shadow play oor Katalaans

shadow play

An ancient form of storytelling and entertainment using opaque, often articulated figures in front of an illuminated backdrop to create the illusion of moving images.

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Ombres xineses

ancient form of entertainment using flat articulated figures

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ombres xineses


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The shadow-play events screened manipulations I could barely discern.
Està emprenyat, però em disculparé i farem les pausLiterature Literature
So the only thing the cave dwellers can see is this shadow play.
Barcelona , 19 de març de 1998Literature Literature
Without lifting his head from the floor, he watched the shadow-play.
l ' expedient corresponent .Literature Literature
Through them you could see the silhouettes of other visitors, like watching a shadow play.
Mai (suspèn indefinidamentLiterature Literature
The light falls in from the side, creating a suggestive shadow play.
Espero que estigui bé, senyoretaLiterature Literature
If so, everybody else was a phantom, and then world politics was a shadow play.
Introduïu el nom de la variable d' entorn. Podeu usar la llista desplegable, a on trobareu les variables d' entorn més freqüents per a les tasques programades. Aquestes inclouen aLiterature Literature
Heat, reflection, whispers, shadows, played around me as though I was glass.
23.7.1997 ) es va convocar concurs per a la concessió de beques per aLiterature Literature
Shadow plays first appeared during the Han Dynasty and later gain popularity across Asia.
L ' article 12.5 de la Llei 16 / 1997 , de 24 de desembre , de pressupostos de la Generalitat de Catalunya per al 1998 , preveu que excepcionalment poden ser concedides directament les subvencions innominades o genèriques en què no és possible de promoure concurrència pública per l ' especificitat de les característiques que ha de complir l ' entitat , l ' empresa , la persona o l ' activitat destinatària de la subvenció .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A basement theater where a shadow play was just starting.
Funció buidaLiterature Literature
Heat, reflection, whispers,shadows, played around me as though I was glass.
Però contesta' m, el vas matar?Literature Literature
A shadow play adaptation of Culhwch and Olwen toured schools in Ceredigion during 2003.
Oh, sempre em van agradar Les diapositivesWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Behind him, his disproportionately enormous shadow played over a grimy wall.
Filtra en la & Llista de correuLiterature Literature
Some hanging lamps around the pool were swinging back and forth, creating a dramatic shadow play in the garden.
He treballat tota la vidaLiterature Literature
But then this evening of music begins, with a single violin in the shadows playing one long note of longing.
Multimission Archive at Space Telescope (MAST) (" arxiu de les múltiples missions al telescopi espacial "). El telescopi espacial de l' Institut de ciència proveeix accés a tota la col· lecció d' imatges i espectre que es rep amb el telescopi espacial Hubble, així com des d' altres diversos observatoris basats en la recerca espacialLiterature Literature
The last shadow play by Salis's company was staged in January 1897, after which Salis took the company on tour.
administracions públiques i del procediment administratiu comú ,WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It was here that the Salon des Arts Incohérents (Salon of Incoherent Arts), shadow plays, and comic monologues got their start.
Desa la contrasenya en el fitxer dreceraWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The cabaret number "Two Ladies" was staged with the Emcee, a cabaret girl, and a cabaret boy in drag and included a shadow play simulating various sexual positions.
26 de juliol , de modificació del calendari d ' aplicació delsWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The traditional shadow play called Karagöz and Hacivat was widespread throughout the Ottoman Empire and featured characters representing all of the major ethnic and social groups in that culture.
PPP MicroonesWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hafner gives the ghost of a smile, it is almost imperceptible, just a shadow that plays on his lips.
Només és exitant quan te sents reflexat en el texteLiterature Literature
Henri Rivière (March 11, 1864 – August 24, 1951) was a French artist and designer best known for his creation of a form of shadow play at the Chat Noir cabaret, and for his post-Impressionist illustrations of Breton landscapes and the Eiffel Tower.
Que no hauries de beure tant?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Little shapes formed behind my eyelids, like hands playing shadows on the wall.
termini de dos mesos a comptar de l ' endemà de la seva publicacióLiterature Literature
Was he wrong, or was there a faint shadow of a smile playing on Fazio’s lips?
& Desa la filaLiterature Literature
At 11.30 that night there was a knock at the door and a play of shadows outside.
Feu clic en el botó d' opció Centre en la secció anomenada AlineacióLiterature Literature
In contrast to the heavy Indian influence in other art forms, the only obvious Indian influence in gamelan music is in the Javanese style of singing, and in the themes of the Wayang kulit (shadow puppet plays).
El centre de l' àtom, de càrrega positiva, on es troben els protons i neutronsWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He courteously offered visitors the unwrinkled purity of his face; the shadow of a smile played on the lips.
Espere.Puc explicarLiterature Literature
43 sinne gevind in 17 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.