temporize oor Katalaans


Verb, werkwoord
To deliberately act evasively or prolong a discussion in order to gain time or postpone a decision, sometimes in order to reach a compromise or simply to make a conversation more temperate.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans


to deliberately act evasively or prolong a discussion

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

superficial temporal artery
arteria temporal superficial
temporal order
ordre temporal
mundà · templar · temporal · temps
order of temporal magnitude
Ordres de magnitud
pro tempore
pro tempore
temporal bone
os temporal · temporal
distributive-temporal case
cas distributiu temporal
temporal lobe
lòbul temporal
temporal ccortex
lòbul temporal


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
She proved to be unwilling to confront the abbey's protectors, the Dukes of Saxony, which led to the decrease in her own temporal authority.
Però aquestes són les coses del meu pareWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The last prince-bishop, Leopold von Thun (1796–1826), saw the secularization of the old bishopric in 1803; the City of Passau and the temporalities on the left bank of the Inn River and the right bank of the Ilz River went to Bavaria, while the territory on the left banks of the Danube and of the Ilz went to the Grand Duchy of Tuscany and afterwards to Austria.
Estació desconegudaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This is a feeling everyone has at times, characterized by a feeling of great absorption, engagement, fulfillment, and skill—and during which temporal concerns (time, food, ego-self, etc.) are typically ignored.
Aquest curs de cinc-minuts tan sols cobreix operacions bàsiques de & korganizer;. Ara hauríeu de seguir endavant i llegir la resta d' aquest manual per alliberar tot el poder de les capacitats de & korganizer;. Però si no ho voleu fer, almenys hauríeu de passar per la PMFWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It is a manipulation of temporal space using the duration of a single shot, and fracturing the duration to move the audience ahead.
Barcelona , 11 de maig de 1998WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The temporal coverage of the ULAN ranges from Antiquity to the present and the scope is global.
Em recolzo contra la palissada de fusta i assaboreixo la vistaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Migration encompasses four related concepts: persistent straight movement; relocation of an individual on a greater scale (both spatially and temporally) than its normal daily activities; seasonal to-and-fro movement of a population between two areas; and movement leading to the redistribution of individuals within a population.
El dispositiu s' ha desconnectat. Cliqueu aquí per reintentar la connexióWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The papacy in the Late Middle Ages played a major temporal role in addition to its spiritual role.
Molt bé, fins desprésWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Heteronormative temporality promotes abstinence only until marriage.
--4 La delegació territorial del Departament d ' EnsenyamentWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Other important properties are adaptation (or homeostasis), communication, cooperation, specialization, spatial and temporal organization, and reproduction.
--4 Traslladar el contingut de la present resolució a l ' interessat .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
They assumed that the logical order was a temporal one....
Municipi : Barcelona .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In Article 24 of the concordat, the papacy undertook "to remain outside temporal conflicts unless the parties concerned jointly appealed for the pacifying mission of the Holy See".
Surt de & kdatWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Polymyalgia rheumatica is often seen in association with temporal arteritis.
Estableix la identitat aWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
El centre de control està format per múltiples mòduls. Cada mòdul és una aplicació a part, però el centre de control organitza tots aquests programes en un lloc comúWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In contrast to C4 metabolism, which spatially separates the CO2 fixation to PEP from the Calvin cycle, CAM temporally separates these two processes.
Llei 30 / 1992 , de 26 de novembre , sens perjudici que es pugui interposarWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Bull also states, "We are informed by the texts of the gospels that in this Church and in its power are two swords; namely, the spiritual and the temporal."
Manual de & knotesWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It created a new institution for the temporal leadership of the Sikhs, replacing the masands system maintained by the earlier Gurus of Sikhism.
Obre la carpeta per a un suport específic en el gestor de fitxersNameWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I point: Here is your temporal lobe that controls speech.
Els PaintOps són un dels tipus d' endollables més innovadors del Krita (juntament amb els d' espais de color). Una operació de dibuix defineis com les eies canvien els píxels que toquen. L' esprai, el lapis aliased o el pinzell de píxel antialiased: aquestes són totes operacions de dibuix. Però podeu (amb molta feina) crear un paintop que llegeixi les definicions de pinzell XML del Corel Painter i les usi per a determinar com s' ha fet un dibuixLiterature Literature
The conflict between popes and secular autocratic rulers such as the Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV and Henry I of England, known as the Investiture controversy, was only resolved in 1122, by the Concordat of Worms, in which Pope Callixtus II decreed that clerics were to be invested by clerical leaders, and temporal rulers by lay investiture.
Llavors, per què ell no va matar a Echo?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The skull is also unusual in that the lower temporal opening is missing, giving the appearance of a euryapsid skull, and originally the Trilophosaurs were classified with placodonts and sauropterygia.
Inverteix el blanc i negreWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A paper by Choptuik and Pretorius, published in 2010 in Physical Review Letters, presented a computer-generated proof that micro black holes must form from two colliding particles with sufficient energy, which might be allowable at the energies of the LHC if additional dimensions are present other than the customary four (three spatial, one temporal).
Encara negatiuWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A hanging indentation of 2 em: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Crèdits i llicènciesWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This makes for a valuable temporal incongruence.
& kde; defineix un sistema de fitxers jeràrquic que és usat per l' entorn de & kde; mateix així com per totes les aplicacions & kde;. En general & kde; desa tots els seus fitxers en un arbre de directoris amb una estructura fixaLiterature Literature
Generally speaking, methods of temporal measurement, or chronometry, take two distinct forms: the calendar, a mathematical tool for organising intervals of time, and the clock, a physical mechanism that counts the passage of time.
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The wide geographical and temporal range of the genus may be attributed its generalist nature.
Avui és el meu aniversariWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1996, Pnueli received the Turing Award for seminal work introducing temporal logic into computing science and for outstanding contributions to program and systems verification.
Tens els teus dimonisWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
201 sinne gevind in 14 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.