space age oor Katalaans

space age

The period from the about the time of the launch of Sputnik in 1957 to the present day, during which man ventured into space

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Jonathan's Space Report (JSR) is a newsletter about the space age.
El calendari laboral de festes oficials serà d ’ acord amb l ’ Ordre del Departament de treball de la Generalitat de Catalunya a aquests efectes .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Before the dawn of the Space Age, no one had ever imagined that such a world existed.
Si una carpeta seleccionada conté un fitxer index. html, aquest s' obrirà com a pàgina web en comptes de mostrar la carpeta com a una llista de fitxersLiterature Literature
In 2009, RUAG finally bought Oerlikon Space AG, the largest Swiss space company at that time.
Entitat beneficiària : Federació de les Associacions Catalanes de Vídues .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
“We’re living in the space age!
Ajudar- me a morir millor?Literature Literature
The Forward Look logo consisted of two overlapped boomerang shapes, suggesting space age rocket-propelled motion.
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As the image dissolved, Poole could not help smiling at that old Space Age cliche ́.
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The Space Age reached its peak with the Apollo program, that captured the imagination of much of the world's population.
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The launch of Sputnik 1 ushered a new era of political, scientific and technological achievements that became known as the Space Age.
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The Space Age was characterized by rapid development of new technology in a close race mostly between the United States and the Soviet Union.
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The differences between the B1 and the B2 are only cosmetic; the B2 offers a new, edgier design and a new, almost space-age interior.
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The Space Age is a period encompassing the activities related to the Space Race, space exploration, space technology, and the cultural developments influenced by these events.
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In the 2000s, entrepreneurs began designing—and by the 2010s, deploying—space systems competitive to the national-monopoly governmental systems of the early decades of the space age.
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Since the start of the Space Age, a great deal of exploration has been performed by robotic spacecraft missions that have been organized and executed by various space agencies.
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UV astronomy was impossible before the Space Age, and some of the first space telescopes were UV telescopes designed to observe this previously inaccessible region of the electromagnetic spectrum.
sistema educatiu a Catalunya .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It added new features such as a special power for each civilization, and a new 15th epoch, entitled the Space Age, which focuses on the colonization of space planets.
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At the dawn of the space age and the introduction of sounding rockets, aeronomy became a subdiscipline concerning the upper layers of the atmosphere, where dissociation and ionization are important.
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He even compared the invention of the Internet, which is often attributed to the US Defense Department, to the Soviet Union’s launch of the Sputnik satellite, which began the Space Age.
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The failure so far of the SETI program to detect an intelligent radio signal after decades of effort has at least partially dimmed the prevailing optimism of the beginning of the space age.
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With the onset of the Space Age, planetary probes cast increasing doubt on the likelihood of extraterrestrial life in the Solar System, at least life of any magnitude greater than organisms such as bacteria.
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It has since played an important role in the research of meteors, quasars, pulsars, masers and gravitational lenses, and was heavily involved with the tracking of space probes at the start of the Space Age.
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You could almost believe it was five hundred years ago, pre-space, another age.
Ja està, doncsLiterature Literature
From 1949 on he started the so-called Spatial Concept or slash series, consisting in holes or slashes on the surface of monochrome paintings, drawing a sign of what he named "an art for the Space Age".
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The German V-2 rocket of World War II, credited with beginning the space age, used ethanol as the main constituent of B-Stoff, under such nomenclature the ethanol was mixed with 25% of water to reduce the combustion chamber temperature.
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BioSentient has obtained the license to commercialize NASA's space-age technology known as Autogenic Feedback Training Exercise (AFTE), a patented technique that uses biofeedback and autogenic therapy to allow patients to monitor and control their physiology as a possible treatment for anxiety and stress-related disorders.
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In the early decades of the Space Age, the government space agencies of the Soviet Union and United States pioneered space technology in collaboration with affiliated design bureaus in the USSR and private companies in the US, entirely funding both the development of new spaceflight technologies and the operational costs of spaceflight.
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