thirsty oor Katalaans


/ˈθɜːrsti/ adjektief
Needing to drink.

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needing to drink
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fam · set
I'm thirsty
tinc set
to be thirsty
tenir set
be thirsty
tenir set


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* Even as water revives a thirsty tree, so the calm speech of a soothing tongue can refresh the spirit of those hearing it.
* La paraula reconfortant d’una llengua amable pot refrescar l’esperit de qui l’escolta.jw2019 jw2019
Your master is thirsty.
El teu amo té set.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The group has released several EPs including their debut Young Liars (2003), and five studio albums: Desperate Youth, Blood Thirsty Babes (2004), Return to Cookie Mountain (2006), Dear Science (2008), Nine Types of Light (2011), and Seeds (2014).
El grup ha llançat diversos EP incloent el seu debut Young Liars (2003), i quatre àlbums: Desperate Youth, Blood Thirsty Babes (2004), Return to Cookie Mountain (2006), Dear Science (2008), i Nine Types Of Light (2011).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
We were thirsty and swallowed mouthfuls of water, all the broad river wanted inside us.
Teníem set i bevíem aigua a glops i tota l’aigua del riu se’ns volia ficar a dintre.Literature Literature
"""Here is cheese, Sire,"" said the first Mouse, ""but not very much, for fear it would make you too thirsty."""
—Heus aquí el formatge —va dir el primer ratolí—, però no pas gaire, per por que us faci venir massa set.Literature Literature
The struggle lasted so long that many Catholics, weary and very thirsty, went to drink at a pond near by, tinged with the blood of the killed, and returned to the combat."
La lluita va durar tant de temps que molts cristians, cansats i amb molta set, va anar a beure en una bassa a prop, tenyida amb la sang dels morts, i van tornar a la lluita."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Living in the moment, eating when hungry, sleeping when tired, drinking when thirsty, and running running just to run.
Viure el moment, menjar quan es té gana, dormir quan s’està cansat, beure quan es té set i córrer.Literature Literature
He came to Radcot and, being thirsty, stopped for a drink.
Va arribar a Radcot i, com que tenia set, es va aturar a fer una beguda.Literature Literature
Emma panted like a thirsty dog.
L’Emma panteixava com un gos assedegat.Literature Literature
I’m only asking you to help me give water to the thirsty.”
Simplement, li demano que m’ajudi a donar beure a l’assedegat.Literature Literature
Then we began to get tired, to get thirsty and hungry.
Llavors vam començar a estar cansades, a tenir set i gana.Literature Literature
The Inverness stayed open all night, but it was now late even for crazed gamblers and thirsty drinkers.
L’Inverness obria tota la nit, però ara ja era tard fins i tot per als jugadors compulsius i els bevedors assedegats.Literature Literature
They empty a large gut and fill it with blood, and carry this around the neck to drink when they are thirsty."
Buiden un gran budell i l'omplen amb sang, i porten això al voltant del coll per beure quan tenen set.”WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
No, I'm just thirsty.
No, nomes tinc set.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He was thirsty but didn't want to ask for a glass of water.
Tenia set, però no volia demanar un got d’aigua.Literature Literature
I thought you might be thirsty.
He pensat que potser tindries set.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
One day he felt thirsty but there was no water around there.
Un dia tenia sed però no hi hi havia aigua per la zona.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
She had not been kissed for a long time, and she felt like a thirsty traveler in a desert.
Feia molt de temps que no li feien un petó i se sentia com un caminant assedegat en un desert.Literature Literature
Many halides e.g. are very 'thirsty' and can only be studied in their anhydrous form if they are handled in a glove box filled with dry (and/or oxygen-free) gas, usually nitrogen.
Motls halurs per exemple, són molt "assedegats" i només poden ser estudiats en la seva forma anhidra si es manegen en una guantera plena de gas sec (i/o sense oxigen), en general aquest gas és el nitrogen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
And will you buy your thirsty friend Alencar a bottle of champagne?’
Pagaràs al teu amic Alencar, al teu assedegat Alencar, una ampolla de champagne?Literature Literature
I felt thirsty, happily for the first time all day, and kept looking around for a place to drink.
Tenia set, feliçment per primera vegada en tot el dia, i pel camí vaig cercar una font on poder beure.Literature Literature
Ma'am, we're really thirsty.
Senyoreta, estem assedegats.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Soldiers were unsuccessfully able to locate it, so the leader was advised by one of his men to keep a mule thirsty for seven days and nights and then to let it go for it will search for water.
El subministrament d'aigua no eren capaces de trobar-ho, així que un home els va assessorar que el millor era mantenir una mula amb set durant set dies i les seves nits i després deixar-la en llibertat perquè busqués aigua.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He was thirsty and looked for something to drink, unwilling to wake the woman.
Tenia set i donà una mirada per si veia alguna cosa per beure, sense voler despertar la noia.Literature Literature
Because the lwas are hungry and thirsty, even more so than we are.
Perquè els Iwas tenen gana i set, i fins i tot més que nosaltres.Literature Literature
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