speak with someone oor Katalaans

speak with someone

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans

parlar amb algú

When speaking with someone from a non-Christian background, we could say, “Notice what the Holy Writings tell us.”
Quan parlis amb algú que no tingui origen cristià, li podries comentar: «Fixa’t en el que ens diuen les Escriptures».

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I need to speak with someone about Lester Nygaard.
La paleta Patrons amb la pestanya Personalitza el patró seleccionadaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ricky knew he was obliged to speak with someone about Zimmerman’s death, but precisely who, eluded him.
Sí, ho sé, pel que vaig poder parlar amb ell?Literature Literature
“But I must speak with someone!”
Seleccioneu la funció que voleu usar des de la llista desplegable a l' esquerra de la caixa de diàleg. La pestanya Ajuda de la pàgina mostra una descripció del tipus retorna, la sintaxi, els paràmetres i exemples per a aquesta funció. A més, aquesta pàgina proveeix enllaços a les funcions relacionades. Després, premeu el botó amb el símbol de la fletxa cap a avall per a enganxar-la dintre de la caixa d' edició de text que hi ha a la zona inferior del diàlegLiterature Literature
He sought out his adjutant, the quartermaster captain Hans Henke, because he needed to speak with someone.
administracions públiques i del procediment administratiu comú , iLiterature Literature
Finally to be speaking with someone who had known Eliza.
No, no era prou guapoLiterature Literature
And now ... she had to speak with someone.
Desfà el desfet. Reverteix l' acció del Desfés. Això restaura el canvi que havíeu fet originalmentLiterature Literature
We should endeavor to speak with someone at each residence, calling repeatedly at not-at-homes.
Manual de & kigjw2019 jw2019
“If we were to speak with someone such as the Obeah man?”
Per assassinar el presidentLiterature Literature
When speaking with someone from a non-Christian background, we could say, “Notice what the Holy Writings tell us.”
S' està assignat l' etiqueta a les imatges. Si us plau, espereujw2019 jw2019
He was speaking English with someone.
El Mètode d' enviament predeterminat us permetrà definir què passa quan un missatge és enviat. Si seleccioneu Envia ara, el missatge serà enviat immediatament al servidor de correu, si escolliu Envia després, el missatge serà enviat a la cua de missatges a la sortida per a ser enviats després amb el comandament Fitxer Envia la cua de missatges o automàticament quan comproveu el vostre correu, depenent de l' opció de més amunt Envia els missatges de la carpeta sortidaLiterature Literature
Youre speaking as if theres something wrong with employing someone who is a National Socialist.
Les següents tres barres de desplaçament, indiquen a l' ordinador quants minuts hauran de transcórrer fins a passar a un nou mode. Aquests números s' ajusten amb les barres de desplaçament o amb les fletxetes de les caixesLiterature Literature
She yelled, she gesticulated, she asked to speak, she laughed angrily, she pointed to someone with contempt.
Pujol de Badalona .Literature Literature
If you greet someone with less status than yourself, speak last.
Opcions relacionades amb els servidors de bases de dadesLiterature Literature
‘And never speak ill of someone you might have to work with again,’ Santore added.
La Secció Segona de la Sala Contenciosa Administrativa del TribunalLiterature Literature
Throughout the UK, many citizens can speak, or at least understand (to a degree where they could have a conversation with someone who speaks that language), a second or even a third language from secondary school education, primary school education or from private classes.
caixaStencilsWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
When someone speaks to you, you must provide them with an answer.
Controladors i filtres en generalLiterature Literature
asked Don Carlos with the haughty, authoritarian voice nobles always used to speak to someone of lower rank.
No... crec que no, Sr.No. Va dirLiterature Literature
When someone speaks to you, you must provide t hem with an answer.
Com vols que et detinguin?Literature Literature
He exchanged a few words with each and every one until he found someone who could speak good English.
l ' ordenació de les illes I i H , de MataróLiterature Literature
He exchanged a few words with each and every one until he found someone who could speak good English.
Valor màximLiterature Literature
He would speak of someone in his velvet way and then look at me with a steady eye and say: “He died within a month.”
Aquesta va ser la nit de divendres i ell no tenia una targeta de crèdit, així que li vaig dir que anava a llogar un cotxeLiterature Literature
He would speak of someone in his velvet way and then look at me with a steady eye and say: ‘He died within a month.’
Selecció de plantillaLiterature Literature
"""If you greet someone with greater status than yourself or if you wish to honor a subordinate, then speak first."
Hi ha alguna cosa que no funcionaLiterature Literature
For people with hearing impairment, the outdoor panel may include a screen with icons signalling the communication status: if the user is calling, if someone is speaking from indoors or opening the door.
Ho eres tot per miWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
So I mean the kind of speech that you see someone giving in an old movie where they clear their throat, and they go, "Ahem, ladies and gentlemen," and then they speak in a certain way which has nothing to do with casual speech.
EDICTE de 14 de setembre de 1998 , sobre un acord de la Comissió d ' Urbanisme de Girona referent al municipi d ' Alp .ted2019 ted2019
27 sinne gevind in 25 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.