self-will oor Katalaans


The quality of being willful and ignoring opposition.

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Selfish, self-willed, I eat too much, and I feel like the Book of Common Prayer.
Sóc egoista, tossuda, menjo massa i em sento com un llibre d’oracions.Literature Literature
I grew self-willed, addicted to the wildest caprices, and a prey to the most ungovernable passions.
Em vaig fer volenterós, aferrat als més salvatges capritxos, i una presa de les més ingovernables passions.Literature Literature
He was too self-willed for the job.
Era massa tossut, per a la feina.Literature Literature
Tortured and tormented until no bits of his former self will ever emerge again.
Torturat i turmentat fins que cap tros del seu jo anterior no pogués ressorgir mai més.Literature Literature
With all her secrecy, and self-will, there was not so much as the shadow of anything false in her.
Malgrat ser reservada i obstinada, no hi havia en ella ni la més petita ombra de falsedat.Literature Literature
As self-willed and as determined a man, in the wrong way, as ever put a human creature under Heaven, out of patience!
Un home tan entossudit i obstinat en els seus errors com cap altra criatura sota la capa del cel fa perdre la paciència!Literature Literature
As self-willed and as determined a man, in the wrong way, as ever put a human creature under heaven out of patience!
Un home tan entossudit i obstinat en els seus errors com cap altra criatura sota la capa del cel fa perdre la paciència!Literature Literature
Pele stated: "The two young actors who play my younger self will be true stars, as their skills both on screen and on the football pitch proved."
Pelé va declarar: "Els dos actors joves que han fet de mi mateix quan era jove seran veritables estrelles ja que han quedat provades les seves habilitats tant a la pantalla com al futbol."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
If you ask the experiencing self, it will probably prefer a short colonoscopy.
Si ho demanes al jo experimentador, segurament preferirà una colonoscòpia curta.Literature Literature
Those lymphocytes bearing receptors for self molecules will be destroyed at an early stage.
Aquells limfòcits que porten receptors per a la mateixa molècula seran esborrats en un estadi primerenc.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
“A man bent on self-destruction will find his way there sooner or later.”
—Un home inclinat a destruir-se, tard o d’hora troba la manera de fer-ho.Literature Literature
Your self-esteem will suffer; deep down you'll know that you're not wearing the best.
El teu amor propi patirà; en el teu íntim sabràs que no vesteixes el millor.Literature Literature
Self-confidence will give you a power that the bully does not possess
La confiança en tu mateix et donarà una força que no tenen els qui fan bullyingjw2019 jw2019
Self-interest will protect people only when they know what is going on and how to deal with it.
L’interès propi només protegirà les persones si entenen el que passa i saben com actuar davant d’aquella situació.Literature Literature
Monday May 5th Bank Holiday, UK and Republic of Ireland I saw Will Self today.
DILLUNS, 5 DE MAIG Festa a la Gran Bretanya i la República d’Irlanda Avui he vist en Will Self.Literature Literature
Your self-righteous arrogance will be the end of everything.
Colla de santets arrogants, la vostra arrogància serà la ruïna de tot plegat.Literature Literature
You have ten seconds to enter the pass-code or this vehicle will self-destruct.
Tens deu segons per posar la contrasenya o aquest vehicle s'autodestruirà.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Destiny, I feel, is also a relationship—a play between divine grace and willful self-effort.
Crec que el destí és també una forma de relació, una partida entre la gràcia divina i el nostre esforç deliberat.Literature Literature
These items are fairly self-explanatory and will be left to the reader for exploration
Aquests ítems són auto-explicatius i es deixa al lector la part d' exploracióKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Virally coded protein subunits will self-assemble to form a capsid, in general requiring the presence of the virus genome.
Les subunitats proteiques codificades pels virus s'autoassemblen per formar una càpsida, generalment necessitant la presència del genoma víric.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It probably goes something like, perfection is impossible for humans, so therefore, seeking perfection will not only ruin your self-esteem but it will render you a failure.
Segurament que els humans no podem ser perfectes, per tant, voler la perfecció destroçarà la teva autoestima i et farà fracassar.ted2019 ted2019
I had a fifteen-year-old self who said: nobody will marry you .
Tenia una jo de quinze anys que deia: ningú no es voldrà casar amb tu.Literature Literature
But mustn’t hold on to resentments or will harm self.
Però no m’haig d’aferrar als ressentiments, o em faran mal.Literature Literature
But as a counsellor she will be self-supporting.
Però com a consellera tindrà prou recursos econòmics.Literature Literature
Its effect is to remove most of the will to self-preservation.
El seu efecte és eliminar la major part de l’instint d’autoconservació.Literature Literature
159 sinne gevind in 54 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.