under guard oor Katalaans

under guard

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en guàrdia


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
keep her under guard at the hospital.
No els fa por beure la meva aiguaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Do them no harm, but escort them back to the royal apartments and keep them there, under guard».
Un entorn de programació educatiu usant el llenguatge de programació Logo, amb diversos idiomes suportatsLiterature Literature
Connington ordered them confined to the west tower, under guard.
Ressaltat per a Makefiles, PythonLiterature Literature
One day I was asked to fetch a US airman from a ward where he was under guard.
Desa al fitxerLiterature Literature
Although Hyde is here under guard.
secretariat .Literature Literature
The four boys—Soli, Llewellyn, Aubrey, and Simon—were kept under guard in the hostel all afternoon.
Mostra l' exposició de la càmera i la sensibilitatLiterature Literature
The chief excitement was the arrival of Fascist deserters, who were brought under guard from the front line.
Partida aturadaLiterature Literature
Do them no harm, but escort them back to the royal apartments and keep them there, under guard.""
Mostra el diàleg d' arranjaments del & kplatoLiterature Literature
Send the Diamond tomorrow (under guard of more than one man) to be cut up at Amsterdam.
Passarel· la predeterminadaLiterature Literature
Foreign and Moroccan VIPs were held under guard or fled along the nearby seafront.
En atenció al que s ' ha exposat , la Sala ha decidit estimar parcialmentWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I shall not sleep until I know that they are safe and under guard.”
RESOLUCIÓ de 20 maig de 1998 , per la qual es fa públic l ' Acord del Govern de 12 de maig de 1998 , sobre declaració d ' urgent ocupació dels béns i els drets afectats pel projecte constructiu de col · lector emissari en alta d ' aigües residuals de Gorguja , al terme municipal de Llívia .Literature Literature
Under guard.
VisualitzaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He was in Pherls suburban villa under guard.
La Secció 4a de la Sala Contenciosa Administrativa del Tribunal SuperiorLiterature Literature
You have me shut up here under guard, how am I to find witnesses to my innocence?""
Acabeu de menjar!Literature Literature
All Jewish sportsmen were placed under guard.
El directori del fitxerWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
They kept me in the hospital, under guard.
Manual del connectorLiterature Literature
As we approached, I saw a herd of cavalry horses grazing under guard outside the walls of the post.
No tan de pressa.He de ser prudentLiterature Literature
As you insist, however... Ser Balon, escort Lady Brienne to a tower cell and hold her there under guard.
Vaig abandonar el manuscritLiterature Literature
The area will be kept under guard until the body can be moved and the technical investigation has been completed.
al carrer de París , 175 , entresòl ( districte postal 08036 ) .Literature Literature
The villagers grabbed hold of the men who wanted to untie Senyor and placed them under guard near the old women.
Hauria de tornar i arrencà' ls- hi el capLiterature Literature
So they are going to put them under guard day and night until they have found out if the major is right.
La Comissió d ' Urbanisme de Girona , en la se ssió de 10 de juny deLiterature Literature
Aikenhead may have read this letter outside the Tolbooth, before making the long walk, under guard, to the gallows on the road between Edinburgh and Leith.
Per... en fi... per la part històrica, ho veus així perquè eres del mateix cantóWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
However, Bartolemea's admission was enough to ensure that Benedetta was stripped of her primacy as abbess and held under guard for the remaining 35 years of her life.
Exclou el jugadorWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Gomes was detained by the soldiers and moved to a military camp, although he was taken to his home later in the day and kept there under guard.
RESOLUCIÓ de 20 de novembre de 1998 , per la qual s ' autoritza el cessament d ' activitats del centre docent privat L ' Abrigall , de Barcelona .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Nevertheless, while the members of the cabinet and the international community condemned the attempted coup and talked about the PM's release, reports still indicated that "renegade soldiers" had the PM "under guard."
Torre de Control!WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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