the other afternoon oor Katalaans

the other afternoon

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The other afternoon, when the waiter came in with the bill, you even showed your teeth.
Unitat d ' actuació 36c , al barri de Torreforta-la Granja .Literature Literature
From the way you lisped the other afternoon, I thought the hair dye had rubbed off.”
El seu destí, la seva nacionalitat i el seu nom complertLiterature Literature
The other afternoon I went over to them to tell them a thing or two.
Ostres, tu.Però on coi m' envien?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
So the afternoon before it happened was like the other August afternoons.
DeformacióLiterature Literature
One of them is accustomed to write in the morning, the other in the afternoon.
Ajusta les imatgesLiterature Literature
I’d recommend one at eight A.M., and the other at two in the afternoon.”
Data de capturaLiterature Literature
The three women of the zelandonia rejoined each other later in the afternoon at the travellers’ campsite.
La conversió de la base de dades està disponibleLiterature Literature
I’ll go to the cemetery some other time, later in the afternoon or tomorrow morning.
Per exemple, per accedir a fitxers en un servidor & FTP;, simplement heu d' escollir Localització Obre la localització des del menú del & konqueror; i introduir la & URL; d' un servidor & FTP;. També hi podreu arrossegar i deixar fitxers des de i cap a les carpetes com si estiguessin al vostre disc dur local. Fins i tot podreu obrir els fitxers del servidor & FTP; sense tenir que copiar-los prèviament al vostre disc dur local (ja ho farà el & kde; mateix quan això sigui necessariLiterature Literature
The mountain on the other side of the lake glows pink in the afternoon sun.
Ja ho sap, que si fa aquesta carambola guanya, oi?Literature Literature
Then the other two, say at two and four in the afternoon, same place?
EDICTE de 14 de setembre de 1998 , sobre un acord de la Comissió d ' Urbanisme de Girona referent al municipi d ' Alp .Literature Literature
We was looking for him all afternoon and the other kids said the Gobblers got him.»
Tots dos intenten fer el mateix... però un ho fa ambpoder i força... i fa coses que sap que estan malament... mentre que l' altre fa allò que és inevitable... una cosa que no vol fer, acabar amb el seu amicLiterature Literature
The other day, on an inauspicious1 Thursday afternoon, I sallied forth from my room at the call of these same sounds.
Ho has aconseguit, noietaLiterature Literature
We saw each other late in the afternoon, when my window briefly caught the sunlight and then lost it.
Mida de PantallaLiterature Literature
The other day I was in the oasis of Ammon, on the afternoon of the lion hunt.
Sense costes " .Literature Literature
He was part of the trio, Linda Schele and Peter Mathews being the others, that one afternoon in 1973, worked out a 200-year timeline of the Palenque royal family, presenting it that evening at the First Palenque Round Table.
Insereix una còpia exacta de la diapositiva actualWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
At about four o’clock in the afternoon Gagarin and the others found Vitalich’s body.
Mireu, gent, jo no us vull haver d' escridassar... però és que hi heu de posar el collLiterature Literature
As I went there the next afternoon, for something or other, I found Bee seated with this book in her hand.
destinarà a sufragar una part de les obres de cobriment de la riera deLiterature Literature
Miren less than the others because Joxe Mari was ruining her afternoon.
Protegir un full és especialment útil per a prevenir l' esborrat accidental de fórmulesLiterature Literature
My love affair with Laurent was simple and regular, a series of afternoons, one blending into the other.
Sobre la brancaLiterature Literature
'He went up to a cat on the street the other day and invited her over for afternoon tea.'
& No tan fàcilLiterature Literature
This might be the other woman she had been talking about that afternoon.
interposar recurs contenciós administratiu davant la Sala ContenciosaLiterature Literature
“You didn’t mention that this afternoon when you talked to the other two agents.”
Molt bé, Olivia, perdona un segonLiterature Literature
For the rest of the afternoon the fishermen worked together to clean up the mess, each helping the others.
Perquè és...Està deprimida. Bé, és depressivaLiterature Literature
I and many others saw the first volleys fired early in the afternoon.
Però va deixar dos nens petitsLiterature Literature
Every other Thursday Mimmi serves afternoon tea at the bar.
març , reguladora de l ' autonomia de gestió econòmica delsLiterature Literature
45 sinne gevind in 22 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.