weird oor Katalaans


/wɪəd/, /wɪɚd/, /wiɚd/ adjektief, werkwoord, naamwoord
Having supernatural or preternatural power.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans


deviating from the normal; bizarre
Do you think it's weird that I knew that ballad?
Consideres estrany el fet de que conegués la balada?


deviating from the normal; bizarre
Your husbands weird and his clothes are ridiculous.
El teu marit és rar i la seva roba és ridícula.


Of strange or extraordinary character.

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fate personified; any one of the three Weird Sisters

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Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich and Democratic

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Weird Tales
Weird Tales


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He absented himself and I reflected upon this weird assignment with a certain lustful satisfaction.
Es va absentar i jo em vaig quedar reflexionant en aquella comesa fantàstica amb una mena de satisfacció lúbrica.Literature Literature
“Nothing particular, but she got so weird,” he goes on.
—Res de particular, però es va posar molt estranya —continua ell—.Literature Literature
She had become like some weird presence in my life and she unnerved me slightly.
S’havia convertit en una presència estranya a la meva vida, que em feia posar una mica nerviós.Literature Literature
That's weird.
Què estrany.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Yeah, it's weird.
Sí que és estrany.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I already know that, and I admit it was a bit weird, but it makes you more interesting.
Això ja ho sé, i reconec que era una mica estrany, però et fa més interessant.Literature Literature
‘That’s what’s so weird, not in our region, but in Charente-Maritime.
—El que em sorprèn és que no és de la nostra zona, és a Charente-Marítim.Literature Literature
‘I mean, weird coincidence, but ... it’s not impressive enough to move forward.
Una coincidència estranya, però... no és prou impressionant per tirar-ho endavant.Literature Literature
That weird politeness again, how easily it clicked in.
Aquelles bones maneres tan estranyes una altra vegada, amb quina facilitat s’activaven.Literature Literature
Do you think it's weird that I knew that ballad?
Consideres estrany el fet de que conegués la balada?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“It is weird, but Aspen, Colorado is beautiful, I hear.
—És molt estrany tot plegat, però diuen que Aspen, Colorado, és molt bonic.Literature Literature
This whole ship is weird, but that's not how it's going to be described in the official report.'
Tota aquesta nau és estranya, però no és així com hem de descriure-la en l'informe oficial.Literature Literature
“Pretty weird occurrence, Miss Hardesty.”
—Certament, va ser una cosa ben estranya, senyoreta Hardesty.Literature Literature
He had been acting a little weird ever since he got back.
S’havia comportat d’una manera una mica estranya des que havia tornat.Literature Literature
“It’s really weird to see what they’re up to now that we’re gone.
És superestrany veure el que fan ara que ja no hi som.Literature Literature
"""I think... the blanket... Grens, it looks pretty weird..."" Grens was shaking."
—Crec... La catifa... Grens, és molt estrany... En Grens tremolava.Literature Literature
I feel a little guilty for his busted face, but at the same time I find the weird coloring slightly amusing.
Em sento una mica culpable, però alhora trobo una mica divertit la cara masegada que li ha quedat.Literature Literature
What was this weird connection between them, which Dumbledore had never been able to explain satisfactorily?
Quina mena de relació estranya hi havia entre ells, que en Dumbledore no li havia sabut aclarir mai?Literature Literature
She began reading science fiction at age 12 from magazines such as Astounding Stories, Amazing Stories, and fantasy from Weird Tales.
Segona de cinc fills de la parella, va començar a llegir ciència-ficció als 12 anys a revistes com Astounding Stories, Amazing Stories i fantasia a Weird Tales.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
“Then why—” “Why do dreams seem like narrative scenes in weird movies?
—Llavors per què... —Per què els somnis semblen escenes narratives de pel·lícules estranyes?Literature Literature
You know, in some weird way, I think he did all this to try to protect me.
Ja saps, d'alguna manera rebuscada, crec que ho va fer per protegir-me.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
'I know this sounds weird,' I said, 'but would you mind if I borrowed one of those rods for a few minutes?
—Perdoni, ja sé que això li semblarà estrany —vaig dir jo—, però li faria res deixar-me un d’aquests tubs un moment?Literature Literature
And then I saw this weird plastic trash bag down in the garden.
I llavors vaig veure al jardí una bossa de plàstic estranya.Literature Literature
It’s just weird seeing myself from the outside, you know?”
Però se'm fa estrany veure'm des de fora, saps?Literature Literature
The weird old object – the cab, I mean, not Jeeves – came to a halt at the gate.
Aquell estrany i vetust objecte —em refereixo al taxi, no a en Jeeves— es va aturar davant la tanca.Literature Literature
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