slim oor Katalaans


/ˈslɪm/ adjektief, werkwoord, naamwoord
(of a person) Slender: thin in an attractive way.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans


I've always been naturally slim
Sempre he acostumat d'estar així... de prima.
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Danbi and I are browsing through a South Korean market, when she stops to admire a pair of slim fitting pants.
Danbi i jo estem llambregant per un mercat sud-coreà quan ella s'atura per admirar un parell de pantalons esvelts i ajustats.


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The Slim Shady LP
The Slim Shady LP
slim down
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Fatboy Slim
Fatboy Slim


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I watched it disappear into the night. 5 I was with Montana Slim and we started hitting the bars.
Els vaig veure desaparèixer en la nit. 5 Estava amb en Montana Slim i vam començar a córrer els bars.Literature Literature
The slimness, the elegance, the singular beauty of the footprint had disturbed me profoundly.
La finor, l’elegància, la singular bellesa de la petjada m’havien agitat profundament.Literature Literature
I don’t want to think about my weight; truth is, I like being this slim.
No vull pensar en el meu pes; la veritat és que m’agrada estar així de prima.Literature Literature
Pickings are slim.
Les sobres són escasses.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He saw Lady Galloway, slim and thread-like, with silver hair and a face sensitive and superior.
Va veure lady Galloway, prima com una ascla i de cabells blancs, amb una cara sensible i superior.Literature Literature
The American historian Raymond Callahan concluded "Slim's great victory ... helped the British, unlike the French, Dutch or, later, the Americans, to leave Asia with some dignity."
Segons va concloure l'historiador nord-americà Raymond Callahan, la gran victòria de Slim ajudà als britànics, a diferència dels francesos, els holandesos o, posteriorment, els nord-americans, a abandonar l'Àsia amb una certa dignitat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
At the year-ending Virginia Slims Championships, Graf was upset by Pam Shriver, only her third loss of the year.
En el Virginia Slims Championships que tancava la temporada, fou eliminada per Pam Shriver en la seva tercera derrota de l'any.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1945, Slim launched an offensive into Burma, with lines of supply stretching almost to breaking point across hundreds of miles of trackless jungle.
El 1945, Slim llançà una ofensiva a Birmània, amb línies de subministrament estenent-se a través de centenars de quilòmetres a través de la jungla.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Critics noted the phone's blend of features, such as its S Voice application, display, processing speed, and dimensions as having an edge over its competition, the Apple iPhone 4S and HTC One X. Vlad Savov of The Verge declared it a "technological triumph", while Natasha Lomas of CNET UK lauded the phone's "impossibly slim and light casing and a quad-core engine", calling it the "Ferrari of Android phones", a sentiment affirmed ("a prince among Android phones") by Dave Oliver of Wired UK and ("king of Android") Esat Dedezade of Stuff magazine.
Els crítics van observar la gran quantitat de característiques del dispositiu, com l'aplicació S Voice, la pantalla, la velocitat de processament, i les dimensions com a punts destacats per fer front als seus competidors, com l'iPhone 4S d'Apple i el HTC One X. Vlad Savov del lloc web The Verge el va declarar com un "triomf tecnològic", mentre que Natasha Lomas de CNET UK va lloar el dispositiu com a "prim i lleuger gairebé impossible i un motor de quatre nuclis", anomenant-lo el "Ferrari dels telèfons Android", un sentiment afirmat ("un príncep entre els telèfons Android") per Dave Oliver de Wired UK i ("rei de l'Android") per Esat Dedezade de la revista Stuff.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Why did Slim Lowry come here?”
Per què en Slim Lowry vingué aquí?Literature Literature
Behind him the shrubs were thick; in front of him, Flynn approached cautiously; on his left, Slim stood with his knife.
Darrera seu les bardisses eren espesses; al seu davant Flynn s'acostava, caut; a l'esquerra, Slim, dret amb el ganivet.Literature Literature
Slim's voice, slightly high pitched, made them all look at him.
La veu de Slim, lleugerament aguda, féu que tots es tombessin a mirar-lo.Literature Literature
The door is opened by a slim, middle-aged woman with dark blonde hair and big blue eyes.
Obre la porta una dona esvelta de mitjana edat, de cabells rossos foscos i uns ulls blaus i grossos.Literature Literature
You’ve always wanted to be the big shot, haven’t you, Slim?
Sempre has volgut ser el capitost, eh, Slim?Literature Literature
He was shorter than he appeared at first glance because he was very slim.
Era més baix del que semblava a primer cop d'ull, perquè estava molt prim.Literature Literature
I’m grateful that the chances of me seeing her again are slim to nonexistent.
M’alegro que les meves possibilitats de tornar-la a veure siguin d’escasses a inexistents.Literature Literature
He was neat, and slim, and well made; but he wasn't by an inch or two up to the middle height.
Era elegant, prim i ben plantat, però no arribava per uns quants centímetres a l’estatura mitjana.Literature Literature
A slim, handsome man with dark blond hair; he looked rather like Clark Gable in Gone with the Wind.
Era un home atractiu, atlètic i de cabells ros fosc; s'assemblava a Clark Gable a Allò que el vent s'endugué.Literature Literature
The operations ended in disaster, during which Slim was restored to command of XV Corps, albeit too late to salvage the situation.
Les operacions van acabar en un desastre, durant les quals Slim va ser restaurat al comandament del 15è Cos, si bé ja era massa tard per slavar la situació.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I was slim and stringy, and she was tall and strong.
Jo era prima i esllanguida, i ella era alta i forta.Literature Literature
Being Queen Skara’s dog might be slim on honor, but she was an awful lot prettier than the Breaker of Swords.
Ser el gos de la reina Skara podia ser un honor minso, però ella era terriblement més bonica que el Trencaespases.Literature Literature
One of these men is fair and the other dark, one stout and the other slim, one strong and the other weak.
Un d'aquests dos homes és ros i l'altre morè, l'un cepat i l'altre prim, l'un fort i l'altre feble.Literature Literature
‘Attendance was slim – but Mr Skywalker managed to make it.’
Hi va anar més aviat poca gent, però el senyor Skywalker va aconseguir arribar-hi.Literature Literature
His first book for the publishing company Alfred A. Knopf, in 1918, was The Madman, a slim volume of aphorisms and parables written in biblical cadence somewhere between poetry and prose.
El seu primer llibre amb l'editorial Alfred Knopf, el 1918, es titula El Boig, un petit volum d'aforismes i de paràboles bíbliques cadenciosos escrits entre la poesia i la prosa.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Yolngu tell that Ngalindi, the Moon-man, was once young and slim (the waxing Moon), but grew fat and lazy (the full Moon).
Els yolngu també expliquen que Ngalindi, la Lluna-home, va ser una vegada jove i prim (la lluna nova), però va fer el vague i va engreixar (la lluna plena).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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