tinder oor Katalaans


werkwoord, naamwoord
small dry sticks and finely-divided fibrous matter etc., used to help light a fire.

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Tinder and Essay he saved for last because they needed to learn patience.
El Tinder i l’Essay els va deixar per al final perquè havien d’aprendre a ser pacients.Literature Literature
Tinder had just been unlucky—and hunting frogs, no less, always harmless in the past.
El Tinder havia tingut mala sort i, a més, caçant granotes, que sempre havia estat una activitat innòcua.Literature Literature
When she reached Tinder, the only dog standing, she turned to look back at him.
Quan va arribar fins al Tinder, l’únic gos que s’estava dret, es va girar per mirar-lo.Literature Literature
He backed away, holding the dogs' gaze, then looked over at Henry and Tinder, who were standing together in the sand.
Ell va recular, aguantant la mirada dels gossos, després va mirar en Henry i el Tinder, que eren drets a la sorra.Literature Literature
Tinder can be disappointing, but you never give up hope, do you?”
Tinder pot arribar a ser decebedor, però un mai no perd l’esperança, oi?Literature Literature
Edgar had his arm over Tinder’s back.
L’Edgar tenia el braç sobre l’esquena del Tinder.Literature Literature
She found tinder, flint, and a firestone near the cold hearth and started a fire.
Va trobar esca, sílex i una pedra foguera a prop de la llar freda i va iniciar un foc.Literature Literature
Eventually, the dogs returned—Baboo first, then Tinder and Essay.
Finalment, els gossos van tornar: primer el Baboo, després el Tinder i l’Essay.Literature Literature
Baboo had stayed beside him, but Essay and Tinder had already slipped into the tall grass, hunting each other.
El Baboo s’havia quedat al seu costat, però l’Essay i el Tinder ja s’empaitaven entremig de l’herba alta.Literature Literature
She had been on Tinder for two years, and lived on Professor Dahls gate.
Feia dos anys que s’havia registrat a Tinder i vivia al carrer del Mestre Dahl.Literature Literature
Henry scrambled onto the ledge while Edgar led Tinder back a few paces.
En Henry es va enfilar a la cornisa mentre l’Edgar feia recular el Tinder unes quantes passes.Literature Literature
Baboo bounded the last twenty feet and jumped into the back seat to join Tinder.
El Baboo va fer els últims sis metres corrent i va pujar al seient del darrere d’un salt per reunir-se amb el Tinder.Literature Literature
Baboo and Tinder repeated the process with the rear half of the snake until each dog retreated with their portion.
El Baboo i el Tinder es van barallar per la part posterior de la serp fins que cadascú va tenir la seva ració.Literature Literature
He felt Tinder's teeth on his forearm, this time harder, but by then it was already done.
Va notar les dents del Tinder al braç, aquest cop amb més força, però aleshores ja gairebé havia acabat.Literature Literature
When they reached the lake, Baboo noticed that Tinder wasn’t following.
Quan van arribar al llac, el Baboo es va adonar que el Tinder no els seguia.Literature Literature
Chemical tests led to the conclusion that he carried it for use as tinder.
Estudis químics van permetre establir que els transportava per usar-los com esca.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Though inedible, F. fomentarius has traditionally seen use as the main ingredient of amadou, a material used primarily as tinder, but also used to make clothing and other items.
Si bé és del tot incomestible, tradicionalment el F. fomentarius ha estat considerat el principal ingredient de l'amadou, un material utilitzat sobretot com esca, encara que també s'empra per a confeccionar vestits i altres elements.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
“Would you be jealous if I was on Tinder?”
—Et posaries gelós, tu, si em registrés a Tinder?Literature Literature
His gaze went to Tinder, then to Edgar squatting beside the two other dogs.
Va abaixar la mirada cap al Tinder, després va mirar l’Edgar ajupit al costat dels altres dos gossos.Literature Literature
With trepidation, he allowed Tinder to take the meat directly from his hands.
Amb por, va deixar que el Tinder agafés la carn directament de les seves mans.Literature Literature
Opening his sack, he removed a cache of beeswax candles and a flint and tinder with which to light them.
Va obrir el sac, en va treure un grapat d’espelmes de cera i un pedrenyal i una pedrenyera per encendre-les.Literature Literature
Tinder CEO Sean Rad said in a statement that shortly after being contacted, Tinder implemented specific measures to enhance location security and further obscure location data.
El director executiu Siguin Rad va dir en un comunicat que Tinder ha implementat mesures específiques per millorar la seguretat d'ubicació i dades de localització, poc després d'haver estat contactat, i que la privacitat i la seguretat dels usuaris segueixen sent la prioritat més alta.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
After dinner, he snuck out to practice stays with Tinder, who wanted more than anything to jump up and run.
Havent sopat, l’Edgar sortia d’amagat per fer exercicis amb el Tinder, que tenia moltes ganes de saltar i córrer.Literature Literature
Tinder broke into a pant, as if amazed Edgar had read his mind.
El Tinder es va posar a panteixar, com si se sorprengués que l’Edgar li hagués llegit el pensament.Literature Literature
Edgar concentrated entirely on Tinder now.
Ara l’Edgar es concentrava totalment en el Tinder.Literature Literature
85 sinne gevind in 10 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.