wave equation oor Katalaans

wave equation

a differential equation that describes the passage of harmonic waves through a medium

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The two-dimensional and three-dimensional wave equations also fall into the category of hyperbolic PDE.
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The wave equation is linear in u and it is left unaltered by translations in space and time.
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(See relativistic wave equations for more on "spin-1" and "spin-2" fields).
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In the 1970s she worked on questions of scattering theory and the nonlinear wave equation.
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Each component wave function, and hence the wave packet, are solutions of a wave equation.
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Vibrations in this field propagate and are governed by the appropriate wave equation for the particular field in question.
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The analogy has been made to quantum processes through the core synaptic algorithm which has strong similarities to the quantum mechanical wave equation.
Si voleu que tan sols estiguin protegides algunes cel· les, aquesta protecció per omissió es pot activar o desactivar per a totes les demés cel· les. Per exemple, podrieu voler que la majoria de les cel· les acceptin l' entrada de l' usuari de manera que haurà d' estar sense marcar Protegida per aquesta i escollir mantenir protegides les cel· les que hagin de romandre sense canvis (com ara els títols). Us caldran # passes per a tan sols protegir algunes cel· les: Desprotegir totes les cel· les, seleccionar les cel· les que s' han de protegir i després protegir tot el fullWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The three-dimensional wave equation, when expressed in elliptic cylindrical coordinates, may be solved by separation of variables, leading to the Mathieu differential equations.
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In the case of classical electrodynamics, the differential equation is again the wave equation, and the scattering of light or radio waves is studied.
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She continued with important solo work on the wave equation and transonic flow around a profile until she was promoted to full professor by 1965.
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With the development of efficient computer technology in the 1940s, the solutions of elaborate wave equations for complex atomic systems began to be a realizable objective.
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A solution of the initial-value problem for the wave equation in three space dimensions can be obtained from the corresponding solution for a spherical wave.
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The vibrations of the membrane are given by the solutions of the two-dimensional wave equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions which represent the constraint of the frame.
Quan aquesta opció està desactivada, el & kmail; us preguntarà per la vostra frase de contrasenya cada vegada que s' hagi de signar un missatge (abans d' enviar-lo) o en seleccioneu un a xifrar. Si activeu aquesta opció, el & kmail; s' enrecordarà de la frase de contrasenya, en concret fins a la finalització d' aquella sessió del & kmail;. La frase de contrasenya serà emmagatzemada en memòria i no al disc dur. Si useu un dels connectors de xifratge o si useu el GnuPG amb l' agent gpg alhora que un programa extern aquest preguntarà per la frase de contrasenya i opcionalment la recordarà durant algun tempsWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Because the speed of EM waves predicted by the wave equation coincided with the measured speed of light, Maxwell concluded that light itself is an EM wave.
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Walter Craig and Steven Weinstein proved the existence of a well-posed initial value problem for the ultrahyperbolic equation (a wave equation in more than one time dimension).
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In the case of antisymmetry, solutions of the wave equation for interacting electrons result in a zero probability that each pair will occupy the same location or state.
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The wave equation in the one-dimensional case can be derived from Hooke's Law in the following way: Imagine an array of little weights of mass m interconnected with massless springs of length h.
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At this point she began to work more closely with her colleagues publishing important joint papers with Peter Lax and Ralph Phillips on the decay of solutions to the wave equation around a star shaped obstacle.
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In acoustics, the differential equation is the wave equation, and scattering studies how its solutions, the sound waves, scatter from solid objects or propagate through non-uniform media (such as sound waves, in sea water, coming from a submarine).
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His work was a key aspect of Hermann Weyl and John von Neumann's work on the mathematical equivalence of Werner Heisenberg's matrix mechanics and Erwin Schrödinger's wave equation and his namesake Hilbert space plays an important part in quantum theory.
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The solution of the Schrödinger equation (wave equation) for the hydrogen atom uses the fact that the Coulomb potential produced by the nucleus is isotropic (it is radially symmetric in space and only depends on the distance to the nucleus).
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One simple model for this is a wave equation known as the nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLS), in which a normal and perfectly accountable (by the standard linear model) wave begins to 'soak' energy from the waves immediately fore and aft, reducing them to minor ripples compared to other waves.
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These are only two equations versus the original four, so more information pertains to these waves hidden within Maxwell's equations.
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Maxwell's equations which govern classical electromagnetism Classical electromagnetism for the larger theory surrounding this analysis Relativistic electromagnetism Special relativity, which was a direct consequence of these analyses Rydberg formula for quantum description of the EM radiation due to atomic orbital electrons Jefimenko's equations Larmor formula Abraham–Lorentz force Inhomogeneous electromagnetic wave equation Wheeler–Feynman absorber theory also known as the Wheeler–Feynman time-symmetric theory Paradox of a charge in a gravitational field Whitehead's theory of gravitation ISBN 0-13-805326-X.
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His mathematical theory, now called Maxwell's equations, described light waves and radio waves as waves of electromagnetism that travel in space, radiated by a charged particle as it undergoes acceleration.
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48 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.