smash oor Katalaans


/smæʃ/ werkwoord, naamwoord, bywoord
The sound of a violent impact, to strike violently.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans


Another two have been smashed since the Welsborough one.
S'ha trencat dos més a part del de Welsborough.


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Let's Smash
Let’s Smash
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The Smashing Pumpkins
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Super Smash Bros. Brawl


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" Smash the beetles.
" Esclafar els escarabats. "OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He thought it might fall on top of him, smashing his face as flat as a child’s drawing.
Va pensar que li cauria al damunt, esclafant-li la cara i deixant-la plana com el dibuix d’un nen.Literature Literature
‘I don’t want the bottle to be smashed!’
—No vull que l’ampolla s’aixafi!Literature Literature
“May I ask whether the two busts smashed in Dr.
¿Em permeteu que us pregunti si els dos bustos esmicolats a les dependències del Dr.Literature Literature
According to the post-mortem the 10-millimetre bullet hit and smashed Alf Gunnerud's nasal bone.
Segons l’autòpsia, la bala de deu mil·límetres va tocar i destrossar l’os nasal de l’Alf Gunnerud.Literature Literature
It was obvious something had smashed against the wall — probably the boy’s head.
No hi havia cap dubte: alguna cosa havia xocat contra la paret, probablement el cap de la criatura.Literature Literature
I drove downtown somehow, without smashing into anybody, and parked across the street from the bank.
D’alguna manera, vaig arribar al centre sense atropellar ningú, i vaig parar el cotxe a l’altre cantó del banc.Literature Literature
And then I thought you killed Masha, smashed up the gallery, killed Guiche.
I aleshores em vaig pensar que havia mort la Masha, destrossat la meva galeria i assassinat en Guiche.Literature Literature
With a curse he dived off Saphira and tackled the Urgal, smashing his face with the shield.
Llançant un renec, va baixar de Saphira, va escometre l’urgal i li esclafà la cara amb l’escut.Literature Literature
He smashed his face to hide the fact that he wasn’t Shinji Togashi.
Després li va esclafar la cara per amagar el fet que no era en Shinji Togashi.Literature Literature
I reckoned there was a fifty percent chance that he would smash my face in.
Vaig calcular que hi havia un cinquanta per cent de possibilitats que em fes una cara nova.Literature Literature
Samneric were savages like the rest; Piggy was dead, and the conch smashed to powder.
Sam i Eric eren uns salvatges com els altres; el Porquet era mort i el cargol de mar s’havia partit en mil bocins.Literature Literature
I smashed my arm in six places.
Em vaig trencar el braç per sis llocs.Literature Literature
Instead, I smashed it against the lighthouse wall.
En lloc d'això la vaig destrossar contra la paret del far.Literature Literature
The postman would purposefully forget them, their bottle of milk would be smashed against their door in the mornings.
El carter els oblidava, la seva ampolla de la llet apareixia trencada al matí davant la porta.Literature Literature
Water can break a man’s bones; a bridge will smash his skull.
L’aigua pot trencar el nas d’un home, un pont pot destrossar un crani.Literature Literature
This is where it was smashed.
Aquí és on el varen trencar.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
But all you’re good for is to smash things.
En canvi, tu només serveixes per trencar coses.Literature Literature
However, on 3 September 1650, unexpectedly, Cromwell smashed the main Scottish army at the Battle of Dunbar, killing 4,000 Scottish soldiers, taking another 10,000 prisoner, and then capturing the Scottish capital of Edinburgh.
No obstant això, el 3 de setembre de 1650, en una batalla inesperada, Cromwell va aixafar el gruix de l'exèrcit Convenanter a la Batalla de Dunbar, en què van morir 4.000 soldats escocesos, 10.000 més van caure presoners, i va ser capturada la capital, Edimburg.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hainey had given him popped from his head and smashed to smithereens on the floor.
Hainey li havia regalat li saltà del cap i es trencà en mil bocins en caure a terra.Literature Literature
This second Jolson screen smash demonstrated the movie musical's ability to turn a song into a national hit: inside of nine months, the Jolson number "Sonny Boy" had racked up 2 million record and 1.25 million sheet music sales.
Aquest segon èxit de pantalla de Jolson va demostrar la capacitat d'una pel·lícula musical de transformar una cançó en un èxit nacional: el següent estiu, el número musical de Jolson "Sonny Boy" havia aconseguit unes vendes de 2 milions de discos i 1,25 milions de partitures.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The first sight of Beth seemed to smash his heart, yet mend it at the same time.
La primera impressió que rebé de la Beth semblà com si li destrossés el cor, i l'hi arreglés alhora.Literature Literature
She wanted to scream and smash every glass and plate in there.
La Faria va sentir l’impuls de xisclar i trencar tots els plats i gots que hi havia allà dins.Literature Literature
I was standing behind a pillar, with my forehead on it, ready to step back and smash it open at last.
Estava dret rere una columna, on recolzava el front, a punt per recular i fer-lo esclatar finalment.Literature Literature
During the "Hold Up" video, a smiling, laughing and dancing Beyoncé smashes store windows, cars and cameras with a baseball bat, representing Oshun's furious temper in a modern context.
Durant el vídeo, una somrient, rient i ballarina Beyoncé trenca finestres de botigas, cotxes i càmeres amb un bat de beisbol, representant la furia d'Oshun en un context modern.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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