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/ʍɪɡ/ werkwoord, naamwoord
Acidulated whey, sometimes mixed with buttermilk and sweet herbs, used as a cooling beverage.

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/ʍɪɡ/ naamwoord
(UK, politics) a member of an 18th- and 19th-century political party in Britain that was opposed to the Tories, and eventually became the Liberal Party

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The party overwhelmingly carried the state in the ensuing election and, for the first time, Stephens returned to Congress no longer a Whig.
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In contrast the Whigs, led by their Junto, enthusiastically supported the Ministry's Continental strategy of thrusting the army into the heart of France.
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Spencer Compton, 1st Earl of Wilmington, KG, PC (c. 1673 – 2 July 1743) was a British Whig statesman who served continuously in government from 1715 until his death.
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The refusal of the Whigs to make peace with France in 1706, and again in 1709 when Louis XIV offered to yield every point for which the allies professed to be fighting, showed that the war was not being continued in the national interest, and the queen, Parliament and the people supported the ministry in its wish to terminate hostilities.
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Some expected him to seek the support of the Whigs, but instead he declared himself a member of the American party.
Aquesta caixa de diàle us permetrà d' ajustar el color amb què es dibuixa la graella, els espais vertical i horitzontal i la distància d' enquadramentLiterature Literature
Anne fought stubbornly to keep her favourite minister, but when the Duke of Somerset and the Earl of Pembroke refused to act without "the General nor the Treasurer", Harley resigned: Henry Boyle replaced him as Secretary of State, and his fellow Whig, Robert Walpole, replaced St John as Secretary at War.
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The playwright Richard Brinsley Sheridan was a close friend and regular visitor: in the 1780 general election he stood jointly in the Whig interest with Mary's brother Edward and was elected 2nd Member for Stafford.
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Grattan and radical elements of the 'Irish Whig' party campaigned in the 1790s for Catholic political equality and a reform of electoral rights.
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Political realities soon forced the Union Democrats in the party to affiliate once more with the national party, and by mid-1852, the combination of both Democrats and Whigs, which had formed a "party" behind the Compromise, had ended.
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However, the Whig historian, Thomas Macaulay, denigrates Marlborough throughout the pages of his History of England who, in the words of historian John Wilson Croker, pursues the Duke with "more than the ferocity, and much less than the sagacity, of a bloodhound".
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Caroline was visiting friends and hastened back to her house, while Charlotte summoned Whig politicians to advise her.
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Incurring Anne's disfavour, and caught between Tory and Whig factions, Marlborough, who had brought glory and success to Anne's reign, was forced from office and went into self-imposed exile.
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The new king had been close to the Whigs but he was willing to bring in Tories.
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Domestically, however, the country remained divided between Whig and Tory, Jacobite and Hanoverian factions.
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The Whigs tried to link the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, the Duke of Ormonde, with the foremost Irish Tory, Redmond O'Hanlon, in a supposed plot to murder Titus Oates.
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In 1724, the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel was set to publish Blackmore's Psalms as official for America, but the Bishop of London, Edmund Gibson (a conservative, but a Whig), opposed the project and kept it from coming to fruition.
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In 1838, he was defeated by Whig William H. Seward, which led to a radical change in state politics and then ended the Regency.
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The few comedies produced also tended to be political in focus, the whig dramatist Thomas Shadwell sparring with the tories John Dryden and Aphra Behn.
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Anne also became ever more reliant on the advice of Harley, who, convinced that the duumvirate's policy of appeasing the Whig Junto was unnecessary, had set himself up as alternative source of advice to a sympathetic Queen.
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Following Pitt's death in January 1806, Wilberforce began to collaborate more with the Whigs, especially the abolitionists.
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Harley, now master of the Tory party, did all he could to persuade his colleagues that the pro-war Whigs – and by their apparent concord with Whig policy, Marlborough and Godolphin – were bent on leading the country to ruin.
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Comment prompted by Bolingbroke was continued in the House of Commons by Wyndham, and great efforts were made to establish the alliance between the Tories and the Opposition Whigs.
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Stephens quickly rose to prominence as one of the leading Southern Whigs in the House.
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Some Whigs and Tories set aside their political differences when his son and potential successor James was born in June 1688, and they conspired to replace him with his Protestant son-in-law William, Prince of Orange.
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Politically, there was never any doubt of her sympathies: although brother Edward wavered, Mary still signed herself "a True Whig" into old age.
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