sliminess oor Katalaans


The property of being slimy.

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His would surely have been as slimy as the nervous sheen on his forehead.
Cada aplicació del & koffice; està dissenyada per a omplir necessitats molt específiques. Per exemple, el & kspread; és un programa per a manipular fulls de dades, mentre que el & kword; és un programa per a processar textos. Enfocant sobre una àrea específica, cada programa cerca la perfecció en exactament la aquesta àrea. Malgrat tot, i depenent del que feu amb el & koffice;, sovint voldreu aprofitar la funcionalitat d' aplicacions diferents, però en el mateix documentLiterature Literature
If I see that slimy hijo de puta I’m not going to be kind.
Atès que s ' ha comprovat a l ' expedient esmentat el compliment delsLiterature Literature
I only ever tasted them once, in the Capitol, and I couldn't get around the sliminess.
Aquí al camp, la fam és diferentLiterature Literature
Below the slimy exterior there was no flesh, no bones.
DD-El dia, usant # dígits (de # aLiterature Literature
‘I am glad to see,’ she said, ‘that there are no slimy creatures in my drinking-water this time.
d ' aquesta Resolució s ' ajusten al que disposen el Reial decret 1776 / 1981 ,Literature Literature
He was holding up Harry's disgusting, slimy sock, and looking at it as though it were a priceless treasure.
Vistos el Decret legislatiu 1 / 1990 , de 12 de juliol , pel qual s ' aprova la refosa del textos legals vigents a Catalunya en matèria urbanística ( DOGC núm . 1317 , de 13.7.1990 ) , el Reglament de gestió urbanística i la Instrucció aprovada per l ' Ordre del Departament de Política Territorial i Obres Públiques de 6 d ' agostde1982 ( DOGC núm . 260 , de 17.9.1982 ) ;Literature Literature
No good for throttling eunuchs, but heavy enough to smash that slimy smile into a fine red ruin.
intestada a favor de la Generalitat de Catalunya ( DOGC núm . 2103 , deLiterature Literature
He laughs without knowing why, because in reality he feels dirty, slimy, moldy with sadness.
M' havien dit que ho havies deixatLiterature Literature
"""Varys, you are as cold and slimy as a slug, has anyone ever told you?"
Erica és tan dolça, no li ho sembla, SrLiterature Literature
Sometimes he was fighting tribes of slimy zombies, sometimes armies of military robots.
Així que era un dels oficials brillants i jovesLiterature Literature
The plants were dead, as were the flowers still standing in slimy stinking water.
La resta d' opcions són sobre determinar els mètodes del xifrat a usar i sobre els que no s' haurien d' usar. Una vegada seleccionats els protocols de xifrat apropiats, simplement feu clic a Aplica per activar els vostres canvisLiterature Literature
Had the trinity been down all the slimy corridors?
Qui creus que és, cap?Literature Literature
Whose hair was it that had lain embedded in the slimy yolk of my egg at breakfast?
Ah, ja és aquíLiterature Literature
"""I am glad to see"", she said, ""that there are no slimy creatures in my drinking-water this time."
I la teva mare em creu a miLiterature Literature
The baby was slippery and slimy, but Billy managed to pick him up.
c ) Permís per naixement o acolliment familiar d ’ un fill : 3 dies .Literature Literature
If that slimy suit comes near me or any of my shit...
Us vindré a buscar quan tingui la pomaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Whose hair was it that had lain embedded in the slimy yolk of my egg at breakfast?
sectors industrials , I , II , III i IV que promou i ha tramès l ' AjuntamentLiterature Literature
In a slimy, snaky voice he hissed, “I know you won’t open up for me, but that doesn’t matter.
Quina és la seva estratègia?- Ara estic entre el suícidi i la desercióLiterature Literature
He dipped his finger into the cool, slightly slimy water and picked one of them up.
Inferior esquerreLiterature Literature
The ropes of weed tying the hostages to the statue were thick, slimy and very strong.
centres docents privats ,Literature Literature
“But meanwhile let’s take a gander at what kind of slimy creature has come calling.
Configura l' exerciciLiterature Literature
Passion is beautiful and pure—pure as the lily that comes out of the slimy soil.
El & kpresenter; començarà pel principi del document i aplicarà totes les opcions d' autocorrecció seleccionades a tot el documentLiterature Literature
CAROL LUNTZ: The truth about Scott’s slimy Mexican.
Article 9Literature Literature
She deals with seedy, would-be casting directors who want her body more than her acting talent, a slimy hotel manager and more.
No estava a RioWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In moist conditions mats are usually held together by slimy substances secreted by the microorganisms, and in many cases some of the microorganisms form tangled webs of filaments which make the mat tougher.
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