screw oor Katalaans


/skruː/ werkwoord, naamwoord
A simple machine, a helical inclined plane.

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to apply pressure on


To have sexual intercourse with

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screw thread
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screw propeller
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screw gun
tornavís elèctric
bottle screw
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screw up
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screw pine
Allen screw
cargol Allen


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It's how we screw it up.
I així és com la caguem.ted2019 ted2019
The 3rd Division consisted of the smaller screw gunboats and armed merchantmen.
La tercera divisió estava formada per petites troneres i mercants armats.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
They're the next turn of this particular screw, which has been going on 20 years now.
Són un pas més dins d'un procés que ja dura 20 anys.QED QED
Take me a few minutes to screw their security net deep enough to get a fix.'
Trigaré un parell de minuts a trencar la xarxa de seguretat sense anar massa a fons, perquè no em detectin.Literature Literature
I slid home the two bolts and tightened the five safety screws with the special spanner I had brought with me.
Vaig tancar bé els dos panys; vaig ajustar les cinc femelles de seguretat amb la clau especial que havia portat.Literature Literature
I could open the kitchen door by screwing myself into a ball and leaping and banging the latch with my fist.
Podia obrir la porta de la cuina, ajupint-me fins a fer-me una pilota i saltant i donant un cop de puny a la balda.Literature Literature
But two days later Bernat Plensa screwed up his courage and went to visit his friend.
Però al cap de dos dies Bernat Plensa va fer el cor fort i anà a visitar el seu amic.Literature Literature
The third screw slipped into place as well.
El tercer vis també va quedar col·locat.Literature Literature
He gave us the name of the next screw on the list, the location of the operation, everything.
Ha donat el nom del guardià següent de la llista, el lloc de l’operació, tot.Literature Literature
One job to do, and you manage to screw up even then.
Et mano una feina i no ets capaç de fer-la.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I managed to borrow money, was screwed by slippery partners and lost everything.
Vaig aconseguir que em fessin préstecs, però uns socis astuts em van enganyar i ho vaig perdre tot.Literature Literature
She once texted her boyfriend a picture of herself being screwed by another man.
Una vegada va enviar un missatge al paio amb qui estava amb una foto d’ella cardant amb un altre.Literature Literature
The screw is made of perforated metal, so items can progress through the washer in one direction, while water and washing chemicals move through in the opposite direction.
El cargol està fabricat d'un metall porós, de manera que la roba es desplaça per la rentadora en una direcció, mentre que l'aigua i els productes químics ho fan forçosament cap a l'altra.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
‘You really screwed up, dear hunting companion.’
- L’has ben cagada, estimat company de caceraLiterature Literature
Once the wafer and reticle are in place and aligned, the wafer stage, which is moved very precisely in the X and Y directions (front to back and left to right) by worm screws or linear motors, carries the wafer so that the first of the many patterns (or "shots") to be exposed on it is located below the lens, directly under the reticle.
Un cop l'oblia i la retícula són a lloc i alineades, l'etapa d'oblies, la qual és moguda de manera molt precisa en les direccions X i Y (recte i relatiu) amb el mètode de vis sense fi o motors lineals, porta l'oblia de manera que el primer dels molts patrons a ser exposats sobre ella són localitzats sota la lent, directament sota la retícula.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Don't screw it up.
No la caguis.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“That would just allow people to screw things up,” he declared.
«Això només permetria que la gent la cagués», va declarar.Literature Literature
The Lebanese don’t screw around, do they?’
Els libanesos no s’hi posen per poc, eh?Literature Literature
The over vigorous and bad intentions, don't worry engrave in the fucking mind that they live to screw you in demonstrations for Palestine or in a university sit- in sealing ATMs, painting streets, sewing afinities they publish newspapers, magazines and rebel poetry they have sense of touch and smell they say they're a sect, but...
Van de negre perquè tenen dol perpetu t'odien, es clar, " butru " superflu adicte al " fatu ". Els sobre ímpetu i mala bava, descuida, grava a la puta retina que viuen per donar pel sac. En manis per Palestina o tancats en facultats, segellant caixers, pintant carrers, teixint afinitats, Editen diaris, revistes i poesia insurrecta tenen tacte i olfacte diuen que són una secta, però... Ningú no representa els orfes d'occident.QED QED
When this gets out, I'm screwed.
Quan això se sàpiga, estic fotuda.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
They didn’t just want to win, they wanted to screw the other guy over.
No només volien guanyar, volien deixar l’altre fet una merda.Literature Literature
A screw's lead is the distance it moves forward axially with one complete turn (360°).
El pas és la distància que avança axialment el cargol amb una volta completa de (360 °).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I would have ruined them if I had used them to turn the screws.
Me les hauria destrossades si les hagués fet servir per posar els cargols.Literature Literature
Screw you.
Vés a la merda.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The tall man screwed up his features painfully, as if trying to muster the right words.
—L’home va comprimir la cara dolorosament, com si intentés reunir les paraules exactes—.Literature Literature
210 sinne gevind in 19 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.