while away oor Katalaans

while away

(transitive) To spend (time) idly but pleasantly

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I would be delighted to while away the hours as your brother does.
Substitueix totes les ocurrències de la paraula actual amb la paraula suggerida a través del document sencerLiterature Literature
Her father died while away at Macau in 1843 when Maria was only six years old.
zonificació d ' espais lliures públics que comporta .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I stood motionless, whiling away the time by listening to my erratic breath.
No era jo...Ets tu!Literature Literature
TO ERO AND CHASE—SOMERSET, JULY 13, 1959 Of course, I did no writing while away.
L' illa dels somriures al seu benefactorLiterature Literature
Every day he whiled away the hours either playing Go or reading books on it.
ContraccióLiterature Literature
I whiled away many a delightful hour listening to her sing as she played the piano.
Desa els paràmetres d' escànerLiterature Literature
He whiled away most of the afternoon with his book.
Qui per raó de guarda legal té cura d ’ algun menor de 6 anys o d ’ un disminuït físic i psíquic que no exerceix cap activitat retribuïda té dret a reduir fins a la meitat la seva jornada de treball , amb la reducció proporcional de les seves retribucions .Literature Literature
About how perfect metaphors, and strings of metaphors, were for whiling away the hours at play.
intestada a favor de la Generalitat de Catalunya ( DOGC núm . 2103 , deLiterature Literature
He is a twelve-year-old boy whiling away countless afternoons on the factory grounds.
& PropietatsLiterature Literature
Sitting in Room 467 Wilt could while away the time speculating on the ironies of life.
No li dic que s' amagui pero que algú es preocupi per vostèLiterature Literature
Who’s actually paying us for the time we’re whiling away here together (or not together)?
Només he ditLiterature Literature
A father must do something to while away the dark hours while he keeps vigil over his child.
Vista prèvia Cliqueu en aquest botó per a veure si us agrada l' aparença de les vostres seleccions en accióLiterature Literature
Sometimes he would while away a boring afternoon all by himself in a neighborhood cafè.
Mata la tascaLiterature Literature
Get out of here for a while, away from everyone, and just have you all to myself.”
La funció RRI calcula la taxa d' interès resultant des del profit (retorn) d' una inversióLiterature Literature
Doubtless playing her little games to while away the wearisome days of travel fatigue.
& Totes les entrades de diariLiterature Literature
I buy a ticket every week and can while away a morning fantasizing about winning.
L' organitzador és el responsable d' enviar les invitacions, recopilar les confirmacions dels assistents i mantenir actualitzades per a totes les persones implicades en l' esdeveniment o tasca pendentLiterature Literature
"I'm just whiling away the hours, reading and watching the snow,"" I said."
llocs escolars i 2 unitats de la modalitat de ciències de la natura i deLiterature Literature
I whiled away the days by returning to the places where I’d been with Marina.
La seva falta de respecte pels seus superiors...... posa als seus homes en un perill innecessariLiterature Literature
Ford had thoughtfully left him his copy of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy to while away the time with.
Quan està marcada, & kpresenter; llegirà el text de cada estri quan el punter del ratolí es mou sobre l' estriLiterature Literature
Ford had thoughtfully left him his copy of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy to while away the time with.
conseqüència , deixar sense efecte les resolucions de 27 de desembreLiterature Literature
Pushpa has prepared a package of the medicine and injections I shall need while away for the next two days.
I vostè no va sentir l' allau?Literature Literature
And the waiter seemed to think it was quite normal to see a customer whiling away time dealing with his correspondence.
No puc treure' ns d' aquí!Literature Literature
Perhaps you are just a lovesick boy happy to while away the time in a dalliance with me while the world burns.
el llançament d' emissions de deute denominades en ecus davant l ' imminentOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I was just a poor little boy, Monsignore... Even when you are king, without knowing it, you while away the time playing.
Realment noLiterature Literature
While away, they were involved in a fatal automobile accident, leaving a tremendous void in the lives of their loved ones and coworkers.
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603 sinne gevind in 41 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.