shadowiness oor Katalaans


The state or property of being shadowy.

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He was a shadowy type back then, always in the background giving money.
identificadorLiterature Literature
In a shadowy area behind the stool van Eyck worked a glaze with his fingers.
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The prospect that Benivalle might represent shadowy upstate connections isn’t unthinkable.
Especifica si l' etiqueta necessita o no una etiqueta de tancament & lt;/(nom_ etiq) gtLiterature Literature
The bright afternoon sunlight was a shock after the shadowy cool of Hollows.
BUP i COU : 16 unitats amb capacitat per a 640 llocs escolars ambLiterature Literature
In North by Northwest (1959), Roger Thornhill (Cary Grant) is an innocent man ridiculed by his mother for insisting that shadowy, murderous men are after him.
Heu de definir un nom d' etiquetaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The maple four-poster bed was a shadowy mass in the centre of the room.
partir de l ' inici de la tercera fase de l ' Unió Econòmica iLiterature Literature
She lay still, trying to distinguish details in the shadowy shapes silhouetted against the walls.
L' última operació realitzada en aquesta propietat ha estat realitzada amb èxit i és activaLiterature Literature
In all that shadowy hemisphere, there was no single spark to drive back the night.
On, quan i com?Literature Literature
Leaders have been charged with murder, etc. Los Pepes was a shadowy group formed in Colombia during the 1990s that committed acts of vigilantism against drug lord Pablo Escobar and his associates within the Medellin Cartel.
I clar, no volen una dona que digui:No, no et penso servir!WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
She shows us to a table in a shadowy corner.
Deixa estar les cartes!Literature Literature
I imagine myself with a stake, chasing after a shadowy figure in a mask carrying a knife wet with Sophie’s blood.
Has sentit alguna cosa?Literature Literature
Is it not an avatar of Nyarlathotep, who in antique and shadowy Khem even took the form of man?
A principis de l' edat mitjana va néixer la llegenda de la mandràgoraLiterature Literature
He smiled at us out of the shadowy light.
Filtre Mapa Petits mosaicsLiterature Literature
He wandered among the shadowy tents, heading generally toward his own, but paying little attention to his exact path.
Amb nombrosos súbdits, fortuna colossal, poder absolutLiterature Literature
Above all, both the pleasantly energetic Franco of long ago and the shadowy Franco of convalescence had disappeared.
partir de l ' inici de la tercera fase de l ' Unió Econòmica iLiterature Literature
India’s father, a shadowy figure at the best of times, had died in Australia the year before.
Buida totes les & papereresLiterature Literature
He had dark, shadowy eyes; a rigid, sneering mouth; and a rather salient jaw.
Insereix subíndex i superíndexLiterature Literature
Suddenly I saw a shadowy hole: the cellar had been opened.
I no ho expliqui a ningúLiterature Literature
It was shadowy anddreadful, and yet it called to him and threatened him and challengedhim.
I prendré la meva venjançaLiterature Literature
At length he gathered from Sam that they had seen nothing but the vague shadowy shapes coming towards them.
No el sento béLiterature Literature
Rocco bit his lip and immediately tried to assign a name and a face to that shadowy guest.
Una noia de naturalesa senzilla i gentil com Gwendolen, no és adient que hagi de viure al campLiterature Literature
In the shadowy corners of both rooms were tennis and badminton rackets leaned against the wall.
Si algú tracta d' eixir, Disparen- li en el cap dos copsLiterature Literature
Mellberg made an effort to wipe the smile off his face and pointed towards the shadowy interior of the cleft.
Colors RGB obtingutsLiterature Literature
Rallying his strength, the good priest Canço greets his shadowy visitor with the sign of the cross and she follows.
Au, va, ara sí que fas broma.- Sí, però m' imagino que abans era més macaLiterature Literature
He used the old phrases, but their effect was unexpected and shadowy.
Entitat beneficiària : Museu Geològic del Seminari , deLiterature Literature
170 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.