there is oor Katalaans

there is

Third-person singular simple present indicative form of there be. Used to indicate the existence of something physical or abstract in a particular place.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans

hi ha

third-person singular simple present indicative form of there be
Do you know if there is a pharmacy near here?
Sap si hi ha alguna farmàcia prop d'aquí?

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“I don’t know if there is any energy in Aren.
Us vindré a buscar quan tingui la pomaLiterature Literature
And if there is something that is not good , then there is something that is good .
jurídic de les administracions públiques i del procedimentLiterature Literature
He overreacted; there is something he isn’t telling me, and I don’t understand why.
Tan sols les & carpetes que coincideixinLiterature Literature
That’s all there is to say about him.”
El portapapers està buitLiterature Literature
There is always the small part that is unimaginable.
& kde; defineix un sistema de fitxers jeràrquic que és usat per l' entorn de & kde; mateix així com per totes les aplicacions & kde;. En general & kde; desa tots els seus fitxers en un arbre de directoris amb una estructura fixaLiterature Literature
For him, there is a certain amount of time to be gained.
Data de creacióLiterature Literature
There is, most illustrious lord,” replied the chaplain.
Altesa, no trobem la princesa.Hem escorcollar el jardíLiterature Literature
There is no such thing as a county law.
RosaClar#colorLiterature Literature
There is nothing shameful in the nature of these books.
Estan disponibles les següents opcions de configuracióLiterature Literature
In Kashan there is a celebration each year on the anniversary of the hunt.”
RESOLUCIÓ de 15 d ' octubre de 1998 , per la qual s ' autoritza el cessament d ' activitats del centre docent privat Institución Escolar Anglada , de B arcelona , i es declara extingit el concert educatiu que tenia subscrit .Literature Literature
There is a Cyrillic character not to be confused with ,’ he explained, drawing them on his notebook.
fa a les modalitats dels premis que s ' indiquen a continuació .Literature Literature
“I need to—” “There is no place for please on the battlefield!”
Aquí podeu gestionar els vostres connectors. Els connectors són aplicacions de KPart, escrites per a terceres parts que es poden tornar a usar en qualsevol aplicació que admeti KPart, la més coneguda és el & konqueror;. Quan creeu un connector haureu d' especificar elLiterature Literature
There is a felt, anguished distance between silence and speech.
PENSlÓ EDNA – Coronel Pettigrew? – Sí?Literature Literature
There is great confusion in the city, and the Turks are about to lose Jerusalem.
Mou a una cel· la en particularLiterature Literature
There is more than enough in the ring to sustain you from here to Du Weldenvarden.
Fer públic l ' Acord del Govern de 9 de juny de 1998 , sobre laLiterature Literature
'I think there is some merit in your argument, Mr Ambassador,' he said slowly.
Si em poso nerviós, m' espantoLiterature Literature
There is nothing in which pain and pleasure are as entwined as in sexuality.
Que Alà et doni salut per veure- la casadaLiterature Literature
In captivity however, there is a clear birth peak between March and May.
La URL completa del document actual, o una cadena buida si el document no ha estat desatWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It is true, but there is something entirely different.
Calendari des de % # fins a %OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
There is no wealth but life.
fo rçosa de 16 de desembre de 1954 , i 56 del seu Reglament , delsWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
There is another body inside it, an angel’s body, that needs to be strengthened by training.
Anem, de pressaLiterature Literature
But Morris says there is nothing to be done.
Què més deia el seu arxiu de mi?Literature Literature
There is some evidence for this effect.
Picar a mà un estri. Això no està recomenat, i si ho feu i voleu que el vostre filtre formi part de la versió oficial del & krita;, llavors us demanaré de reemplaçar-lo per un estri fet amb el & Qt; DesignerWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I would know all there is to know of the Others.”
adossi amb la mateixa alineació que aquesta última .Literature Literature
There is an atmosphere he hopes to absorb—an essence their adopted child might have brought to America.
La segona diapositivaLiterature Literature
24539 sinne gevind in 246 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.