tipi oor Katalaans


/ˈtiːpi/ naamwoord
a cone-shaped tent traditionally used by many native peoples of the Great Plains of North America

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type of Native American tent
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Those who fled to Canada now have descendants residing on nine small Dakota Reserves, five of which are located in Manitoba (Sioux Valley, Dakota Plains, Dakota Tipi, Birdtail Creek, and Oak Lake ) and the remaining four (Standing Buffalo, Moose Woods , Round Plain , and Wood Mountain) in Saskatchewan.
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Tipi rings are nearly all of the types of stone circles, except those that are medicine wheels or of very small diameter.
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This brief account describes many typical features of Plains Indians culture: skin tipis, travois pulled by dogs, sign language, jerky (food), and pemmican.
constitució de l ' agrupació segueixen existint .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
When horses were introduced after about A.D. 1730, camp materials were pulled by horses rather than dogs and the tipis became larger, from holding 6-8 people to up to 50 people.
Causant : Rosa Carbonell Navarro .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Stone circles, of which tipi rings are an example, may be simply assembled rocks placed in single or multiple courses.
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Tipi rings are circular patterns of stones left from an encampment of Post-Archaic, protohistoric and historic Native Americans.
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It was created as a circle of sacred cedar posts sunk in the ground and angled together at the top like a tipi.
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Chroniclers mentioned one settlement of two hundred tipis—which implies a population of more than one thousand people living together for at least part of the year.
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He saw no tipis, but there were some hedonoso-tes beyond the cabins.
Amb un refractòmetre es determina l' índex de refracció d' un medi òptic. Si es coneix l' índex de refracció d' una substància química, pot ser utilitzat després d' una síntesi per tal de determinar la puresa de la mostra o bé per valorar l' èxit de la síntesiLiterature Literature
At major tribal events, the Kiowa Apache formed part of the Kiowa tribal 'hoop' (ring of tipis).
Trobareu una icona per a generar una nova tasca en la barra d'eines, acció que teniu en el menú. Tasca-Nova Tasca. En el cas de no haver resolt una tasca correctament, es generarà una nova tasca i la tasca errònia se comptabilitzarà com a talWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Canada Alberta: In 1989 there were 4,290 tipi rings recorded in the provincial inventory of archaeological sites (slightly more than 20% of all sites in the inventory).
Si haguessis deixat que m' esclafés la furgoneta, ara no te n' hauries de penedirWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The tipi soon substituted the old lodge.
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What followed was evidence of tipi villages in the presence of earth rings about 12 feet (3.7 m) in diameter, surrounded by spaced rocks.
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Hearths found in the center of tipi rings suggest a winter encampment.
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In the 19th century, the Missouria and the Otoe established permanent villages consisting primarily of earth lodges, but also occasionally tipis and bark lodges.
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Northeastern plains Biscuit Hill Site (78 - 100 tipi rings) Keota Stone Circles Archaeological District Southeastern plains Carrizo Ranches (possibly Apache sites) Picture Canyon of the Comanche National Grassland.
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The general pattern of a tipi (also "tepee") ring is an east-facing entrance, where there are no stones, and a heavily anchored side with extra stones for protection against prevailing winds, often on the northwestern side of the ring.
Vestiu amb les túniques d' innocència!WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
When traveling with a travois, it was traditional for Salish people to leave the tipi poles behind at the camp "for use by the next tribe or family to camp there."
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They have cultivated and processed a variety of crops; prepared the food; prepared game and fish; worked skins to make clothing and footwear, as well as storage bags, the covering of tipis, and other items.
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When dogs were replaced by horses, the greater pulling power allowed tipis to increase in size and household goods to multiply."
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Ute in the western part of their territory lived in wickiups and ramadas; Hide tipis were used in the eastern reaches of their territory.
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Canyon Ferry Reservoir area has 16 tipi ring sites within a 500 square mile area, found along the Missouri River or its tributaries or mountain valleys.
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In 1964, the first part of the Kah-nee-ta resort was completed—Kah-nee-ta Village—a lodging complex with a motel, cottages and tipis.
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From a study of 137 sites on the 2,000 square mile Blackfeet Indian Reservation, tipis were often arranged in a pattern, such as a single or double row, semi-circle, circle, triangle, V-shape or a haphazard shape.
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Colorado: During the protohistoric and historic periods, tipi rings were created in the mountains by the Ute people.
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