self-worth oor Katalaans


The value one assigns to oneself or one's abilities in self assessment.

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value one assigns to oneself

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Vulnerable teenagers who avoid such major pitfalls may still grow up with little sense of self-worth.
Tot i que alguns joves vulnerables aconsegueixen evitar aquests perills, és possible que creixin amb poca autoestima.jw2019 jw2019
Narcissistic, inflated sense of self-worth, history of bad relationships.
Narcisista, exagerada autoestima, historial de relacions fallides.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I suppose I was boasting a little about my input into their budding sense of self-worth.
Suposo que em vaig vanagloriar una mica de la meva contribució a la seva incipient autoestima.Literature Literature
“He keeps drifting away from me, which makes me cling harder and lose all sense of self-worth.
Doncs que ell cada vegada s’allunya més de mi, i això em fa aferrar-m’hi més i perdre tot el sentit de l’autoestima.Literature Literature
Those who have not learned to read may feel embarrassed, and many have low self-worth.
Els qui no saben llegir pot ser que s’avergonyeixin i tinguin poca autoestima.jw2019 jw2019
It will raise the country’s reputation and a general sense of self-worth.
Augmentarà la reputació del país i la sensació general d’autoestima.Literature Literature
And my sense of self-worth is not bound up in how extraordinary our kids are.”
I la meva autoestima no depèn de si els meus fills són extraordinaris o no.Literature Literature
Is it possible to teach a child humility without damaging his or her self-worth?
És possible ensenyar al teu fill a ser humil sense que afecti la seva autoestima?jw2019 jw2019
Therefore, outcomes relating to healthcare decisions within households will favour the men, due to greater self-worth.
Per tant els resultats relacionats a les decisions d'atenció sanitària dins de les llars afavoriran als homes, a causa d'una major autoestima.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The communal understanding of redemption and human self-worth has changed since Newton's time.
En el pensament teològic cristià els conceptes de redempció i autoestima han evolucionat molt des de l'època de John Newton.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Is your body mass somehow tied into your self-worth?
La teva massa corporal està lligada a la teva autoestima?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
All of my notions of self-worth were based on my appearance and demeanor.
La meva noció de la meva pròpia vàlua es fonamentava en la conducta i l'aparença externes.Literature Literature
Her eyes glowed with what could only be described as a renewed sense of self-worth.
Els ulls li van brillar amb el que només podria descriure com un renovat sentit de l’autoestima.Literature Literature
This school has helped me gain confidence and self-worth.
Però, gràcies a aquesta escola tinc més autoestima i confiança en mi mateix.jw2019 jw2019
3 Commend: Those who have not learned to read may feel embarrassed, and many have low self-worth.
3 Dóna encomi: Els qui no saben llegir pot ser que s’avergonyeixin i tinguin poca autoestima.jw2019 jw2019
Acts of service or charity are also beneficial as they foster a sense of self-worth, releasing serotonin in the brain.
Un acte de servei a la comunitat o caritat també són profitosos tan com fomentar l'autoestima, allibera serotonina al cervell.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Mental health consists of a broad scope of measurements of mental well being including depression, stress and measurements of self-worth.
La salut mental consisteix en un ampli ventall de mesures del benestar mental que inclouen la depressió, l'estrès i les mesures d'autoestima.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
She had very low self-worth, to the point of doubting that she was the kind of person God would approve of.
Tenia tan poca autoestima que fins i tot dubtava si tenia l’aprovació de Jehovà.jw2019 jw2019
Her extreme lack of self-worth is the reason for the rocky relationship between the two, and it reaches a breaking point when Ruka re-enters Ohtori Academy.
La seva extrema manca d'autoestima és la raó de la difícil relació entre elles dues, i que arriba a un punt de ruptura quan Ruka torna a entrar a l'Acadèmia Ohtori.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The health status of women in India relates to the perceived interest response because of the societal and cultural practices that create an environment where the self-worth of women is marginalised compared to men.
L'estat de salut de les dones a l'Índia es relaciona amb la resposta d'interès percebut per les pràctiques socials i culturals que creen un ambient on l'autoestima de la dona és marginada en comparació amb els homes.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
My self-worth was buried under a soul-crushing load of silence that isolated me from everyone that I cared about, and I was consumed with misplaced hatred and anger that I took out on myself.
La meva autoestima havia estat enterrada sota un silenci profund que m'aïllava de les persones que m'importaven, i em comsumia l'odi i la ira que dirigia cap a mi mateixa.ted2019 ted2019
And people began to say, "I turn myself off when I feel dead inside, when I don't like my body, when I feel old, when I haven't had time for myself, when I haven't had a chance to even check in with you, when I don't perform well at work, when I feel low self esteem, when I don't have a sense of self-worth, when I don't feel like I have a right to want, to take, to receive pleasure."
I la gent deia: "M'aïllo quan em sento mort per dins, quan no m'agrada el meu cos, em sento vell, no tinc temps per a mi, no he tingut l'oportunitat ni de parlar amb tu, tinc mals resultats a la feina, quan tinc poca autoestima, no em valoro gens, quan no sento que tinc el dret de voler, de tenir o de rebre plaer."ted2019 ted2019
A shadow of his old self remained to find it fascinating, a challenge worth accepting.
L’ombra del que havia estat va reviure, ho trobava tot fascinant, era un repte que valia la pena acceptar.Literature Literature
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