rush oor Katalaans


/raʃ/ adjektief, werkwoord, naamwoord
Any of several stiff aquatic or marsh plants of the genus Juncus having hollow or pithy stems and small flowers.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans


We'd love to, but we're kind of in a rush.
Ens encantaria, però tenim una mica de pressa.


Ben used to rush home from work just to see his little boy.
En Ben solia afanyar-se a arribar a casa, per poder veure el seu fill.


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precipitació · impetu · llençar-se · córrer · afanyar · apressament · bri · urgència · ímpetu · cuitar · donar pressa a · jonc · afluència · aglomeració · canyís · excitació · ràfega · senill · cursa · atropellar · emoció · gentada · carrera · entusiasme · abalansar-se · abalançar-se · accelerar-se · apressar-se · bri de palla · donar pressa · donar-se pressa · precipitar-se

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eienaam, naamwoord
An English occupational surname for someone who made things from rushes.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans


Rush (band)
He stole $ 2 million from Rush Limbaugh.
Va robar dos milions de dòlars a Rush Limbaugh.
HeiNER - the Heidelberg Named Entity Resource

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A dialect of the language PL/1.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans

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Soortgelyke frases

in a rush
amb pressa
Bass Rush: ECOGEAR PowerWorm Championship
Bass Rush: ECOGEAR Powerworm Championship
rush candle
candela de jonc
rush up
acudir · acórrer
Rush family
rush hour
hora punta
DJ Rush
DJ Rush
apressament · apressant · precipitació · pressa · urgència · ímpetu
paper rush


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Leila began refolding the clothes that she had thrown down in her rush to answer the phone.
La Leila va començar a tornar a plegar la roba que havia tirat a terra quan havia corregut a contestar el telèfon.Literature Literature
We rushed toward the windows to try to see what was happening outside; I struggled for a view behind a row of women.
Ens hi vam abocar per saber què passava a fora; vaig intentar treure el cap per darrere d’una filera de dones.Literature Literature
said Harry, concealing with difficulty the rush of gratitude he felt at Hagrid’s words.
—va fer el Harry intentant dissimular amb gran dificultat el sentiment de gratitud que sentia cap al Hagrid.Literature Literature
Then he rushed into Svedberg’s office, collecting Martinson on the way.
Després es va precipitar al despatx de Svedberg i va recollir Martinson pel camí.Literature Literature
And if people heard it and rushed over?
I si la gent el sentia i se li tirava al damunt?Literature Literature
Why do you want to get in a rush and ruin everything?”
Per què vols córrer i espatllar-ho tot?Literature Literature
Saint-Amant was unavailable as he had been sent by the French government to California as a diplomat following its independence from Mexico during the California Gold Rush.
Saint-Amant no estava disponible perquè havia estat enviat pel govern francès a Califòrnia com a diplomàtic, després de la seva independència de Mèxic durant la febre de l'or de Califòrnia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Fifty days after the Resurrection, on the existing Jewish feast of Shavuot, while the disciples and many other followers of Jesus were gathered together to pray, the Holy Spirit descended upon them in the form of "cloven tongues of fire", with the sound of a rushing mighty wind, and they began to speak in languages that they did not know.
Article principal: Pentecosta Cinquanta dies després del Resurrecció, en l'existent festa jueva de la Pentecosta, mentre els deixebles i molts altre seguidors de Jesús es varen reunir per pregar, l'Esperit Sant va descendir sobre ells en forma de "llengües de foc", amb el so d'un fort vent, i van començar a parlar en llengües que no sabien abans.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
But now he was always in a rush to get home.
Ara, en canvi, sempre anava amb presses per arribar a casa.Literature Literature
Daniel started trying to get up and Mark rushed over and helped him up.
Mm... —En Daniel ha provat d’aixecar-se i en Mark s’ha afanyat a ajudar-lo—.Literature Literature
The rush of medals continued as he won four golds at the 2003 CARIFTA Games and was awarded the Austin Sealy Trophy for the most outstanding athlete of the games.
L'any 2003 va guanyar quatre medalles d'or en els CARIFTA Games, i va ser guardonat amb el trofeu Austin Sealy com a l'atleta més destacat dels jocs.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
When it stops, Zed jumps out and rushes toward me, leaving his truck running.
Quan s’atura, en Zed salta i corre cap a mi, deixant el motor encès.Literature Literature
"Salim smiled, pressed his friend's hand and gave a sign as if to say, ""Go ahead, there's no rush."""
Salim somrigué, estrenyé la mà del seu amic i féu un senyal com volent dir «ara silenci!».Literature Literature
As they tried to rush past him Flint stopped them.
Intentaven passar-li pel costat com una tromba i Flint les aturà.Literature Literature
This state lasted but for an instant; the scream was repeated, and I rushed into the room.
Aquest estat només va durar un instant; el crit es va repetir i em vaig precipitar dins la cambra.Literature Literature
But then if she’d known that, he wouldn’t have rushed to his death in the first place.
Si ho haguessin sabut, ell no s’hauria afanyat a morir al final.Literature Literature
Why do you rush to take care of an old teacher instead of looking for a wife?
Com és que per anar a ajudar un antic professor et falta temps i per buscar una dona no?Literature Literature
And so he rushed away to the door of his room and pushed himself against it, so that his father could see right away as he entered from the hall that Gregor fully intended to return at once to his room, that it was not necessary to drive him back, but that one only needed to open the door, and he would disappear immediately.
I així es va allunyar corrent cap a la porta de la seva habitació i la va empènyer contra ella, per la qual cosa seu pare va poder veure immediatament en entrar a la sala que Gregor totalment la intenció de tornar immediatament a la seva habitació, que no era necessari que el portés de tornada, però que només es necessita per obrir el porta, i desapareixeria immediatament.QED QED
While there are not many Gold Rush era ghost towns still in existence, the remains of the once-bustling town of Shasta have been preserved in a California State Historic Park in Northern California.
No queden molts pobles fantasma de l'època, però el poble de Shasta està bé conservat, i forma part de la llista de Parcs Històrics de l'Estat de Califòrnia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In a flash the plan rushed in, fully formed, every detail in vivid clarity.
El pla li va arribar volant, en un tres i no res, totalment format, cada detall d’una claredat intensa.Literature Literature
In April 2003, a Palestinian suicide bomber blew himself up at the Kfar Saba train station during the morning rush hour, killing a security guard and wounding 10 bystanders.
A l'abril de 2003, un palestí suïcida va explosionar una bomba a l'estació de tren de Kfar Saba, matant un guàrdia de seguretat i ferint 10 transeünts.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
We're not rushing in.
No ens arriscarem.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Uboas would press on her son strips of dried meat before he rushed back to be at his father’s side.
La Uboas va insistir al seu fill que s’emportés tires de carn seca abans no tornés corrents al costat del seu pare.Literature Literature
The higher elevation mountains remain above the water, but the sea has rushed in to fill the valleys with fingers of water.
Les muntanyes de major elevació es mantenen per sobre de l'aigua, però el mar s'ha “afanyat” a omplir les valls amb d'aigua.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
After reminding the driver to stay put a second time, I rush after her before the rain can separate us further.
Després de recordar al taxista que s’esperi, corro darrere d’ella abans que la pluja ens separi encara més.Literature Literature
215 sinne gevind in 17 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.