speak to someone oor Katalaans

speak to someone

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans

parlar amb algú

To see if I could speak to someone, I shouted out that I was a friend, that I would not hurt them.
Per veure si podia parlar amb algú, vaig proclamar que era un amic, que no els faria mal.

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I am speaking to someone out there, a general “you,” but a you nevertheless.
Si us plau, seleccioneu una llicó abans d' enganxarLiterature Literature
asked Don Carlos with the haughty, authoritarian voice nobles always used to speak to someone of lower rank.
Mai (suspèn indefinidamentLiterature Literature
I made a point of speaking to someone in the German Department, too.
Monitor Gamma Aquesta és una eina per a canviar la correcció gamma del monitor. Empreu els quatre cursors per a definir la correcció gamma, bé com un únic valor, o bé per separat en els components vermell, verd i blau. Potser us caldrà corregir els paràmetres de brillantor i contrast del monitor per a obtenir bons resultats. Les imatges de prova us ajudaran a trobar els paràmetres apropiats. Podeu desar-los per a tot el sistema al XF#Config (cal l' accés a root per això) o al vostres propis paràmetres de KDE. En sistemes multimonitor podeu corregir els valors gamma de cada pantalla per separatLiterature Literature
“Did you finally speak to someone else last night?”
Menjarem, i després llevarem la catifaLiterature Literature
It was the first chance he’d had to speak to someone who was listening.
passen tres mesos sense que hi hagi cap resolució expres sa iLiterature Literature
Goerz was speaking to someone else now.
N' hi ha dos nois nous a casa teva, oi?Literature Literature
I knew that I was speaking to someone who had lied about some very important things.
extingit el concert educatiu subscrit amb el titular del cen tre detallat aLiterature Literature
I use I only when speaking to someone who will be a you in my address.
L' has vist córrer? – Sí, i tantLiterature Literature
“I wonder if I could speak to someone close to her.
No intentaré fer que et quedesLiterature Literature
‘Zabalza, I’d like to speak to someone from the Guardia Civil’s Nature Protection Service or the forest rangers.
Ctrl; S Fitxer DesaLiterature Literature
“In that case you’ll have to speak to someone higher up,” Winberg said.
Vaja, molt bonicaLiterature Literature
Yes, definitely he'd have to speak to someone in authority.
S' estan verificant les dades escritesLiterature Literature
You’re alone in this city and suddenly you start speaking to someone (a boy or a girl).
Quan el punter del ratolí canvia, feu clic una vegada amb el & BER; i manteniu premut el botó. Arrossegueu aquesta vora a la nova localització. Quan deixeu anar el botó del ratolí, les vistes canviaran a les noves proporcionsLiterature Literature
I remember now that I saw you speaking to someone over the hedge.’
Ho assec, no és blauLiterature Literature
She covers the phone, speaks to someone in a muffled voice, then comes back on the line.
Aturada màxLiterature Literature
There was a pause, when she seemed to be speaking to someone else.
olia que sabessis que quan vinguessis a Moscou amb mi no et perdries el sexe i la bellesa femeninsLiterature Literature
If I want to speak to someone, I speak to him, and that’s that!
Introduïu inclusióLiterature Literature
I remember now that I saw you speaking to someone over the hedge.”
Beuré del seu gotLiterature Literature
‘But I realized I’d have to speak to someone else, Signore.’
Aquests colorsLiterature Literature
On the other hand, the king would probably like to speak to someone directly affected.
La música travessa les paretsLiterature Literature
‘But Global Money aims at high levels of... but I'll speak to someone.
No s' ha trobat cap filtre apropiat. Trieu un altre format destíLiterature Literature
She must put the phone against her chest to speak to someone because her voice goes muffled.
Només ens calen # dòlarsLiterature Literature
The thought of speaking to someone outside the prison shook her.
Catalunya i consegüent executivitat a la presentació d ' un textLiterature Literature
You don’t see the way he looks at you when you’re speaking to someone else.”
Vés i torca’ tLiterature Literature
But we need to speak to someone in the family before we begin our investigation.’
Pot haver-hi hagut un problema amb la configuració de la vostra xarxa, especificament el nom del vostre procurador. Si heu estat accedint a la Internet sense problemes recentment, això és poc probableLiterature Literature
114 sinne gevind in 17 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.