rosemary oor Katalaans


a shrub that originates from Europe ans Asia Minor and produces fragrant mint used in cooking and perfumes

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A female given name.

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Rosemary switched off her mobile and turned to Amy.
La Rosemary va apagar el mòbil i es va tombar cap a l’Amy.Literature Literature
Really her name was Rosemary, but she had thought it impudent to show up as a boy with that name.
En realitat es deia Rosalind, però aparèixer com un noi amb aquell nom li havia semblat una mica desvergonyit.Literature Literature
I imagine him crushing thyme between finger and thumb, then rosemary.
Me l'imagino aixafant farigola entre l'índex i el polze, després romaní.Literature Literature
“Don’t wait till you meet someone,” Rosemary said.
—No s’esperi a conèixer algú —va dir la Rosemary.Literature Literature
Otherwise, they would have to keep Rosemary and the twins on at least two more years.”
En cas contrari haurien d’ocupar-se’n, almenys en el cas de Rosemary i de les bessones, durant dos anys més com a mínim.Literature Literature
In 2003, Rosemary Clooney was inducted into the Kentucky Women Remembered exhibit and her portrait by Alison Lyne is on permanent display in the Kentucky State Capitol's rotunda.
En 2003, Rosemary Clooney va ser inclosa en l'exposició Women Kentucky Remembered, i el seu retrat elaborat per Alison Lyne està en exhibició permanent en la rotonda del Capitoli de l'Estat de Kentucky.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
And Sir Gregory will be having dinner here, so let's have some of this season's lamb, cooked with garlic and rosemary.'
I sir Gregory dinarà amb nosaltres, menjarem xai de la temporada, rostit amb all i romaní.Literature Literature
Rosemary had asked me that night at the restaurant.
—m’havia preguntat Rosemary aquella nit al restaurant—.Literature Literature
Rosemary, regardless of her snobbery, was not to be put off by convention when she wanted something.
Rosemary, tot i el seu esnobisme, no estava disposada a deixar-se portar pels convencionalismes quan volia alguna cosa.Literature Literature
“Come, come upstairs,” said Rosemary, longing to begin to be generous.
—Puja, puja a dalt —va dir la Rosemary, que tenia moltes ganes de fer-se la generosa—.Literature Literature
When I knew she was watching, I signed her name and then our sign for Rosemary.
Quan vaig saber que em mirava, vaig fer el signe del seu nom i llavors el signe que fèiem servir per dir Rosemary.Literature Literature
Doth not Rosemary and Romeo begin both with a letter?
No està de Romero i Romeo comencen tots dos amb una carta?QED QED
And to Lowell, “Rosemary and I were out on the town Friday for a wild night of puppetry.”
—I a en Lowell—: La Rosemary i jo divendres vam sortir de festa de titelles.Literature Literature
said Rosemary, and she went out of the library, but not back to her bedroom.
—va dir la Rosemary, i va sortir de la biblioteca, però no va tornar al dormitori.Literature Literature
Rosemary gave him an encouraging smile.
La Rosemary li va fer un somriure per animar-lo.Literature Literature
And Rosemary was sure that she’d killed my father – tit for tat.
I la Rosemary estava segura que ella havia mort el meu pare: ull per ull, dent per dent.Literature Literature
Rosemary Stein had told Juan Diego, he was either a kid from Mexico or a grown-up from Iowa all the time.
Tal com la doctora Rosemary Stein havia dit a en Juan Diego, ell era sempre un nen de Mèxic o un adult d’Iowa.Literature Literature
It didn’t even help that she had already seen Rosemary again.
De ben poca cosa servia que ja hagués tornat a veure Rosemary.Literature Literature
She was known for her comedy play Any Wednesday, performed for the first time on Broadway in 1964 and starring Sandy Dennis, Don Porter, Gene Hackman and Rosemary Murphy.
Resnik era coneguda sobretot per la seva comèdia Any Wednesday ("Qualsevol dimecres"), estrenada a Broadway l'any 1964 i protagonitzada per Sandy Dennis, Don Porter, Gene Hackman i Rosemary Murphy.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
She was not hurt but she cried out and stepped back and, as she did so, dropped the sprig of rosemary into the sea.
No li havia fet mal però va fer un crit i un pas enrera i, en fer-ho, li va caure al mar el bri de romaní.Literature Literature
But Rosemary Lapin said the books on the Waybacklist were codex vitae.
Perquè la Rosemary Lapin va dir que els llibres de la Llista-retro eren codices vitae.Literature Literature
The song appears on the duo's third studio album, Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme (1966), although it was recorded during the sessions for their second album Sounds of Silence and included on that album in the UK.
La cançó apareix al tercer àlbum d'estudi del duo, Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme (1966), tot i que es va gravar durant les sessions pel seu segon àlbum Sounds of Silence i hi va ser inclosa al Regne Unit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Rosemary lit a fresh cigarette; it was time to begin.
La Rosemary va encendre una altra cigarreta; ara ja podia començar.Literature Literature
Simon & Garfunkel's third album, Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme, was released on October 10, 1966, and produced five singles.
El tercer treball de Simon and Garfunkel, Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme, veié la llum el 10 d'octubre de 1966 amb cinc senzills.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Rosemary and Douggie had rekindled their marriage under his roof.
La Rosemary i en Douggie havien fet ressuscitar el matrimoni al niuet d’ell.Literature Literature
159 sinne gevind in 14 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.