well on the way oor Katalaans

well on the way

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She is well on the way to being dragged under the ice.
de revisió salarial per a l ' any 1997 del Conveni col · lectiu deLiterature Literature
She also seemed well on the way to recovery, though her red spots were certainly colourful.
Mostra el registre d' errorsLiterature Literature
If that could be liquidated, we should be well on the way out of our difficulty.’
Editeu la llista de les variables d' entorn i els seus valors associatsLiterature Literature
As yet his foul mood hadn’t reached full force, but it was well on the way.
El següent grup d' opcions és molt més interessant que la resolució: el & krita; és una aplicació enormement flexible i podeu treballar amb moltes menes d' imatge. Per a aquest tutorial, només seleccioneu RGB (canal/# bits). També podeu seleccionar un perfil. Per ara, deixem això amb el seu arranjament per omissió sRGB built-in-(lcms internLiterature Literature
At least four were dead and several more were well on the way.
Avís legal _Literature Literature
On Thursday, December 9, Wallander was well on the way to giving up.
Tancant a la gentLiterature Literature
“And his son was well on the way to becoming one too.”
de la Generalitat de Catalunya , desestimatòria de la sol · licitudLiterature Literature
They were probably about fourteen or fifteen years old, and well on the way to becoming striking young women.
Suport Hot OHPLiterature Literature
When he had entered the garish bar with the plush red Danish ferry interior, they were already well on the way.
de Barcelona , en els termes que s ' especifiquen a l ' annex d ' aquestaLiterature Literature
When the Combined Bomber Offensive officially ended on 1 April, Allied airmen were well on the way to achieving air superiority over all of Europe.
Introducció al & kdeWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
If we had just one week's worth of what we spend on the Iraq War, we could be well on the way to solving this challenge.
No s' ha trobat cap coincidènciaQED QED
If we had just one week's worth of what we spend on the Iraq War, we could be well on the way to solving this challenge.
urbanitzab le programat Font de l ' Abella , promogut i tramès perted2019 ted2019
In any case, the dog was well on its way to simply chewing the obstacle away.
L' àrea del document actual serà dividida en dues vistes. Els canvis al vostre document es poden fer en qualsevol vista. Les actualitzacions en una vista són visibles immediatament en les altresLiterature Literature
You did very well on it, by the way.”
Mostra màximaLiterature Literature
Well, one of the ways we do it in my lab and studio is we translate the light into sound, and we enable people to hear their visual world.
Crea un document buit amb marges amples per a documents d' aspecte professionalNameted2019 ted2019
On 23 January 1943, the Eighth Army took Tripoli, by which point the army retreating through Libya was already well on its way to the Mareth position.
Se n' ha d' anar de pressa!WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
They didn’t know each other well, but they were on the way to becoming friends.’
NoruegaNameLiterature Literature
The Church sees unions as one way to look after the well-being of workers and their families.
Presenta un diàleg que ofereix una varietat d' opcions de majúscules/minúscules per al text seleccionatWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A few fighters on t’other side, well, that way the gate stays open, don’t it?”
Bona nit, senyorLiterature Literature
Benjamin Roth was well on his way to making himself the most famous lawyer in the country.
Capeta novaLiterature Literature
Benjamin Roth was well on his way to making himself the most famous lawyer in the country.
No s' ha pogut llegir la longitud de l' ID de la cintaLiterature Literature
The ones that are watertight stay that way for a long time, the looser ones also hold up well.
Agafa' t o et moriràsLiterature Literature
The North Koreans were well on their way to South Korea's capital of Seoul within hours, forcing the government and its shattered army to retreat further south.
Panoramitza la vista, seguint el moviment de l' arrossegamentWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Well, the way I see it, Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday, that’s section number one of the week.
Configura el selector de parladorLiterature Literature
113 sinne gevind in 77 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.