visual space oor Katalaans

visual space

the visual perception of space

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An open visual space.
Podem respirar amb facilitat en aquesta atmosferaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Psychologists analyzing the perception of space are concerned with how recognition of an object's physical appearance or its interactions are perceived, see, for example, visual space.
La càrrega de bateria ha acabat, i I' informe de la tripulació ésWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Lumikki tried quickly to visualize how the spaces connected.
Serà una passejadaLiterature Literature
Thanks to us, that badly defined space became a visual field; and who reaped the benefit?
procediment administratiu comú .Literature Literature
In quantum field theory (QFT), the fabric of "empty" space is visualized as consisting of fields, with the field at every point in space and time being a quantum harmonic oscillator, with neighboring oscillators interacting with each other.
A la dreta podeu veure unallista dels dorsals disponibles. A sota de l' entrada de cada dorsal podeu veure quins protocols admet (openpgp; i/o & smime;). Si no es mostra un protocol, es que el dorsal no l' admet. Si es mostra però en color gris, el dorsal admet el protocol, però no s' han trobat alguns dels programes requerits o be han ocorregut errors durant la inicialització. Si premeu Reescaneja, apareixerà una caixa de diàleg que llistarà els motius d' aquesta falla en la inicialitzacióWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Let X = R2 be the standard Cartesian plane, and let Y be a line through the origin in X. Then the quotient space X/Y can be identified with the space of all lines in X which are parallel to Y. That is to say that, the elements of the set X/Y are lines in X parallel to Y. This gives one way in which to visualize quotient spaces geometrically.
Còpia de seguretat en procésWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Also to deter crime, areas should be defined for function, paths should be defined for movement, outdoor areas should be juxtaposed with homes, and indoor spaces should visually provide for close watch of outside areas.
Entitat beneficiària : Museu Geològic del Seminari , deWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The large cover (and inner sleeves) are valued by collectors and artists for the space given for visual expression, especially when it comes to the long play vinyl LP.
& kpercentage; és una petita aplicació matemàtica que ajudarà als alumnes a millorar les seves habilitats en el càlcul de percentatgesWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Cartography is the mapping of spaces to allow better navigation, for visualization purposes and to act as a locational device.
Són com criaturesWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
So with Parking Day we have really tried to give people a very visually impactful experience of how our public space is really being squandered.
Per què va néixer?QED QED
Another feature of Popfly Space was the Popfly Explorer plug-in for Visual Studio Express.
A la subcarpetaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Although four- and higher-dimensional spaces are difficult to visualize, the algebra of Cartesian coordinates can be extended relatively easily to four or more variables, so that certain calculations involving many variables can be done.
D' acord, parlaré, ho diré totWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It conducts projects in the fields of visual communication, product design and engineering, mobility and transports, retail space, new materials, sustainability and healthcare.
Envia notificacions de disposició del missatge amb un remitent buitWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This can be visualized as gluing these points together in a single point, forming a quotient space.
Els valors possibles sónWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The concept of helical symmetry can be visualized as the tracing in three-dimensional space that results from rotating an object at a constant angular speed while simultaneously translating at a constant linear speed along its axis of rotation.
En aquesta escena, traslladareu el terra una unitat per sota la línia de l' horitzó, només per provar alguns d' aquests paràmetres. Seleccioneu trasllada, i ajusteu els paràmetres com segueixWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It is used in the temporary storage and manipulation of visual-spatial information such as memorizing shapes, colours, location or motion of objects in space.
Atlàntic/FèroeWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
To get a more visual flavour of singular values and SVD factorization — at least when working on real vector spaces — consider the sphere S of radius one in Rn.
RESOLUCIÓ de 10 de juliol de 1998 , relativa a l ' herència intestada de la Sra .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Systematic and permanent observation of the state border space, from land, sea or air, by visual, electronic or other modern means of surveillance and protection, with the purpose of detecting, alerting and / or preventing possible violations in the international limit; It also involves verification and reporting on the maintenance and conservation of the Border Landmarks.
desenvolupador (JavaScriptWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Wright gave Spaced an unusual look for the sitcom genre, with dramatic camera angles and movement borrowed from the visual language of science fiction and horror films.
No volia que el Coronel em veiésWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
For example, some visual area V1 simple cells' receptive fields can be well described by a Gabor filter in the space domain multiplied by a modulation function in the time domain.
Es queixaven en secret i els van castigar en públicWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A space rendezvous is an orbital maneuver during which two spacecraft, one of which is often a space station, arrive at the same orbit and approach to a very close distance (e.g. within visual contact).
c ) A les parcel · les amb edificacions precatalogades , caldràWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The bodies of the "ERS-3x" series (Latte and Macaron, the round-headed AIBOs released in 2001) were designed by visual artist Katsura Moshino winning the "Good Design Award" The sleek and futuristic, space-exploration inspired body of the "ERS-220" was designed by Shoji Kawamori. winning the "Good Design Award" and a "Design for Asia" award.
l ' esmentada herència del Sr . Francesc Virgili Ferrer , oberta sota lesWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In a simplified view, a "field" in physics may be envisioned as if space were filled with interconnected vibrating balls and springs, and the strength of the field can be visualized as the displacement of a ball from its rest position.
efectes a l ' inici del curs 1997-98 .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Where continuous-tone imagery contains an infinite range of colors or greys, the halftone process reduces visual reproductions to an image that is printed with only one color of ink, in dots of differing size (pulse-width modulation) or spacing (frequency modulation).
Usar els escriptoris virtualsWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The work was so extensive that three visual effects supervisors divided the workload among themselves—John Knoll supervised the on-set production and the podrace and space battle sequences, Dennis Muren supervised the underwater sequence and the ground battle, and Scott Squires, alongside teams assigned for miniature effects and character animation, worked on the lightsaber effects.
Marqueu-ho si voleu que es restaurin totes les vistes i els marcs cada cop que obriu KateWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
27 sinne gevind in 17 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.