up until then oor Katalaans

up until then

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans

fins llavors

Up until then, arranged marriages were the norm and it served society quite well.
Fins llavors, els matrimonis de conveniència eren la norma... i va servir a la societat bastant bé.

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Up until then Moisès had ogres, devils and monsters, but not blood-sucking vampires.
Déu ens ha enviat aquí a explorar la nostra expressió, per afegir bellesa a aquest món, no per treure- n' hiLiterature Literature
Up until then, the papers had more or less decided to ignore the Millennium allegations.
Comprovació dels ajutsLiterature Literature
Up until then, not one student was told of his potential powers.
RESOLUCIÓ d ' 11 de maig de 1998 , per la qual es determinen les c aracterístiques de la sèrie de bitllets de Loto Ràpid denominada Loto Flors .Literature Literature
Up until then, Helena had seen James’s mother as completely self-possessed.
No, et vaig contractar perquè llums béLiterature Literature
“But I—” Up until then, she had restrained herself, but now she was fighting back tears.
Deixa estar les cartes!Literature Literature
Rufino, who up until then had maintained a fierce expression, laughed for the first time.
Existeixen # grups especials de tipus de lletra predefinitsLiterature Literature
The feeling of trust we’d had up until then vanished with that look.
Vist l ' acord adoptat per la Junta Distrib uïdora d ' Herències en laLiterature Literature
What she had heard about the wedding night up until then was contradictory.
Arranjament Configura barres d' einesLiterature Literature
Adriana, who'd been silent up until then, finally spoke.
Et concediré una cinquena part de la subhasta. – Una cinquena?!Literature Literature
Up until then, I hadn’t really noticed how cold it was.
Això és útil si heu de dividir un document en diferents fitxersLiterature Literature
Up until then she had never thought about him as being a real separate person.
Sant Andreu , Límits , Pere Calders i Xaloc , promoguda i tramesa perLiterature Literature
Up until then, the planters in Jamaica had not been officially permitted to free their slaves.
A les notícies de lesLiterature Literature
Up until then, he ignored him deliberately.
Si això resulta ser la meitat d' important del que m' imagino... us dic que estareu tots en la llista per a... importants ascensos i mencions honorífiques... quan tot acabiLiterature Literature
Up until then, I had thought about killing myself.
Reprodueix els & sonsLiterature Literature
Up until then she had everything she wanted.”
Aquí és a on es desen les plantilles per a aquest projecte. És una ruta relativa al projecte i, per omissió, apunta cap a templates. Si teniu una serie de fitxers que useu en diversos projectes, us pot resultar útil fer que aquest camp apunti cap aquest lloc, en comptes de cap al per omissióLiterature Literature
Up until then, arranged marriages were the norm and it served society quite well.
Trasllada aquest objecteOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Up until then the police investigations had pointed in completely different directions.’
Tria l' idioma AlemanyLiterature Literature
That seemed strange to me, because I hadn’t realized up until then that they were that close.
EDICTE de 15 de setembre de 1998 , sobre acords de la Comissió d ' Urbanisme de Lleida referents al municipi de Naut Aran .Literature Literature
I’ve got no idea where she’d been up until then.
Mostra la primera derivadaLiterature Literature
Up until then the Cravers had exploited the Negroes’ feet as bearers.
Atès que l ' article modificat s ' adequa a la legalitat ;Literature Literature
Up until then, Nora had always avoided thinking too hard about her future in that house.
TransformaLiterature Literature
Up until then, I had thought Dannie was the only one who called it that.
Així no sortiràLiterature Literature
Up until then he hadn’t unbuttoned his trousers, as if it hadn’t occurred to him.
Comarca del Baix EmpordàLiterature Literature
I hadn’t connected this word with orphanage up until then.
Denegar , de conformitat amb els articles 127 i 128 del text refós de la legislació vigent a Catalunya en matèria urbanística i segons el procediment que senyala l article 44 del Reglament de gestió urbanística , els expedients de sol · licitud d ’ autorització d ’ obres que es detallen a continuació :Literature Literature
Up until then, his one strong, intense feeling had been his love for his mother.
març de 1998 , adoptà , entre altres , l ' acord següent :Literature Literature
130 sinne gevind in 51 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.