sliding door oor Katalaans

sliding door

A door that opens and closes by sliding to the side; sometimes one of a pair.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans

porta corredissa

door which opens horizontally by sliding

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The sliding door to the terrace and pool was wide open; white curtains flapped nervously in the wind.
La porta corredissa de la terrassa i la piscina estava oberta; les cortines blanques voleiaven nervioses amb el vent.Literature Literature
He followed her to the furthest room, where she opened sliding doors.
La va seguir fins a l’habitació més allunyada, on va obrir unes portes corredisses.Literature Literature
She pulls open the sliding door and flees, leaving Cynthia sitting alone at the table with the laptop.
Obre la porta de vidre i surt corrents, deixant la Cynthia asseguda a taula sola, amb el portàtil.Literature Literature
When she gets home, twenty-nine Ponent, she locks Teresina in the room with the sliding door.
En arribar a casa, Ponent vint-i-nou, tanca la Teresina a l’habitació de la porta corredora.Literature Literature
When I got up to push open the sliding doors I felt how clammy my hands were.
En aixecar-me per obrir una mica les portes corredisses, vaig sentir com n’estaven d’humides les meves mans.Literature Literature
Misato had retreated to her room and closed the sliding door.
La Misato s’havia refugiat a la seva cambra i havia tancat la porta corredissa.Literature Literature
It was a one-story cement-block cube with sliding doors in front and back.
Era un bloc de ciment d'un sol pis, amb portes corredisses al davant i al darrere.Literature Literature
Then she heard the sound of the sliding door as Misato emerged from the back room.
Aleshores va sentir el soroll de la porta corredissa i la Misato que sortia de l’habitació del darrere.Literature Literature
A set of open sliding doors led onto a library.
Unes portes corredisses obertes donaven a una biblioteca.Literature Literature
Nice to see you, too,” Trevor mumbles and disappears through the sliding doors.
Jo també m’alegro de veure’t —murmura en Trevor, i desapareix per les portes corredisses.Literature Literature
I went back into the room and opened the sliding doors and looked inside the empty closet.
Després vaig tornar a l’habitació, vaig obrir les portes corredisses i vaig mirar a dins de l’armari buit.Literature Literature
And then we came back through the house and paused a moment at the sliding doors.
I aleshores vam tornar a travessar la casa i ens vam aturar a les portes corredisses.Literature Literature
I heard sliding doors slide, somewhere downstairs, and a clear and beautiful voice called, “Clarence?
Vaig sentir també com s’obria la porta corredissa, i com algú, amb una veu clara i agradable, preguntava: —Clarence?Literature Literature
Wade opened the sliding doors onto the balcony, still hot, even at this hour, and lit a cigarette.
El Wade obrí les portes corredisses que donaven al balcó, encara calent, malgrat l'hora, i encengué un cigarret.Literature Literature
I put the paper into the same pocket with the gun, moved on to the sliding doors.
Vaig posar-me el paper a la mateixa butxaca que la pistola i em vaig dirigir cap a les portes corredisses.Literature Literature
María Shelley stopped in front of a sliding door and rapped with her knuckles.
Maria Shelley es va aturar davant d’una porta corredissa i va trucar amb els artells.Literature Literature
The sliding door at the back, the one leading into the garden.”
La porta corredissa del darrere, la que dóna al jardí.Literature Literature
She would have said more, but she heard the sliding door of the back room fly open.
Anava a afegir alguna cosa més, però va sentir que la porta corredissa de l’habitació del fons s’obria de cop.Literature Literature
Hanging on the wall beside the ancient cupboards with sliding doors was an old-fashioned clock.
Penjat a la paret, vora uns vells armaris de cuina amb porta corredissa, hi havia un rellotge una mica antiquat.Literature Literature
I concentrate on the sliding doors, no longer looking at the red numbers.
Em concentro en les portes, he deixat de mirar les xifres vermelles.Literature Literature
Soon, Viesel was swallowed by the sliding doors, and calm reigned once more.
Poc després, les portes automàtiques van engolir en Viesel i es va instaurar de nou la calma.Literature Literature
"""Yes, it's just the same-we still have the sliding doors and the stained glass window on the stairs."
—Doncs sí, està ben igual, encara hi ha les portes corredisses i la finestra amb vidres de colors a l’escala.Literature Literature
Vanja looked at him wearily and pointed to the white sliding door on the other side of the room.
La Vanja el va mirar amb un gest de cansament i va assenyalar la porta corredissa a l’altra banda del dormitori.Literature Literature
In 1960, they co-founded Horton Automatics Inc and placed the first commercial automatic sliding door on the market.
El 1960, van fundar conjuntament l'empresa Horton Automatics Inc i van col·locar la primera porta corredissa automàtica comercial del mercat de consum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
They do a good job of cushioning the blows of the sliding doors, which keep on wanting to close again.
Frenen bé els cops de la porta, que intenta tornar a tancar-se contínuament.Literature Literature
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