wave about oor Katalaans

wave about

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“For certain, negative waves about my father got to the tavern.
Bé, Bona nit, noiLiterature Literature
What he was waving about was a copy of my notebook!
I quan van enxampar l' amigueta d' en Kennedy a la Casa Blanca, i vas dir que estava amb tu?Literature Literature
Or something I can wave about that will get us into Regla?
declarar no conforme a dret i anul · lar les resolucions impugnades .Literature Literature
Memories she’s never possessed come to her, growing like a wave about to hit a stony beach.
T' encanta, oi, company?Literature Literature
There, like the waves about the Hebrides, the low underwood is agitated continually.
Si us plau escriviu el nom del nou usuariLiterature Literature
There, like the waves about the Hebrides, the low underwood is agitated continually.
auxiliars , i aquestes ta n sols s ' admetran quan estigui justificat que no siguiLiterature Literature
“You know she doesn’t like to be waved about.”
Edita Mou amuntLiterature Literature
There’s a roaring in her head that sounds like a giant wave about to break on top of her.
Mostra només les claus amb aquest valor mínim de confiança en el gestor de clausLiterature Literature
' He put on his dressing-gown while the gun waved about near him, and then he said, ‘What do you want?'
Ah, sí?- Que no ho entens?Literature Literature
I recall soldiers shouting and waving guns about and Dawsey holding me upright.
Import sol · licitat per les entitats col · laboradores : 300Literature Literature
'Tain't so handsome that you need keep waving it about, as if you was a tight-rope dancer.'
Em sap greu ser una càrrega tan grossaLiterature Literature
Waves of about 5 feet (1.5 m) and rip currents were reported along the west coast of Florida.
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He didn’t pull out his pistol and wave it about; why should he?
Sr Hanson, que va trobar un cotxe </ i > l' altre dia. </ iLiterature Literature
“I expect a lot of it’s in the, you know...” Koll waved a hand about.
Necronomicon ex Mortis, traduït com a " El llibre dels Morts "Literature Literature
Unlike most people who drink, Frank doesn’t sweat, doesn’t talk loudly, doesn’t wave his arms about.
& Veure la bitàcolaLiterature Literature
But, before we get to that, let's talk a little bit about waves in general.
elèctrica , la qual cosa s ' ha de comunicar als ti tulars de les finquesQED QED
Elaine, who knew perfectly well what the women were whispering about, waved triumphantly at them.
Estableix el nivell de paranoia a l' hora de llegir CD d' àudioLiterature Literature
And waving his arms about, like someone floundering in a moment of crisis, Rufino described the floods.
DioquetinaLiterature Literature
While Kit danced in the waves, Remy talked about Elizabeth.
Aquesta és una paraula reservada pel llenguatge configurat com a generador de codiLiterature Literature
Or they wave their arms about and make a lot of noise but don't actually do anything.""
d ' organització , procediment i règim jurídic deLiterature Literature
‘‘Here we eat fish,’’ the fool declared happily, waving a cod about like a scepter.
Bé, associatsLiterature Literature
He waved his hand about, dispelling the lies, and fell back again.
Pere i la Santa Creu , emès en data 20 de març de 1996 pel ConsellLiterature Literature
The Japanese man was waving his arms about as he spoke.
Resolució .Literature Literature
Rovira took a deep breath and waved his hands about, as if he didn’t know where to begin.
A Digallo, gires a l' esquerra i segueixes fins un bar que es diu La Teta EnroscadaLiterature Literature
116 sinne gevind in 21 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.