stare oor Katalaans


werkwoord, naamwoord
(intransitive, construed with at ) To look fixedly (at something).

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans

mirar fixament

To look fixedly
I've been staring at Damon's picture for years.
He mirat fixament la foto d'en Damon durant anys.

mirada fixa



Or you just gonna stare from the doorway, Queenie?
O et quedaràs mirant des de l'entrada, Queenie?

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No: that was later when he was already staring along the sights of a carbine into the very brain-box of a Boer.
No: això s’esdevingué més endavant, quan ell ja veia la caixa craniana d’un boer per la mira del fusell.Literature Literature
He stared at them with a steely glint in his eyes, saying not a word and being unable to move his arms.
Ell se les mirava amb mirada inexpressiva, sense dir paraula, i sense poder moure els braços.Literature Literature
He could put one of them at the water’s edge, and then... Arnau was staring at the stone figure.
En podia posar un a la vora del mar i... Arnau tenia la vista fixa en la figura de pedra.Literature Literature
She stood staring at it and after a second she let it fall on the ground.
Se la va quedar mirant fixament i un moment després la va deixar caure a terra.Literature Literature
There they stood, the women, staring at the men, every one of whom was a son, every one born out of their bodies.
Les dones eren allà, dretes, mirant fixament aquells homes, tots fills seus, tots nascuts dels seus cossos.Literature Literature
My subconscious stares at me with an ugly twist to her mouth; Do you really want to wind him up?
El meu subconscient em mira fent una ganyota lletja amb la boca: «De veritat que el vols provocar?Literature Literature
At first, Bill Kendall had just stared at him.
De primer, Bill Kendall el va mirar i prou.Literature Literature
She wasn’t looking at him; she was staring straight ahead at the television.
Ella no el mirava; tenia els ulls clavats al televisor de davant seu.Literature Literature
As I came to my senses, I realized Vashet had finished talking and was staring at me.
Quan vaig recuperar la presència d'ànim, em vaig adonar que la Vashet havia acabat de parlar i em mirava fixament.Literature Literature
Archer continued to stare through her as though she had been transparent.
Archer seguí esguardant-la com si fos transparent.Literature Literature
When Gurney just stared at her and waited, she switched back to the grin.
Quan en Gurney es va limitar a mirar-la i a esperar, l’Alyssa va recuperar el somriure.Literature Literature
He ordered a third cocktail; again he stared out to sea, and then suddenly he started.
Derek demanà un tercer còctel, tornà a contemplar el mar i de sobte tingué un ensurt.Literature Literature
They look over at Amanda, but she’s staring at the ground.
—Es miren l'Amanda, però ella mira a terra.Literature Literature
Harry turned his back on Dumbledore and stared determinedly out of the window.
En Harry va donar l'esquena a en Dumbledore i es va quedar mirant fixament per la finestra.Literature Literature
The men stared at the colonel and at Grigori.
Els homes es van mirar primer el coronel i després Grigori.Literature Literature
This time George could stare at her retreating figure, that familiar walk.
En aquesta ocasió en George va poder mirar la seva figura des del darrere, el seu caminar tan familiar.Literature Literature
It seemed like every face I knew in Forks was there, staring at me.
Semblava que les cares de tothom que coneixia a Forks fossin allà, mirant-me fixament.Literature Literature
It also told me, with staring emphasis, when he died; which was but an indirect way of informing me that he ever lived.
També em va dir, mirant amb especial atenció, quan va morir, cosa que no era més que una forma indirecta de la qual m'informava que mai hagi viscut.QED QED
Taken aback, Marius stared at the man.
Perplex, en Marius es va mirar l’home.Literature Literature
“You know why they’re staring, right?”
—Saps per què no paren de mirar-nos, oi?Literature Literature
All the arguments Eragon had built up fell away as he stared at Nasuada with astonishment.
Tots els arguments que Eragon havia construït es van desmuntar mentre esguardava Nasuada, atònit.Literature Literature
King Orrin stared at the floor in the center of the room and was silent.
El rei Orrin va mirar fixament el terra, al centre de la sala, en silenci.Literature Literature
Then she looked at it, suddenly staring at the ring Sofia was wearing.
Després la va mirar i veié de sobte l’anell que portava la Sofia.Literature Literature
They were staring at him instead of at the drawing.
L’estaven mirant a ell en comptes del dibuix.Literature Literature
“Like the Grotto of the Animals,” Alex says, as Celia stares admiringly.
—Com la Gruta dels Animals —diu Alex, mentre Celia ho admira tot bocabadada—.Literature Literature
214 sinne gevind in 11 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.