summer residence oor Katalaans

summer residence

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He was once told the place used to be the Russian theater legend Stanislavsky’s summer residence.
sòcol de controlLiterature Literature
Sinaia was also the summer residence of the Romanian composer George Enescu, who stayed at the Luminiș villa.
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With any of our other summer residents I would have resented it.
declaracióLiterature Literature
He returned to his summer residence in Flat Rock, North Carolina.
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The summer residence of the Dalai Lama, located in the Norbulingka Park, is now a tourist attraction.
En canvi, jo no hi somio, en tu, però també sé que ets macaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1883, Gaudí received the commission from Manuel Vicens i Montaner for the completion of a summer residence.
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Oliver was working out better than most of our summer residents.
així com que el Consell Comarcal del Baix Empordà no téLiterature Literature
Other types include the Stadtschloss (city palace), the Jagdschloss (hunting lodge) and the Lustschloss (pleasure palace or summer residence).
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The Fifteenth Dynasty rulers established their capital and seat of government at Memphis and their summer residence at Avaris.
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By the end of the 18th century, Tsarskoye Selo became a popular place of summer residence among the nobility.
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Bygdøy Royal Estate, the official summer residence of the King of Norway and historic Oscarshall are also located nearby.
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Parts of the palace are today open to the public while the rest is still the president's summer residence.
Copia el text seleccionat al portapapers de manera que es pugui enganxar a on se vulgui. El portapapers és una característica de & kde; que funciona de manera transparent per a proveir una manera de transferir dades entre aplicacionsWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
After a long pause, he drove slowly and carefully back to the Summer Residence, talking to himself under his breath.
d ' alimentació a la subestació de traccióLiterature Literature
He also possesses a summer residence at Castel Gandolfo, situated on the site of the ancient city of Alba Longa.
La caixa de a sota és el camp Acció. Aquí és a on podreu definir una acció a executar quan s' hagi acomplert el temps. El botó Configura esdeveniments... farà aparèixer l' arranjament de notificació del & kde; per a & kteatime;. La caixa de selecció Esdeveniment de a sota habilita l' esdeveniment seleccionat a l' arranjament de notificació de & kde;. Si es selecciona Emergent, apareixerà una caixa de missatge alertant-vos que el té ja és a punt. La tercera caixa de selecció pot contenir qualsevol comandament vàlid del sistema. Probablement la voldreu deixar en blancWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
After 1842, when King Christian VIII of Denmark chose Föhr as his summer residence, the island became popular as a tourist resort.
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He made frequent trips there over the years, and became an annual summer resident starting in 1916 and continuing until at least 1937.
Ara veu, troba Sita!WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Apostolic Palace of Castel Gandolfo, the Pope's summer residence, is a 17th-century building designed by Carlo Maderno for Pope Urban VIII.
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Even before the chateau was constructed, Compiègne was the preferred summer residence for French monarchs, primarily for hunting given its proximity to Compiègne Forest.
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It served as the traditional summer residence of the successive Dalai Lamas from the 1780s up until the 14th Dalai Lama's exile in 1959.
industrials de Catalunya ; la Llei 30 / 1992 , de 26 de novembre , de règimWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On the ruins of the old stronghold of Jauernig he built the castle called Johannisberg, later the summer residence of the Prince-Bishop of Breslau.
Us estimo molti us trobo molt a faltarWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Bygdøy Royal Estate (Bygdøy kongsgård), the official summer residence of the King of Norway, and Oscarshall, site of the Queen Joséphine Gallery, are also located here.
Però sap què passarà, Governador?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The two residential buildings, Sommarstugan ("Summer Residence") and Vinterstugan ("Winter Residence"), were built in 1848 for Sven Johansson and his wife Gölin Jonsdotter, who inherited his father's farm.
Un moment, un momentWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The industry declined following Menshikov's downfall and the town stagnated until 1750, when it passed to another Hetman, Kirill Razumovsky, who planned to build his summer residence there.
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During Hitler's visit to Rome in 1938, Pius XI and Pacelli avoided meeting with him by leaving Rome a month early for the papal summer residence of Castel Gandolfo.
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Leopold and Wolfgang moved into Count Pallavicini's palatial summer residence on 10 August, and stayed for seven weeks while Leopold's leg gradually improved and Wolfgang worked on the Mitridate recitatives.
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