surprising oor Katalaans


adjektief, naamwoord, werkwoord
Present participle of surprise.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans


that is or are a surprise
The veracity of the waitress surprised the detective.
L'amor a la veritat de la cambrera va sorprendre el detectiu.


Dbnary: Wiktionary as Linguistic Linked Open Data


The veracity of the waitress surprised the detective.
L'amor a la veritat de la cambrera va sorprendre el detectiu.
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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
I don’t want it to happen, and I’m surprised you haven’t spoken to me about it.
Hola.- Necessita res?Literature Literature
so cool, though, it’d probably take more than Rome to surprise you.
Copiar el fitxer des de logokeywords. en_ US. xml kdeedu/kturtle/data/al directori que heu creat, i que reanomenareu logokeywords. codi. xml on codi serà el codi de país (el codi ISO de #-o #-lletresLiterature Literature
‘You are not the one who surprises me,’ Farnadal said, with a sardonic look.
Superposant patronsLiterature Literature
To his surprise, the voice was clear and distinct.
El & kde; suporta una tecnologia anomenada Accés transparent a la xarxa (Network Transparent Acces-NTA) el qual us permetrà treballar amb fitxers a l' altra costat del món amb tanta facilitat com si es trobessin al vostre disc dur localLiterature Literature
Then she stands up abruptly, her chair scraping the floor behind her, taking Rasbach and Jennings by surprise.
Blat de moro o alguna cosa aixíLiterature Literature
A murmur of surprise spread among the Urgals.
Seleccioneu el color primari amb la primera barra de color. Si heu escollit un patró que requereixi l' establir dos colors, el color secundari podrà ser establert prement a sobre del botó apropiatLiterature Literature
‘I’m surprised so many people could see them,’ said Ron.
DeseleccionantLiterature Literature
When I reached her side, she was as surprised as I was.
Mostra la graellaLiterature Literature
I kind of wanted to surprise her.
Aquesta sol · licitud s ' ha tramitat d ' acord amb el que estableix l ' articleOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I noticed too, to my great surprise, that I still had a hard on; I put it down to the weather.
Si aquest quadre està marcat, quan & kspread; troba una paraula en el document que no es reconeix però que consta d' una paraula arrel reconeguda més un prefix o sufix reconegut, s' acceptarà, mentre que si la caixa no està marcada, el revisor ortogràfic la refusaràLiterature Literature
His new method of using the surprise attack proved successful; he claimed 12 aircraft in April alone, winning the Military Cross and a promotion to captain for his participation in the Battle of Vimy Ridge.
CONFLICTE positiu de competència número 19 53 / 88 , plantejat pel Consell Executiu de la Generalitat de Catalunya en relació amb el Reial decret 833 / 1988 , de 20 de juliol .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
If tomorrow they ask you to leave, don’t be surprised.
Aquest fitxer és corrupte o està mal construïtLiterature Literature
Bruno thumbed through it, somewhat surprised, and found the page.
Catalunya , amb la comunicació prèvia que estableix l ' articleLiterature Literature
His question surprised me, went right to the heart of the nagging fear that I was experiencing now.
Per omissió, les carpetes al disc seranLiterature Literature
“I’d rather not say; I want it to be a surprise.
Aquí, podeu arranjar els parpametres per al filtre de detecció de vores Sobel. Primer de tot, podeu determinar en quines direccions s' ha d' aplicar el sobel: horitzontal, vertical, o ambdues. L' arranjament Manté el signe del resultat no afecta les imatges regulars. Fes opaca la imatge determina si la imatge resultant és opaca o transparentLiterature Literature
Matt said he’d make plans, and I was happy to let go of the reins, looking forward to a surprise.
Jo me n' encarregaréLiterature Literature
Hickock’s eyes flashed with surprise.
Encara em deu # bitllets de la Super- BowlLiterature Literature
Ida’s betrothed was complaining about his accommodations, too, which didn’t surprise her.
Nosaltres us matarem, però no serà ara mateix.- Ells són els que van volar l' avió!- Silenci!Literature Literature
Considering the relative abundances of the elements in the universe (approximately 98% hydrogen and helium) it would be surprising to find a predominantly rocky planet more massive than Jupiter.
Us permet marcar el perfil el perfil que s' està veient actualment com a per omissióWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Following the surprise resignation of Boyko Borisov‘s government on February 20, which came after an earlier protest turned violent, activists of the protest movement held a meeting in the city of Sliven and agreed on a list of demands: not to adjourn the Parliament; the President should appoint experts to the new government, instead of making it a caretaker one; to draft a Civil Participation Bill providing a 50% civil quota in all institutions; to return 51% of the energy sector shares to the State; to close the Bulgarian Energy Holding, BEH, for draining the energy sector; to summon the Grand National Assembly, establishing a procedure to recall MPs.
Còpia de seguretat en procésgv2019 gv2019
" It tastes nice today, " said Mary, feeling a little surprised her self.
Tots els treballs fora de la jornada laboral hauran de ser autoritzats pel Gerent a proposta del Coordina dor de l ’ àrea corresponent .QED QED
The Spanish militia surprised the group with strong resistance, causing great confusion among the armed rebels.
I si ara t' oferís la seva a canvi?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
“I had the same thought,” she said, a look of pained surprise in her troubled face.
I vas acabar la riba amb punt de cadenaLiterature Literature
She needed to work on controlling such expressions of surprise, which might be read as criticism.
1.5 La llicència municipal vetllarà pel compliment deLiterature Literature
I am surprised by how it...pleases me, his success in this unorthodox path he’s chosen.
Allà dalt, miri, hi ha més de # campanes, en' quest campanarLiterature Literature
201 sinne gevind in 21 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.