the other way round oor Katalaans

the other way round

The same but with the mentioned things or people in reverse order or position.

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So, according to free-market logic, Ram should be paid more than Sven, not the other way round.
Que rebutjem la inadmissibilitat al · legada i desestimem el recursLiterature Literature
Then we were to reverse it, to experience the energy the other way round.
Barra d' eines principalLiterature Literature
And, importantly, that you’ve come here instead of the other way round.’
Afegeix punt d' interrupció usant el nom de fitxer amb número de línia o un nom de plantillaLiterature Literature
If there is any danger its the other way round.
Això no hauria passat si Stalin fos viuLiterature Literature
“I think it might be the other way round, Jean.
Aquest complement té per objectiu respectar " ad personam " les diferències salarials existents entre el personal , en aquells conceptes que no es poden incloure en cap dels complements salarials del personal laboral abans enumerats .Literature Literature
It is experience that changes mindsets, not the other way round.’
Se' t deu haver mort el telèfonLiterature Literature
It feels safer than the other way round.
jurisdicció contenciosa administrativa " .Literature Literature
Or perhaps it was the other way round; perhaps the smoothness was sincere and the feelings were pretence.
De què es tracta?Literature Literature
'It usually works the other way round.'
Error en esborrar la clau de registreLiterature Literature
But I thought ... I thought it was the other way round!
canviar entre no flotant i amb marcLiterature Literature
Blue jacket and white T-shirt, I think, or was it the other way round?
Per instal· lar un paquet podeuLiterature Literature
‘Oh, I see now, the poussin’s stuffed with mushrooms, not the other way round, sorry.’
Recurs sobreutilitzatLiterature Literature
The child often takes more responsibility for its parents than the other way round.
la Llei del patrimoni de la Generalitat de Catalunya .Literature Literature
Harry felt sure that most people would have guessed the other way round.
La teua filla està enfadada, Per certLiterature Literature
‘But it was the other way round, Sonny.
Aquest capitø LockwoodLiterature Literature
She was the one who needed my help, and not the other way round.
de la Generalitatde la Generalitat de Catalunya .Literature Literature
‘Your reasoning could then apply perfectly well, but the other way round.
A vegades pot ser convenient desar a un fitxer el contingut de la finestra de registre actual, & pex; per a enviar-lo per correu electrònic als desenvolupadors com a part d' un informe d' error. Hi ha dues maneres de fer-hoLiterature Literature
He was the one who came to us, not the other way round.""
Per això hem pensat queLiterature Literature
‘But why does he go on loving the girl, or the other way round?
administrativa , el termini de dos mesos per interposar el recursLiterature Literature
But it works the other way round too, doesn’t it?
Claus de confiança disponiblesLiterature Literature
Wonder if they already know I’m here, and are scared... No—could be the other way round.
l ' Ajuntament de referència en virtut d ' acord plenari adoptat enLiterature Literature
Besides, HOTE’s technology would be easier for Pathfinder to acquire than the other way round.
Useu aquesta caixa combinada per a seleccionar la família de la font que voleu que usi el text reemplaçatLiterature Literature
‘Your reasoning could then apply perfectly well, but the other way round.
Està prohibit que la gent com vostèLiterature Literature
From right to left, or the other way round.
parcial de can Roca I a l ' àmbit del carrer d ' Antoni Bros , de Terrassa ,Literature Literature
A moon that looks like a light bulb, unless it was the other way round?
Explicació dels diferents ítems del & GUILiterature Literature
55 sinne gevind in 67 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.