest of your race’s.
Tens un llit?- A l’ esquerraLiterature Literature
I shut the drawer and never saw the rest of them again after that night.
Un whisky, si us plau!Literature Literature
8186 sinne gevind in 55 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.