stingray oor Katalaans


any of various large, venomous rays, of the orders Rajiformes and Myliobatiformes, having a barbed, whiplike tail

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venomous ray of the orders Rajiformes and Myliobatiformes

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Common stingray
blue stingray
Dasyatis chrysonota
pelagic stingray
escurçana violeta
ocellate river stingray
Potamotrygon motoro
common stingray
longtail stingray
Dasyatis longa
Long Beach Stingrays
American Basketball League III
southern stingray
escurçana americana
short-tail stingray
Dasyatis brevicaudata


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Australia is home to two of the five known extant species of monotremes and has numerous venomous species, which include the platypus, spiders, scorpions, octopus, jellyfish, molluscs, stonefish, and stingrays.
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The roughnose stingray is found along the western coast of Borneo, off the Sarawak, Brunei, and the extreme southwestern corner of Sabah, as well as off northeastern Sumatra.
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Vision seems to be more important to the pelagic ray in finding food than in other stingrays.
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Its attractive appearance and relatively small size has resulted in its being the most common stingray found in the home aquarium trade.
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The pelagic stingray is adept at swimming backwards, which may compensate for the lower fine control offered by its swimming mode.
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A boom in the international shagreen trade since the 1990s, with the material being used in many fashion accessories from wallets to fancy pens, has led to enormous numbers of cowtail stingrays being harvested in Southeast Asia.
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From the 1980s until his death, all of his work was in American made-for-TV movies, and in such TV series as Fantasy Island, Stingray, MacGyver, Vega$, T. J. Hooker, Matt Houston and Charlie's Angels.
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In 1910, American zoologist Henry Weed Fowler placed the pelagic stingray in the newly created subgenus Pteroplatytrygon, from the Greek pteron ("fin"), platus ("broad"), and trygon ("stingray").
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French naturalist Étienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire originally described the round fantail stingray in 1817 as Trygon grabatus, from the Latin grabatus meaning "bed".
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Another major threat to the roughnose stingray is habitat destruction: from 1980 to 2005, over 30% of the mangroves in Malaysia and Indonesia, which serve as critical habitat, have been cleared for various purposes.
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The lateral line of the pelagic stingray, a complex system of mechanoreceptors that detect nearby movement and ocean currents, remains similar to other stingrays in covering a greater area on the ventral than the dorsal surface.
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Only a handful of kids in all of Kabul owned a new Stingray and now I was one of them.
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Regardless, surveys in the Pacific suggest that pelagic stingray numbers have increased since the 1950s, possibly due to commercial fisheries depleting the dominant predators in the ecosystem, such as sharks and tuna.
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The meat and cartilage of the pelagic stingray are sometimes utilized, for example in Indonesia, but for the most part this species is considered worthless and discarded when caught.
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In a detail inserted into the account in the Epitome of the Bibliotheke she gives him a supernatural spear to defend himself which is tipped with the sting of a poisonous stingray and was made by the god Hephaestus.
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As stingrays are slow-reproducing, long-lived animals, there are fears that this unregulated exploitation is unsustainable and will lead to a population collapse.
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Recent studies of Indo-Pacific stingrays have revealed that there are in fact a number of different species of Pastinachus, and that some former junior synonyms may need to be resurrected.
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Though the body design borrowed heavily from the Precision Bass, the StingRay is largely considered the first production bass with active electronics.
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The distribution of the pelagic stingray extends nearly worldwide in tropical to warm-temperate pelagic waters, between the latitudes of 52°N and 50°S. In the western Atlantic, it has been reported from the Grand Banks of Newfoundland to North Carolina, the northern Gulf of Mexico, and the Lesser Antilles, Brazil and Uruguay.
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Around 125 species of shark, stingray, skates or chimaera live on the reef.
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Stingray has also become a generic name to describe these kinds of devices.
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The StingRay's two-band active equalizer, high output humbucking pickup, and smooth satin finished neck became a favorite of many influential bassists, including Louis Johnson, John Deacon, and Flea.
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The pectoral fin disk of the cowtail stingray is very thick, with almost straight anterior margins and rounded apices, and measuring 1.1-1.3 times as long as wide.
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The StingRay family of devices can be mounted in vehicles, on aeroplanes, helicopters and unmanned aerial vehicles.
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While most stingrays propel themselves by undulating their disc margins, this species swims by oscillating (flapping) its pectoral fins in a manner approaching the "underwater flying" employed by eagle rays.
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