smash-up oor Katalaans


Circumstance in which two or more vehicles accidentally collide.

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And then I thought you killed Masha, smashed up the gallery, killed Guiche.
Primer i segon grau amb classificació acadèmica com a homologatLiterature Literature
How must you treat yourself, so you won’t kick over the traces and smash up your corral?
& kstars; us permet configurar i controlar instruments d' astronomia tals com telescopis i enfocadors mitjançant el protocol INDI. indiserver és un controlador de dispositiu que dona suport a particulars tipus de maquinari externLiterature Literature
The great express engine from Maffei's in Munich lay smashed up and done for.
Per a encaixarLiterature Literature
Still weeping, almost screaming with grief, PETYA has started to smash up his new home.
Es una trucada amistosa.Es clar que és una trucada amistosaLiterature Literature
I wanted to smash up the room, break the furniture against the walls.
Escolta, em veuré obligat a dir- li que no em vas ajudar, i la vas deixar morir al teu jardíLiterature Literature
Woody’s right leg was smashed up by machine-gun bullets on Christmas Day.
planejament de Gandesa , a instància de l ' Ajuntament .Literature Literature
There's an amplifier too, but it got smashed up.
No et dono temps per traduir, oi?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It was an uncovered station, barely more than a stop really, and terribly smashed up.
auxiliars , i aquestes ta n sols s ' admetran quan estigui justificat que no siguiLiterature Literature
There was that matter of my smashing up the car – oh, and several things.
Aquesta caixa de diàle us permetrà d' ajustar el color amb què es dibuixa la graella, els espais vertical i horitzontal i la distància d' enquadramentLiterature Literature
” * Two weeks later, Caris found Mark Webber smashing up his hand mill.
RESOLUCIÓ de 28 d ' agost de 1998 , per la qual es deneguen les s ol · licituds de dissolució de l ' agrupació de Verges i Ultramort i de l ' Ajuntament d ' Ultramort d ' exempció de l ' obligació de mantenir el lloc de treball de secretaria intervenció .Literature Literature
"Dick said, ""Be funny if we had a smash-up."""
En els temps en què començaaquesta històriaLiterature Literature
“Or be smashed up by British Railways!”
Si podeu treballar amb un ratolí però teniu problemes amb el clic, l' aplicació kmousetool; pot ser-vos d' utilitat. La podeu executar des de Botó K Utilitats KMouseTool (Clic automàtic del ratolíLiterature Literature
“They smashed up my place and stole two barrels of my best ale!”
Finestra a la pantallaLiterature Literature
They haven’t proved yet that it is Colonel Bohun with the head all smashed up like that.’
De l' altre costat del temps, per trobar- teLiterature Literature
And George has smashed up their motor-boat to stop them escaping!""
Acabarem canviant el color del text del títol de negre a blau. Per a fer-ho, seleccioneu el text del títol dobleclicant la caixa de text i seleccionant-ne el textLiterature Literature
For a moment it seemed as though they must surely smash up against the stones beneath his legs.
franja de terrenys d ' un metre d ' amplada , perpendicular al carrer Enric MoreraLiterature Literature
It had to be them: the three Painballers who’d smashed up Scales, that first night of the Flood.
Minva la mida dels tipus de lletraLiterature Literature
And you stay sitting on your fucking arse while they smash up my business!
Cada hora extra realitzada en dia festiu es compensarà amb dues hores .Literature Literature
It's like somebody smashed up a lot of old statues.
Maria...... això que penses, no ho diràs a ningú?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“He’ll like it even less if this gang of maniacs starts smashing up his beloved hospital.”
I si em diu que no?Literature Literature
“Was he killed when they smashed up his face that way?”
Esborra carpetaLiterature Literature
Have you ever smashed up a really expensive car?
Imprimint el crontabLiterature Literature
“Why did you smash up his house?”
Funcionalitats del terminalLiterature Literature
“I saw Mark Webber smashing up his hand mill,” she said as she sat down.
Aquesta va ser la nit de divendres i ell no tenia una targeta de crèdit, així que li vaig dir que anava a llogar un cotxeLiterature Literature
For weeks now those blackshirts have been smashing up one brasserie after the other.
Vés i torca’ tLiterature Literature
63 sinne gevind in 13 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.