space agency oor Katalaans

space agency

an organization dedicated to the exploration of space.

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Agència espacial

government agency engaged in activities related to outer space and space exploration

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European Space Agency
Agència Espacial Europea
Italian Space Agency
Agència Espacial Italiana


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The European Space Agency was formed in 1975, largely following the same model of space technology development.
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PROBA-V is the fourth satellite in the European Space Agency's PROBA series; the V standing for vegetation.
En aquest moment veiem que és conscient... que està racionalitzant el seu comportamentWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Thomas Reiter, from the European Space Agency, became part of the Expedition 13 crew in July 2006.
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However, he resigned from the Russian Federal Space Agency on September 6, 2013.
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"European Space Agency".
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Most notable among these is the Microgravity Vibration Isolation Subsystem (MVIS) developed by the Canadian Space Agency.
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The Brazilian Space Agency has pursued a policy of joint technological development with more advanced space programs.
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During his trip, Pontes carried out eight experiments selected by the Brazilian Space Agency.
Una casa, menjar, i cap problemaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Solar Orbiter (SolO) is a planned Sun-observing satellite, under development by the European Space Agency (ESA).
Autorització de reducció de 14 unitats del nivellWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He joined the European Space Agency (ESA) in the same year.
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This success made China's CNSA the fourth space agency to directly explore asteroids, after NASA, ESA and JAXA.
Realment necessites prestar, atenció!WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
India's ISRO is the fourth space agency to reach Mars, after the Soviet space program, NASA and ESA.
Princesa , 25-27 , amb efectes a partir de l ' inici del curs 1998-99 .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Special licence restrictions apply to this IP (distributed by the European Space Agency).
Aquesta pestanya mostra la representació interna de l' analitzador per al vostre document. En fer clic amb el & BER; sobre un element, el cursor es desplaçarà fins la posició de l' element en el document. En fer clic amb el & BDR; sobre un element se us mostraran diverses accions que tracten sobre la navegació i l' actualització de l' arbreWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Swarm is a European Space Agency (ESA) mission to study the Earth's magnetic field.
% projectbase: Es substitueix amb la URL del projecte actual. Restarà buida si no hi ha cap projecte carregatWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
CryoSat-2 is a European Space Agency environmental research satellite which was launched in April 2010.
Per telèfon és pitjor.Quedem cara a caraWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The European Space Agency (ESA) uses the Guiana Space Centre or, more commonly, Centre Spatial Guyanais (CSG).
Es garanteix el respecte als drets legalment adquirits per qualsevol contracte , acord o disposició anterior a l ’ entrada en vigor d ’ aquest Conveni , a nivell laboral o econòmic .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He was the director general of the European Space Agency (ESA) from 1984 until 1990.
L ’ increment retributiu per a l ’ any 1998 i següents serà el previst per la Llei de Pressupostos Generals de l ’ Estat per alpersonal laboral al servei de les administracions públiques .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He also served in French space agency CNES and as the head of the aerospace arm of Aérospatiale.
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FRUSTRATION Until now, he had almost forgotten that conversation with the Space Agency psychologist.
Hauries de sortir amb una bellesa, una modelLiterature Literature
On June 2, 2003, the European Space Agency's Mars Express set off from Baikonur Cosmodrome to Mars.
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Mars Express is a space exploration mission being conducted by the European Space Agency (ESA).
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A Schmidt telescope was at the heart of the Hipparcos satellite from the European Space Agency (1989–1993).
Només ens calen # dòlarsWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Unlike the previous two space missions, Planck is a collaboration between NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA).
Localització Desa el marc comWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Mars Express mission of the European Space Agency (ESA) reached Mars in 2003.
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Hopper was a proposed European Space Agency orbital and reusable launch vehicle.
Llavors, senyorsWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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