touch feel oor Katalaans

touch feel

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Softly at first, hardly touching, feeling the warmth of it beneath her palm, the skin as smooth as satin.
S' està tancant la pistaLiterature Literature
And I could not help feeling touched, nor the feeling that I had been taken sore advantage of.
Llívia .Literature Literature
As our fingers touch, I feel an odd exhilarating
Dibuixa una graellaLiterature Literature
Men,' said Medway, with the first touch of feeling she had shown, 'aren't sincere.
Selecciona-ho & totLiterature Literature
Now at last they had a chance to touch and feel it.
Hank, ets tan estúpid!Literature Literature
That may be, but there are certain services which wonderfully touch our feelings.
On és en Kolja?Literature Literature
“They appear similar, yet each is separate in scent, taste, touch, and feel.”
El centre de l' àtom, de càrrega positiva, on es troben els protons i neutronsLiterature Literature
I am touched, I feel my body at rest like a precision machine.
excepcionalment mitjançant autorització prèvia de laLiterature Literature
Back in the past — a past I thought I had lost — and I could touch and feel and taste everything.
No tiris de les regnes!Literature Literature
He was feeling her touching him, and the feeling ran through his entire body and he could think of nothing else.
Resolució del conseller de Sanitat i Seguretat Social de 5 d ' agost deLiterature Literature
I was the guy who left the bar early if a woman was getting too flirty, if her touch was feeling too nice.
Mai (suspèn indefinidamentLiterature Literature
I felt the air touch my fingers as keenly as I feel the keyboard touch them now.
proposta del conseller d ' Economia i Finances emeti o contregui deuteLiterature Literature
I want to see him, he thought, and to touch and to feel him.
documentació presentada per l ' Ajuntament de Masquefa , ratifica la sevaLiterature Literature
As Scotch touches Amber, I feel sick, like I’m witnessing exactly what he did to me that night.
Aquest dret només el pot exercir un dels dos cònjuges .Literature Literature
This was not just about policy, he said; it touched on their feelings about their country.
Tria l' idioma AlemanyLiterature Literature
I wanted to touch her and feel her pulse burning under her skin.
amb capacitat per a 70 llocs escolars i 2 unitats de la modalitat deLiterature Literature
Touch very delicately; feel again and again till you find the edge.
Mostra les estructures cristal· linesLiterature Literature
And now that he isn’t getting in touch, I obviously feel put out and scared of losing him.
Hauran de comptar amb el vist-i-plau del cap del departament del que depengui el treballador i s ’ intentaran adequar a les necessitats del servei .Literature Literature
“This is what we call ‘getting in touch with our feelings,’ is it?”
amb un jerseiLiterature Literature
Suddenly he needed to touch her, to feel that she was warm and alive.
forçosa de 16 de desembre de 1954 , i 56 del seu Reglament , delsLiterature Literature
I just want to touch him, to feel his mouth on mine.
Longitud de les extensions de la línia principalLiterature Literature
I touched the steel, feeling it grow warm beneath my fingers, and rapped the metal plating with my knuckles.
PredefinitLiterature Literature
It feels so good to be touched, the level of high that I feel clouding my senses.
Jo sóc la DeborahLiterature Literature
If only I could touch it ... a feeling ... it’s like ... it’s some word that is lying now on the other side of memory.
No s' ha pogut carregar els paràmetres des del fitxer de text de reducció de soroll de fotografiaLiterature Literature
Ayla looked from one to the other, then at Jondalar, feeling a touch of panic.
El diàleg Selecciona el colorLiterature Literature
190 sinne gevind in 23 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.