rite oor Katalaans


/ɹaɪt/ adjektief, naamwoord, tussenwerpsel, bywoord
A religious custom.

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The prom is an important rite of passage.
El ball és un ritu de pas important.
Open Multilingual Wordnet


established, ceremonial, usually religious, act
The prom is an important rite of passage.
El ball és un ritu de pas important.


They say that Volvas practice forbidden sexual rites.
Diuen que les Volves practiquen rituals sexuals prohibits.
Open Multilingual Wordnet

ritu religiós

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religious rite
ritu · ritu religiós
The Rite of Spring
La consagració de la primavera
rite of passage
Ritus de pas
last rites
extremunció · unció dels malalts


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The number of Catholics of this Rite increased to the point that Leo XIII in 1895 restored the Catholic patriarchate.
No s' ha exercitat encaraWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Portuguese author Camilo Castelo Branco credits to Balsamo the creation of the Egyptian Rite of the Freemasons and intensive work in the diffusion of Freemasonry, by opening lodges all over Europe and by introducing the acceptance of women into the community.
Barcelona , 17 de juliol de 1998WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1780 one arose adhering to the Rectified Scottish Rite and another, in 1782, obtained a charter from the Premier Grand Lodge of England as the Old British and Ligurian Lodge.
distribució i adjudicació de l ' haver líquid resultant deWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
According to Vatican II and subsequent documents, their pastoral needs must be met by the priests of their own rite and in their own rite.
Imprimint el crontabWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Fifty four of the sixty four cardinals participated in this conclave: Alfonso Gesualdo (created cardinal on February 26, 1561) – Cardinal-Bishop of Ostia e Velletri; Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals; Prefect of the S.C. of Ceremonies; Prefect of the S.C. of Rites; Cardinal-protector of the Kingdom of Portugal and the Kingdom of Sicily Innico d'Avalos d'Aragona, O.S.Iacobis.
s ' especifiquen a l ' annex d ' aquesta Resolució .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Historiographical surveys often focus on the solidifying of Muslim thought and rites under the Abbasids, with the conflicts between separated classes of rulers and clerics giving rise to the empire's eventual separation of religion and politics.
L' altre és el registre de les localitzacions visitades. Seleccioneu la pàgina Historial en el plafó de navegació, feu clic dret a sobre d' una entrada i escolliu Elimina entrada per eliminar-la o Neteja l' historial per esborrar totes les entradesWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Board of Rites (Yejo) were responsible for foods prepared for ancestor rites, attaining wines and other beverages, and medicinal foods.
Afegeix serveiWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Offerings played an important role in religious rites.
El menú FormatWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
— 12 — THE RITE of the bath was in progress, or at least in preparation, somewhere in the background.
Revisió del Pla especial d ' establiments de públicaLiterature Literature
Though the rite has been revisited in an Islamic frame (in those nights, the water of the Zamzam Well, in Mecca, would spill over, and in the sea there would be beneficial sweet water waves), many call this celebration "the nights of the error".
del Pla general d ' ordenació intermunicipal de la Cerdanya que afecta elWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Luther composed as a replacement a revised Latin-language rite, Formula missae in 1523 and the vernacular Deutsche Messe in 1526.
Hores d' excepcióWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This tradition has several forms of the Divine Liturgy (celebration of the Eucharist), three of which are in use everywhere that the Byzantine Rite is used: the Liturgy of St. Basil the Great, the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, and the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts.
assignació de 2.000 dòlars canadencs mensuals i unaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
These two Rites developed directly from practices of the Early Church.
La paral· laxi és el canvi aparent de la posició d' un objecte observat produïda per una variació en la posició de l' observador. Com a exemple, poseu la vostra mà al davant vostre amb el braç estès i observeu un objecte que es trobi al costat de l' habitació i que quedi al darrere de la vostra mà. Ara moveu el cap a la vostra espatlla dreta, i ara la vostra mà apareixerà a l' esquerra de l' objecte distant. Porteu el vostre cap cal a l' espatlla esquerra per a comprovar que en aquesta ocasió la mà apareixerà a la dreta de l' objecte distantWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
"""He was the man at my First Rites,"" Denoda said."
pagament d ' interessos , dates i condicions d ' amortització , seranLiterature Literature
By undergoing the mystery rites, initiates signaled their dedication to Isis, although they were not required to worship her exclusively.
Picar a mà un estri. Això no està recomenat, i si ho feu i voleu que el vostre filtre formi part de la versió oficial del & krita;, llavors us demanaré de reemplaçar-lo per un estri fet amb el & Qt; DesignerWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Many use traditional songs and rites from sources such as The Silver Bough and The Carmina Gadelica.
Repeteix la construccióWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Because the Rite of Constantinople evolved as a synthesis of two distinct rites — cathedral rite of Constantinople called the "asmatiki akolouthia" ("sung services") and the monastic typicon of the Holy Lavra of Saint Sabbas the Sanctified near Jerusalem — its offices are highly developed and quite complex.
In his dedication to King Henri II, Nostradamus describes "emptying my soul, mind and heart of all care, worry and unease through mental calm and tranquility", but his frequent references to the "bronze tripod" of the Delphic rite are usually preceded by the words "as though" (compare, once again, External References to the original texts).
Sí, hem estat en aquella platjaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He sent letters to Western rulers of Cyprus and the Principality of Antioch, describing a Central Asian realm of oasis with many Christians, generally of the Nestorian rite.
No sé, estan mortsWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Here they formed a free confederacy of many distinct groups, each preserving the traditional customs, religious rites and the names of their original villages.
Error desconegutWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Unlike the Ambrosian rite, there is no special service for nightfall, but there are about fifty extant antiphons and five responsories.
PortuguèsNameWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It means the kind of solemn ceremonial music used in court, as well as ritual music in temples including those used in Confucian rites.
Tan sols podreu traduir pàgines web que siguin accessibles sobre la WWW. Per a traduir qualsevol altre text, haureu d' anar directament al mateix lloc del Babelfish, a on podreu enganxar el text a traduirWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 2011, at the beginning of widespread Arab Spring-like protests which engulfed the country, authorities destroyed 38 Shia mosques, seen by many as a direct attack on the freedom of Shia in the country to practice their rites and rituals.
interposar recurs contenciós administratiu davant la Sala Contenciosaglobalvoices globalvoices
Ceremonial practices consist of: Puberty feast, called "keesta" in Jicarilla, is a rite of passage ceremony for girls or young women.
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The Mozarabic Rite was the first to use ashes within the liturgical celebrations of the Church.
Tanca l' scriptWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
201 sinne gevind in 10 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.